They Saved Hitler's Brain (TV Movie 1968) Poster

(1968 TV Movie)

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Deliriously Daffy Plan to Gas the World's Population
mrb19802 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"Disembodied Head Movies" are a strange lot. A head is removed for some reason, such as execution ("The Thing that Couldn't Die"), medical reasons ("The Thing With Two Heads"), experimentation ("The Incredible Two Headed Transplant"), or accident ("The Brain that Wouldn't Die"). No matter the reason for decapitation, the living head is generally in a pretty foul mood and makes life miserable for just about everyone. Here, Hitler's head is removed so the Führer can dictate again another day. So…you're a group of Nazis who have successfully removed Hitler's head and secretly taken it to a South American island. You're hanging around on the island, so what's your next move? It's to poison the world with "Nerve Gas G", of course!

This movie is actually two spliced-together ones, each with completely different actors and locations. The earlier footage, from the 1950s or early 1960s, is actually very well photographed and atmospheric in spots. The latter, late 1960s footage is extremely shoddily and cheaply made. The plot concerns Nazis living on the island of Mandoras and their plan to conquer the world by gassing everyone, then taking over. They test the nerve gas on a poor elephant, and then kidnap an American scientist to accomplish their goal. The scientist's daughter follows his trail to Mandoras, whereupon her good-guy accomplices attack and defeat the Nazis before they can release the deadly gas, finally annihilating them on a beach with explosives. Hitler (shown as a plastic head) satisfyingly burns up at the film's ridiculous climax.

This picture should have been entitled "They Saved Hitler's Head and Shoulders", because that's what you see hooked up to ominous-looking life-support machinery. Bill Freed (who plays Hitler) keeps a straight face while sitting under a glass dome and barking orders to his Nazi underlings. Actor Carlos Rivas provides the funniest parts of the film, grimly describing in flashback how the head of "Mr. H" was removed for posterity and secreted out of Germany. No matter how you look at it, this film is a one-of-a-kind movie with a plot that's very unlikely to be reused anytime soon. It's good for some remarkable belly laughs and some rather jaw-dropping scenes.
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They Shouldn't Have Saved This Movie!
Scott_Mercer16 December 2006
Getting that awful joke out of the way, let me explain.

This film exists in two forms. THEY SAVED HITLER'S BRAIN is the much worse of the two. Avoid at all costs.

But, MADMEN OF MANDORAS is a hilarious little sci-fi/exploitation B-movie, well worth your time. Please see my more extensive review under that title.

The film was released as MADMEN OF MANDORAS in 1963 and did play in theaters. Posters and lobby cards were made. It probably played in drive-in theaters and ratty city grindhouses on the bottom of double bills.

Around 1972, additional footage was added and the movie released again (probably to television) as THEY SAVED HITLER'S BRAIN. I guess to sell it to TV the movie needed to be a little longer. What a mess. The two different groups of footage do NOT mesh together at all.

But MADMEN OF MANDORAS, recently released by BCI in their Starlite Drive-In Theater series of DVDs, (from the original negative!) is worth getting for fans of schlocky 60's grade-Z trash. Sure, the plot is insane, the film is loaded with every cliché about Latin America that ever came out of Poverty Row Hollywood, and the Hitler head in a jar (not just brain, entire head; it actually even speaks and yells a little) isn't even remotely scary, it's just hilarious.

Fans of Ed Wood films and similar low budget trash will be in heaven here with the stilted dialog, mind-boggling plot machinations and perfunctory grade-B acting, with plenty of phony Spanish accents. MADMEN OF MANDORAS sits on my shelf with pride, right alongside Plan Nine, Robot Monster and Mesa of Lost Women. Quaff a few adult beverages, and enjoy.

They Saved Hitler's Brain: One Star

Madmen of Mandoras: Nine Stars! Get it!
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This is the absolute worst I've yet seen... Ouch!
jbar192 May 2003
I am a B Movie Whore. I get perverse pleasure out of really bad movies. Plus, you can learn a lot about movie making by observing other people's mistakes. Some of my favorite Bad movies include "Teenage Zombies", "Plan 9", "The Beast of Yucca Flats" and "Shriek of the Mutilated".

But nothing prepared me for "They Saved Hitler's Brain". This is a disjointed mess, with mismatching scenes (which were filmed over 10 years apart) laughable special effects and abysmal acting.

