Scorpion Thunderbolt (1988) Poster

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Seriously, one of the most insane films I have ever seen
udar552 February 2006
Another cut and paste film starring Richard Harrison from Joseph Lai's cinematic chop-shop IFD Films. But this time there is nary a ninja in sight as we have Harrison battling a demented witch who is killing people by controlling a woman who turns into a large half human/half snake monster. The main portion of the film deals with the snake woman and her love affair with a cop and that begins to get old after a while (although it is gory). The Harrison inserts have him going to find and destroy this "evil witch who lives in a red castle" and they are the highlight of the film. His first scene has him picking up a girl after she has flashed him on the side of the road. "I hate to see someone stand in the rain," he says. Then she tells him that she is an actress (she is actually an assassin sent by a witch) and they should head to the studio to check out her latest film. Cut to Harrison and that chick in a screening room watching one of her films which consists solely of her being tied up naked and painted on by some Chinese dude. Harrison looks at it completely stone faced and then leans over and says, "I've got to admit, you have f@#king talent!" She then proceeds to do a striptease for him set to the sounds of looped Jean Michele Jarre. The climactic battle features stings from both RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK and SUPERMAN. Awesome!
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Wow, Wow, Now That Was Bizarre.
mikecanmaybee21 February 2022
I don't know who the Director of the Donor movie was, however, he/she was light years more talented then the director who received the credit Godfrey Ho. In an effort to not give away too much suffice it to say that the leading man Inspector Lee played by (Homer Cheung) I think - is involved in a love triangle with his fellow Lady Detective and also Journalist Helen. Now one of these lady's turns out to be a real snake. So much bizarre stuff happens during this film including cut inns of the Ho Directed part with Richard Harrison having an almost too graphic sex scene with a stripper. There are too many snakes, a funny maniac named Hagow, a Monk, a Witch and a blind guy who blows a futile flute just to name a few. Scorpion Thunderbolt is not a feel good flick and it left me a little uneasy, but I still highly recommend it.
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More Godfrey Ho craziness.
BA_Harrison27 September 2018
Scorpion Thunderbolt is my 20th Godfrey Ho film to date, which means that, to my shame, I have now watched more films by Ho than I have Hitchcock. Ho is the yin to Hitchcock's yang, his films lacking in artistic merit, devoid of technical ability and free from the bounds of logic. Scorpion Thunderbolt is a prime example - a confusing mash-up of martial arts, monsters and magic that pays no heed to the established rules of cinema.

By re-editing scenes from 1983 Taiwanese horror Grudge of the Sleepwalking Woman, and inserting new footage featuring his go-to star Richard Harrison, Ho has created yet another wild and totally incomprehensible mess of random imagery that rarely makes sense. It's hard going at times, with scenes jumping awkwardly from the old footage to the new, terrible acting and dreadful effects, but occasionally the film entertains through its ineptitude and sheer bizarreness.

The plot, if one can call it that, concerns a pretty journalist called Helen Yu who transforms into a snake demon to kill women, her murderous impulses urged on by a semi-naked witch with golden talons and a blind man with a flute. Meanwhile, martial arts expert Harrison beats up and kills various baddies in his quest to destroy the witch using his magic ring, a golden sword and a mystical mirror.

Along the way, we witness a mental patient in a tree slinging animal guts at his carers, a hitch-hiker flashes her tits at Richard Harrison (before showing him her porn movie), Helen and her cop boyfriend Jackie run in slow motion along a beach, a man shoots snooker balls between a woman's legs, snakes attack Helen and Jackie while they are driving (animals were probably harmed during the filming of this scene), the witch does some expressive dance, and Helen transforms into a flying rubber snake-person.