This movie was originally made in the 1950s and then some acting students purchased it and added some new scenes. But the students forget to dress as if they were in the fifties. Consequently, there are sixites hairstyles and cars in one scene, and then fifties styles and cars in another. Totally bizarre.

The special effects look as if they were created by 8 year olds for a 3rd grade school play. The scenes with Hitler's head in a glass tube are unforgettably absurd. The plot lacks any sort of coherence.

Now, some bad movies are fun to watch because you can laugh at them. But this movie just makes you stare at it with your mouth open, in stunned confusion and utter disbelief.

The scenes with Hitlers Head in the jar, especially when he is riding in the front seat of his henchman's car, are so wacky and silly, that they alone are worth suffering through this mess.

But be forewarned. This one is tough to watch. So far, it is the worst movie I have ever seen.
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When the thing was filmed (for anyone who cares)
Goldwyn9 December 2003
The movie is indeed a pastiche of two separate films with separate casts, shot years apart. However, I take issue with Leonard Maltin and the others who refer to the Stanley Cortez footage (the latter part of the film) as being from the 1950s. The actors are dancing The Twist in the Dos Palabras club in one Cortez scene. The Twist became a craze in the Fall of 1960, and remained all the rage for the next couple of years. The original Madmen of Mandoras was released in 1963 (I have a 22X28 poster, complete set of lobby cards, and some stills from this flick). All this is consistent with an early '60s (probably '62 or '63) filming of the Cortez footage.

The el cheapo additional footage (the first part of the film) was probably shot sometime between 1972-1976. The "liner notes" to the Drive-In Cult Classics 2 DVD says the modification of the old Crown International Pictures for TV release began in 1972, and the first mention of "They Saved Hitler's Brain" in a TV listing was in December, 1976.

BTW, StanleyCortez was a distinguished cinematographer who was nominated for an academy award - Orson Welles' The Magnificent Ambersons; he also photographed Charles Laughton's Night of the Hunter. The professionally photographed latter part of the film compared with the totally amateurish photography in the first part of the film makes the hodgepodge all the more evident.
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Brainless but still entertaining
sol-kay28 September 2003
It seemed that towards the end of the Second World War the Nazi's not only came up with a game plan to escape from the advancing allies to a South American country named Mandoras to regroup their forces and wait until the time was right to launch their second attempt to take over the world. They had a far more deadlier and sinister plan in how to do it then the use of any Atomic or Hydrogen bomb. The Nazis dreamed up a most intriguing idea of how they can take their leader, Adolf Hitler, along with them by putting his head, well really his brain, in a sealed and vacuumed-packed jar and have it, the brain's, super intelligence direct and guide them to total victory.

You would wonder why his brain? or even his head? why not Hitler's whole body? A movie that has to be seen to be believed with footage taken from two totally different films spliced together to try to make some sense to what the story is all about. With the results of the movie starting out like a porno flick,without any sex, and ending up like a bunch of out-takes of a very bad imitation of "Mission Impossible".

We have Hitler's head popping up all over the movie like some jack-in-the-box giving orders to his Nazi henchmen and evilly smirking every time someone gets beaten, shot or killed by them.

It had to be a miracle of science that they could have Hitler's head severed from his body and not only live but be able to communicate with them and instruct them on how to conquer the entire world. All this when he was not able to do so when he was still in one piece during the war before he was smuggled out of Germany by them. Did somehow by him becoming bodiless make Hitler smarter?

The plot also revolves around something called G-gas being released into the air and thus making it possible for the Nazi's hair brain plan of world domination to become a reality. Theirs only one hitch to their evil scheme, they have to stop a US scientist who's working on an antidote to the G-gas that would short-circuit their entire operation.

You know what, that after all these years since the release of "They Saved Hitler's Brain' I can't for the life of me see why Hollywood hasn't made a sequel.
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Another Manic Movie!!
fantasticdoug11 October 2008
I don't think this movie is as bad as a lot of people seem to think. It actually has a little bit of charm all its own. Of course,you see that I said "a little bit". But it was enough to keep me interested to watch the entire film. It was a blast from the past. The clothes,the cars,the gun play,the black and white grainy film,and the bad acting! It is a genre that is long since gone with the wind. And the extra footage was a real riot!! Night scenes shot(I mean filmed)in broad daylight reminded me of another flick in this genre,"Plan 9 From Outer Space". You might say that "...Hitler's Brain" is so bad that it's good. Then again,you might not. I plan on watching this movie several more times and savor all the crazy antics again and again. It is no "Indiana Jones" but it may just provide a laugh or two on a dark winters night with the wind howling outside your door. Turn the lights down low,lock your doors and windows,and pop the movie in your DVD. You'll laugh,you'll cry,and you'll kiss 92 minutes good-by!!!
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Well the first half has some excellent editing...
Vigilante-40719 June 2001
I assume everyone knows that They Saved Hitler's Brain is basically two bad movies crushed together as one. The first 20-30 minutes were produced in the mid-sixties, and the rest was produced in the late fifties...a fact that really comes through in the production values.

I actually prefer the first half of the movie, and do have at least one good thing to say about this film...the editing in in the first half is excellent. The chase and crash footage from Thunder Road is edited in rather seemlessly...if I hadn't seen Thunder Road first, I would have never recognized it or realized it was stock footage.

Of course, all the characters introduced in the first ten minutes are dead by the halfway point, and the fifties-half of the movie begins, which actually takes you down to South America (or at least San Diego) to meet Mr. H, his goons, and his inane plan for immortality. We go from bad but moderately interesting sixties film to bad and boring fifties sci-fi/nazi movie.
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Not as Fun as it Sounds
Mr. Pulse12 January 2001
I assure you, as great as a movie entitled "They Saved Hitler's Brain" sounds, it does not live up to that title. It doesn't even live up to the title "They." It's just disappointing.

The plot in general is a little difficult to follow, but as I understand it, well, they saved Hitler's brain. And given that a brain is really no good without a head, they also saved Hitler's head, and a bit of a neck. That way he could live in a big glass jar and bark orders in German.

Sure it sounds fun, but we only see Hitler Head for about 5 minutes out of the 90 total. The rest of the time winds through confusing kidnapping plots, and government scientist, and formulas, and lots of boring people who speak in unnecessary Spanish accents. I never quite understood who was the main character (They sort of shift back and forth), or who was the villain (Hitler I guess, but really his role is more of a cameo). Until they get to the wacky Nazis, it's all rather unfunny, and generally uninteresting.

The movie is poorly made, and that keeps it from being a complete snooze, but with a title like "They Saved Hitler's Brain" I really expected better. Disappointing.
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13Funbags4 April 2020
Thank goodness for IMDb. It explained two very important things that were confusing me. The first 30 minutes were not originally a part of this movie and this was made for tv. That explains so much. I really wish they could have explained the giant backwards swastika too. I love that the imaginary South American country is decorated by sombreros hanging on walls. It would be like America being decorated by tukes. Only watch this if you are looking to make fun of a movie.
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The brain was saved, the movie wasn't
1523121 February 2004
I honestly started watching this movie with no idea of its plot (aside from that given by the title) and expected it to be some sort of cheap B movie from the fifties requiring me to suspend all reality of biology, physics, etc. as is necessary to watch so many sci-fi B movies of that era. I normally get a kick out with those movies because everyone knows they were made just for escapist fun . This one, sadly, wasted so much time on irrelevant subplots and secret agent chases added in the late sixties, that I fell asleep before getting to the original, early sixties movie.

The part of the film made in the early sixties has some fun in it (if one can suspend all belief in science and accept the head itself) and has the really bad/silly plot, over acting, melodrama and effects that made B movies what we expect them to be. It rambles along to its 'climax' (with the head reacting to fire as no real human head ever could). The jarringly 'mod' new story (with the car chase scene that can't seem to decide if it takes place during the day or in the middle of the night) added to the beginning almost is reminiscent of the silly cheesiness of The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes - except this was intended to be serious and thus seems a little pathetic.

Overall, the final film is just bad – and not in a good way. Unless you want a good cure for insomnia, avoid this one.
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The horror...
ericstevenson25 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When watching this movie, I seriously thought there was something I missed. A lot of movies come off as incomprehensible to me, but this seemed even more so than usual. I really was trying hard to figure the plot out and I was confused seeing as how from one source I heard this movie was twenty minutes shorter. I now realize I was watching an even worse extended version filmed years after the original ended. This is one of the most idiotic things I have ever seen in my entire life. When watching this movie, I couldn't tell who was who and what anyone was even doing. Again, it's mostly because of the horrible filming. "They Saved Hitler's Brain" is even WORSE than it sounds.