You won't see any of that in a Hitchcock movie!
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Snake Queen of the Disco
gavcrimson28 February 2001
'What the Hell's this all about?'- remarks Richard Harrison to his dead porno star girlfriend after shes tried to kill him and vomited orange liquid during their back row nookie in a sex cinema. Its a question you may be asking yourself after experiencing this slice of random cut and paste filmmaking. The backbone of Scorpion Thunderbolt is an unreleased (at lea st to the west) asian horror movie- which in the age old tradition has been fleshed out with new footage featuring an american star to sell it to western territories. In its original incarnation Scorpion tells the tale of Helen Yu- a journalist who hides a dreadful secret- shes a snake monster! In flashback we witness Helen's mother to be being lead astray by a handsome young man. During an outdoor quickie with the strapping lad the girl discovers he is really a human sized snake. The whole encounter was revenge motivated on his/its part since the girl's father sells dead snakes and boils them down for soup. The girl gives birth to Helen but the apparently normal child is a monster who turns on its mother during breast feeding. A bloodbath ensues with the girl's father trying to take an axe to the infant, only to have his eyes pulled out by snakes, blinded he inadvertently murders his daughter with the axe. In present day Hong Kong- Helen is transformed against her will into the snake monster by a sinister blind night-watchman and his mysterious flute playing (which can also make dogs walk backwards). The film begins with one such gore murder as a nubile girl is chased by a weirdo only to end up eviscerated by the monster. The police, lead by Inspector Jackie Ko- initially suspect this bald limping loony of the killings and track him down to a mental hospital where he's in the process of eating a cat- he reacts to attempts at capture by beating the cops with the dead pussy and hiding up a tree. In the process of the investigation Helen falls in love with Ko- who has his own problems in the form of a revenge crazed ex-con he helped put away. Breaking into Ko's home the masked criminal handcuffs Ko to a table forcing him to watch as the man ties up and strips a pretty female police office in one of the films more censor troubling scenes. Ko breaks free and fights the madman, while in a neighbouring apartment block the monster goes bonkers mutilating some disco chicks- the monster's speciality being mashing girls faces in with its giant claws. Ko and Helen go on a date but its a disaster, the masked man shoots up their picnic and an attack by snakes causes Ko to crash the car. Finally they end up in a hotel where Helen again turns into the snake monster snuffing out a couple in a sauna. When Helen tells him the ghastly truth Ko remarks 'Does that mean... I'm in love with a vampire?'- of course it'll all end in tears. The 'new' plotline which is at best clumsily interwoven into this narrative concerns some nonsense about Richard Harrison and the 'hypnotising power of a woman's witchery'. Under the orders of a witch everyones out to stomp Richard, whether its the plumber or the aforementioned sex actress who hitches rides by flashing her attributes at passing motorists. With one of his worst films recently under his belt (Eurocine's kiddie movie Get Up Kiko and Run) getting flashed by bimbos and breaking bones must have been a blessed relief to Harrison. Scorpion Thunderbolt slithered out from the studios of Joseph Lai's IFD films- in the mid- Eighties Joe's niche was to have the ubiquitous Godfrey Ho shoot footage of Harrison to pad out the rottenest of Kung-Fu films (never did it matter that the new footage didn't remotely fit in with the rest of the film). The commercial surface of this enterprise is best illustrated in titles like Ninja Commandments, Ninja Dragon, Ninja Hunt, Ninja Kill, Ninja Show-down, Ninja Terminator, Ninja The Protector, Ninja Thunderbolt and Ninja Operation parts 1 to 8. A rare nugget in this cinematic rough- Scorpion Thunderbolt has all the unpredictability of a hard core mental patient- even in its original version the tone catapults from slapstick farce to heavy duty gore. A Shocking Asia-esque feel also looms over the film with its 'amour' of settings like red light districts and tacky discos. Add to this the fact that you are just never quite sure what's meant to be funny and what's unintentional and you have a film butchered of what sense it may have once possessed but retaining a power to take you off guard. If the idea of a blind night-watchman is absurd the film ups the ante by having him appear on a TV chatshow at one point 'a most talented man he's a blind night-watchman who has overcome gout and arthritis- he also plays the flute'. The highlight though belongs to the Jerry Lewis impersonator who learns the hard way that its not wise to kick an irate snake monster's tail. Remarkably there is way too much to savour in this true grab bag of a film for one single viewing- for moments of unguarded lunacy only filter out with each viewing. Scorpion Thunderbolt will provide a weeks worth of late night viewing fuel for tired eyes- the stunningly inappropriate use of Jean- Michel Jarre's Oxygene is worth the price of admission alone.
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Bad, entertaining as these cut and paste things go, but ultimately one of the all time worst movies
dbborroughs12 February 2006
Another film based on a story by AAV Creative Unit This movie walks that fine line between being "one of the absolutely worst films ever made" and "one of the absolutely worst films ever made, yet somehow entertaining". Its a line it crosses and re-crosses frequently with in its 90 minute running time making for a surreal experience. (And don't get me wrong this movie is BAD, but its occasionally as low as you can go in badness and still be enjoyable in a jaw dropping sort of way.) The plot of this film has a witch queen sending off a rubber suited monster thats controlled by a guy playing a magic flute off to kill people while the cops try to stop the mayhem. Meanwhile in unrelated footage Richard Harrison runs around trying to look like he's part of the movie after a girl he picks up on the side of the road (after she flashes him her breasts) dies spewing orange ooze after a failed murder attempt during sex. I wish I was making this up.