Speaking of filming, the camera work in this movie is among the worst I've ever seen. A lot of the pictures come off as really stilted and slanted for some reason. I don't even know if it was intentional, or some mistake with the camera crew. A lot of times the scenes just wobble around, literally. It's some of the worst editing I've ever seen and it's just unpleasant to even look at. The characters in this movie say some of the dumbest lines I've ever heard. One guy says, "With a wife like that, who needs a girlfriend?". What does that even mean? Seriously? Later, an obnoxious woman says, "They were really nice. They pulled a gun on me!". Yes, that's more or less exactly what she said. Who would say that? There's even a scene where the wife's sister makes out with her husband over and over and nobody cares. Or maybe that wasn't the husband? Was it some other character? Who cares? Hitler's brain doesn't even appear until over two thirds in the movie and has only a few minutes of screen time.

This doesn't even work well as a B-movie. They could have had this goofy Hitler head but even the head does practically nothing. There's not even any reason to have him. The Nazis could have done just fine. There's one scene where they mention that everyone was eliminated and then say that someone lived. What? On another occasion, they claim that the Nazis have been working for 18 years. World War II ended in 1945, but they would have worked on it for 23 years. Can these people not even count? Maybe there was something I was missing with all this dialogue, but I didn't care at all. They defeat Hitler by throwing bombs at him and you see three shots of his face melting. I couldn't even tell who was dead or alive at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if this was featured on the first episode of the new "Mystery Science Theater 3000". It's boring, stupid, pointless, and every other bad plot point I can think of. This gets zero stars now and forever.
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A really amusing and entertaining Grade Z schlock camp hoot
Woodyanders29 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Professor John Coleman (nicely played by John Holland) gets abducted by a group of evil Nazis. Coleman's decent, morally upright son-in-law Phil (likable Walter Stocker) and his sweet wife Kathy (lovely Audrey Claire) go to the South American country of Mandoras to save him. They discover the living disembodied head of none other than Adolph Hitler (a hilariously manic portrayal by Bill Freed), who plans on taking over the world with a deadly nerve gas that only Professor Coleman knows the antidote to. David Bradley's competent direction maintains a steady pace throughout and effectively develops a colorful south-of-the-border atmosphere. The acting is generally solid, with especially stand-out turns by Nestor Paiva as polite, friendly, cigar-puffing police chief Alaniz and the delightful Dani Lynn as wacky slang-slinging beatnik hipster chick Suzanne. Film noir veteran Stanley Cortez's gorgeously sharp'n'slick cinematography gives the movie an attractive glossy look. The booming'n'bombastic stock library score is pretty funny. Ditto the priceless scene where a dead body falls out of a phone booth. Although a bit slow and talky, this notorious Grade Z schlock camp classic nonetheless radiates a certain cruddy charm that's both amusing and entertaining in equal measure. The BCI Eclipse DVD offers both the superior and more coherent original picture along with the extremely muddled and dreadful alternate version "They Saved Hitler's Brain."
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One of the best of the worst.
Melllvar6 February 2001
If you loved Eegah and Plan 9 From Outer Space you will love this movie.This film is classic "bad" as bad was meant to be. In this film there is a kidnapped scientist,a misguided businessman and hidden Nazis with a master plan.This movie also presents a female federal agent over two decades before Dana Scully on X-Files. Progressive or lousy,its your call. I gave it a 6.
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mmthos22 November 2020
Definitely B, or should it be D grade sci-fi noir in the old style with an out-there ridiculous premise that audiences are bound to be curious whether it can be pulled off. and how.

A model of a trite script with corny humor that includes all the most tired, overused lines from any and all generic police flicks that have gone before, with a few implied "zieg heils" thrown in as a lazy attempt to distinguish it. There's one bright spot in the cast, seen too infrequently, a hip,contrary little sister of the principal female lead's character who wants nothing to do with all the solemnities, just a girl who wants to have fun, and she livens things for the short time she's on screen. Also fun is Hitler's head in a jar barking indistinguishably what doesn't sound like real German, then melts in the final conflagration

Amusing in the so-bad-it's good way.
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geez, it wasn't THAT bad
CatTales6 April 2001
"Is this a bad joke?!" utters a character when the plot is explained. In all fairness, I can't see how anyone would elevate this to ANY list, good or bad; mediocre but not Ed Woodian or as as bad as "Mesa of Lost Women." The oddity of the film is that some 1970's people added some footage at the beginning, which doesn't advance the plot but does highlight that the ORIGINAL, in contrast, had higher production values which viewers dismiss. Why they added more is a mystery: to finish the film? to change its politics (women's lib)? Given the fact that it was probably too expensive to replicate the "look" of the original footage, it was probably a money-making scheme. The original was on a par with other low-budget films like "Beatniks," "Teenagers from outer space", etc., with a few recognizable actors. Add to that it's intentionally funny moments (husband-wife banter, a beatnik sister, an improbable marriage at the climax) makes this NOT a topper for movie Baddom. What would have been interesting was if the amateur 1970's filmmakers had disassembled the film, like Steve Martin's "Dead men don't wear plaid" or Woody Allen's dubbed spy movie "What's up tigerlily"(surely the granddaddy of MST3K). As for the misnamed title, 2 other 'head' films also avoid using "head": "Brain that wouldn't die"(though they change the movie title at the end from brain to head) and "Thing that couldn't die." I guess "head" just doesn't sound scary. And the other complaint that 'Mr. H'(aka Hitler) doesn't say anything, well, it's not the Biography Channel; besides, what else would he say?: "Will someone PLEASE scratch my nose?!" For this invasion he's literally just a figurehead/paperweight (one of the characters alludes to this), and his head without a body aptly metaphors the Nazi totalitarian society where noone must feel anything (what would Nazis do on a Saturday night?). As Mr. H's plans backfire again, you'd think he'd learn from history: two wrongs don't make a Reich.
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Bad, but not even a "good" bad film
planktonrules18 August 2007
In its original form, this was called THE MADMEN OF MANDORAS, but shown in the States it was retitled THEY SAVED HITLER'S BRAIN and some additional footage was added. The story is about a group of Nazis who decided to cut off Hitler's head and shove it in a pickle jar until they could later re-attach it to another body and create a 4th Reich. To show us how bad Hitler was, before cutting off his head he screamed and ranted like someone who THINKS they are talented and can pretend to speak in German. Then, inside the jar, you see a head that looks like wax and yet can somehow speak--yelling "macht schnell!" again and again. I just kept thinking to myself "if they can smuggle Hitler's head out of Germany, then WHY cut off the head--can't they just take ALL of him?!".

While this might not technically be the worst film ever made, it is very close--and totally inept throughout. However, unfortunately, it is NOT timeless like bad films like PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE because unlike PLAN 9, THEY SAVED HITLER'S BRAIN is a very dull film. You know, the sort of film that is bad but not fun to watch with friends to laugh at how bad it was. Take my advice, for a bad but fun film try PLAN 9 or TEENAGERS FROM OUTER SPACE or ATTACK OF THE KILLER SHREWS--this film is just boring and not worth your time.
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It's a shame IMDB doesn't let us rate something as '0'
johnrp-13 October 2002
Horrible acting. Horrible writing. Horrible props. Horrible storyline. Horrible effects. Horrible everything!

This is it, the one and only truly most horrible film ever produced by the human race. I'd recommend burning it, but even that would be a waste of good oxygen.
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"Can you tell us what this is all about, and how you fit into this little rat race?"
classicsoncall25 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I think I must have suffered a bout of attention deficit disorder while watching this, but thankfully I'm OK now. Along with a case of minor hearing loss, this film was almost impossible to follow. Characters that looked like they were among the principal cast wound up getting killed, and others just seemed to come and go at random. Holding on long enough to identify a favorite scene, it finally arrived when a couple of thugs engaged in a car chase started out in daylight, while the poor sap they were chasing wound up crashing in the dark. When the bad guys arrived on the scene, it was day time again! Oddly, this wasn't the first time I ever ran across a situation like this. It happens somewhat regularly in old time B Westerns and I came across the same thing one time in an episode of "One Step Beyond". Come to think of it, this picture was a couple steps beyond anyone's normal comprehension. But you know, there are some films just by dint of their title that you really have to see what they're all about, like say "Snakes on a Plane" or "Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter". So I tuned in, checked out the head of Adolf Hitler in a bell jar, and managed to grind it out to the finale when Adolf started to feel the heat, I imagine, just like the first time around.
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Mein koph!
jamesrupert20146 November 2018
This low-budget neoNazi fever dream (with one of the all-time great movie titles) brings us a group of unrepentant übermensch plotting world conquest from their lair in the fictional Latin-American country of Mandoras. Their führer is none other than the disembodied head of Adolf Hitler (or "Mr. H." as he is occasionally referred to), which was removed and spirited out of Berlin in the last days of the Third Reich. Key to the nefarious Nazi renaissance is the deployment of "G-gas", a potent nerve agent, and the plot revolves around their attempts to ensure that no one else has the antidote to the apocalyptic weapon. Not surprisingly, the film's only highlights are the scenes featuring the eye-rolling überhead, especially when he's leering at some act of brutality. "They Saved Hitler's Brain" is a padded version of "The Madmen of Mandoras" (1963), with extra amateur-looking and anachronistic footage added in the late '60s/early '70s to increase running time. You will lose nothing and save 16 minutes of your life if you watch the original film rather than the more evocatively titled TV-version, plus, the fiery climax is longer and more gruesome in the original.
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They Saved This Film
Rainey-Dawn12 January 2016
Yes They Saved Hitler's Brain - along with this film. Apparently this film is actually call THE MADMEN OF MANDORAS (1963) with some extra added footage to create a TV movie in 1968 - from everything I've read on it.

The movie is, well, odd. It makes since to a degree but not completely. Maybe this is why there is a cult following for the film.

Personally I don't think this is a grand film - it's really boring in parts and interesting in other scenes. The best scene is the flashback to Hitler and his head being saved - that was done nicely. The part where we see Hitler's head is fairly neat. The rest of the film is rather bland especially for an action sci-fi film. The only real action is people talking and talking - a lot.

Sadly, this is not a really cool sci-fi spy action film like I was hoping it would be.

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Why did they save this film?
bkoganbing2 June 2013
For those of you who were unfortunate enough to have They Saved Hitler's Brain inflicted on you I'm sure you are asking the inevitable question of why was this film salvaged. There was a decision by somebody to save this awful independent film.

Shooting was started in the late Fifties, then stopped and ended in the late sixties. Did someone think this was Citizen Kane masterpiece that had to be saved? That's a scary thought.

The death by bombing of a scientist who spent some time in a South American country called Manduras starts this film and we find out the place is a haven for Nazis. And the biggest Nazi of all is somewhat in residence.

Some Mengele type scientist have decapitated Hitler at the Reichstag bunker in the final days of World War II and have discovered a new process to keep the brain alive and functioning. So we see Hitler's familiar looking head inside some big beaker, still giving orders for a comeback.

Do I have to say more as to how ridiculous this film is?
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Crummy old movie padded with crummy new footage
michaeldouglas112 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I give it a '4' rating strictly for it's camp value. My understanding of the history is that "Madman of Mandoras" was released in 1963, and was definitely "B" material even then. It quickly sank from view and was forgotten, like so many other "Grade-Z" pics of the era. But with growing popularity, local TV stations were running their own movies, usually with a host, and often specialized in schlocky horror and sci-fi from the 1950s & early 60s.

Where I grew up we had "Fright Night" hosted by the immortal Larry "Seymour" Vincent on KHJ-TV Channel 9 (later he moved to KTLA Channel 5). The cheaper and cheesier the movie, the better for the host to make fun of. Seymour wasn't the first by any means (Vampira, Jeepers Creepers, Ghoulita, Shrimpenstein), but he was the absolute master of the comic put-down, paving the way for Elvira and others, and crappy junk-movies were his 'stock in trade'. So lots of old, forgotten movies were being dug out of the vaults and put into syndication packages for these local TV stations. "Madman of Mandoras" was perfect material, in that it was cheap and unintentionally funny... except that it had barely 70 minutes of running time -- not enough to fill the local channel's movie slot, even with commercials (back then, commercial breaks were much shorter affairs... thank goodness!).

So as I understand it, one of the big distributors of old movies took the movie to the UCLA School of Film, and asked them to film some extra scenes that could be melded into the original "Madmen" footage to pad it out so they could include it in their syndication packages. So basically the new footage was film-student written, acted, and produced (and looks it). Also explains why you'll never see these actors in anything else! Most sources give this project's date as 1968, but I strongly believe that to be in error. I have seen several sources that have it as 1973, and from the looks of the "new" footage, it really does appear more "early-to-mid Seventies" than 1968.

I suppose they did about as good as could be expected, plot-wise, with the new footage. They give us a "Doctor Bernard" (long hair) who steals a formula from a safe at the beginning, but his car blows up when he turns the ignition. Then we find out that what Dr. Bernard stole was actually the antidote to the dreaded "G-Gas" (real cleaver name for the stuff, eh?). The Nazis simply wanted it destroyed since they already possess G-Gas. They manage to work in the kidnapping of Dr. Coleman into the new story-line and characters fairly well (though much of it is supposed to take place at night, yet it's obviously filmed in broad daylight!) Unfortunately the film itself is of different quality, so the changes between old and new are obvious -- even without seeing the "mod' hair and clothes styles!

Also, the "new" CID agent Toni is certainly a product of the Women's Liberation Movement, which was in full swing in 1973. The banter between her and fellow agent Vic (long hair and porn-star mustache) is so very "period" -- when women were first struggling to be taken seriously and accepted as equals in a "man's world"; for anyone who lived thru that time, we've seen variations of their mini "battle of the sexes" way too often. Naturally neither Toni or Vic are even remotely akin to real CIA or FBI agents. (Toni tools around in a little putt-putt VW Beetle. Is that standard secret agent issue? Bond had his gadget- & weapon-laden Aston Martin; while Toni's got her Bug that can't outrun anything enemy agents would drive).

But then again, "fellow" CID Agent Phil Day of the old footage doesn't come off as much more believable. He and his wife's story-line practically begins like a "Father Knows Best" episode... her the dutiful housewife ready when he gets off work with martinis and romantic music on the Hi-Fi. I half-expected Ward & June Cleaver to drop by for dinner. And what in the world is Phil's wife tagging along with him to Mandoras in South America, anyways? Okay, we get that her father was the Professor Coleman who was kidnapped, but is that 'standard operating procedure' for CID agents to take their wives along on missions? Then, in the tiny nation of Mandoras, they happen to bump into her sister, of all people, who's unaware that daddy has even been kidnapped! For such a small, off-the-beaten-path little country like Mandoras (where the Nazis can quietly go about their plotting) they sure get a lot of tourists (including the stereotypical loud-mouth Texas oilman. Where's JR Ewing when you need him?).

I won't delve into later absurdities such as laughable plot, stupid dialog, and the Fuhrer-In-A-Pickle-Jar; others have more than adequately covered those! All and all, while the new footage was pretty desperate, it really doesn't 'pull down' the old "Madman of Mandoras" -- simply because that movie was pretty wretched all by itself!
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Genius Terrific Hitler brain film
lorenzoestevez16 February 2018
Screw what others think - this film is completely brilliant - an indulgence of campy silly garbage that is hilarious and totally enjoyable .... i love it!
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They tried to fool the public, but the public caught on.
mark.waltz18 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so perhaps they didn't catch on, but it's probably because they didn't go to see "The Madmen of Mandoras" when I first came out, and if they even tuned in to watch this and it's TV are in, they are probably grateful that they did not. The title of this movie gives an indication of the bad taste that certain film makers and students had in both 1963 and 1968/69, thinking that film viewers were ready for the nightmare of the return of the most wretched world leader of the 20th Century. Thinking that just by adding some new footage they could rein in some bucks shows a tackiness that probably hasn't been topped. The original film is just plain lousy. Why kick an old dead brain that nobody wanted to see when it first oozed out of the head that contained it?

The problem with the original film was there was so much footage in it that was extraneous to the plot that it took time to even get to what the film was really about. So you're already taking a bad movie with unnecessary scenes and adding an even more and calling out a new film, and it ends up being one of the greatest crimes of cinematic history. A banal script, the worst acting possible, and a film that looked like it was made twenty years before results in a film that ends up being a bomb twice. The credits of both of the films are exactly the same, outside of the title, with the same music. This is a type of movie that you can just get enough of by watching the trailer of either version, and save yourself a good hour of pain.
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It's not supposed to be a comedy?
bgrubb28 February 2003
The acting and special effects in this film are so bad as to be funny. The lack of any meaningful (or at least coherent) plot is equally hysterical. I was laughing so hard in some scenes that I had trouble getting my breath. As far as a serious horror film is concerned this is disaster but as far as a comedy is concerned it is smash hit.
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