Dreadful, this is a movie that will tax even the most jaded bad movie lover. Die Hard bad movie fans will eat this up most others will be shaking their head wondering what in the wide wide world of sports is going on how many people actually paid to see it.

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Threeman27 March 2002
Trust me. I've been in enough sleazy video stores, pored over myriad Z-grade shlockers to be able to qualify this as the most inept waste of celluloid I have ever seen. And yet it achieves greatness in a way only the most bereft of talent can, a deliriously incompetent mishmash of bungling Kung-Fu action, tomato-ketchup horror and side-splitting soft porn. Only the most insane need apply.
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Pappy-show Thunderbolt..! It sucks!
smiley-3224 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I won his video at a raffle 2 years ago. After going through my video collection, I finally got the chance to watch the film. OK! It's another one of those 'Joseph Lai's cheap action fluke'. But this one has got to be one of the weirdest.

This film tells the story about a serial killer snake (which some guy must've been dressed in a humanoid snake costume) goes round killing women. Although the police are trying desperately hard to find the killer. They do believe it's not human.

As the film goes, we run into Richard Harrison who plays himself (for some reason). He has a ring which could a stop an evil witch from putting out those weird spells which somehow is responsible for making this woman (Helen) a journalist from turning herself into the snake demon.

Another thing about this flick which I had to laugh at, is how comes I watch one of Joseph Lai's movies, they always have music samples from 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' or 'The Big Brawl'. Some well known movies and they take the music score from that movie and put it on theirs? It so weird. Anyway, the film may've been good, but not that good! Totally disastrous
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The cinematic equivalent of LSD!
HaemovoreRex5 September 2006
Dear God(frey)! What a bloody mess!

Poor Richard Harrison yet again finds himself acting out some completely nonsensical scenes which are then edited into a completely non related, even more nonsensical movie!

The plot concerns a female journalist who every now and then, against her will (at the beckoning of a blind, flute playing man) transforms into a snake demon type thing and proceeds to go on murderous rampages. This dramatic physiological change from a beautiful woman into a rubbery abomination is further instigated (so we're led to believe via newly edited in footage) by a wicked witch with long gold fingernails who spends her time banging on a drum and gyrating in a most uncoordinated manner....fair enough.

Harrison's scenes concern his possession of a magic ring which ostensibly holds the key to the dissolution of the witch's power and the witch's minions' subsequent attempts to relieve Harrison of the said item (by violent means) Yes indeed - this film is bad! Headache inducing-ly bad in fact, but if you're a Godfrey Ho fan, then you wouldn't have it any other way!

Highly recommended and a craptastic delight!
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Gloriously ludicrous trash
Woodyanders18 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
An evil, clawed, cackling witch woman unleashes a savage humanoid snake monster that embarks on a brutal killing spree in a major city. The ever-suave Richard Harrison has to fend off several assassins who want his magic ring and must find the witch in order to stop her. Meanwhile, fetching lady reporter Helen fears that she might be the snake monster. Once again singularly all-thumbs writer/director Godfrey Ho does his customary slipshod cut'n'paste hackjob of haphazardly combining two separate films together with a flagrant disregard for both cinematic artistry and narrative coherence. For example, take the totally nonsensical sequence with Harrison picking up an attractive American hitch-hiker (she naturally flashes her breasts in order to get a ride from Richard). Harrison takes the lass to a movie theater, she performs a striptease for Richard, they proceed to make love, and the chick even attempts to kill him while they're in the middle of doing just what you think. Moreover, we've also got a constant swift pace, lots of graphic, yet cheesy gore, a few pulsating disco tunes blaring away on the soundtrack (one gal gets attacked by the monster while dancing in her living room to a pounding disco tune!), gaudy cinematography, sleazy soft-core sex, ineptly staged martial arts fights, laughably lousy dubbing (an Asian police officer sports an utterly incongruous plummy British accent!), tasty gratuitous female nudity, plenty of slithery snakes, a mysterious blind flute player, a riotously pathetic rubbery beast, and a fiery over-the-top conclusion. All these choice cruddy ingredients add up to produce one hilariously awful, but still hugely entertaining mess of a gut-busting schlock howler.
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Cut-and-paste epic
ken-miller5 December 2002
By far the best of Godfrey Ho's cut-and-paste movies, SCORPION THUNDERBOLT features tawdry kung fu combat, soft core sex, blood 'n' gore, and a goofy rubber snake-beast! The spliced together elements don't make much sense, but there's something about this weird mishmash of a movie that makes it bizarrely enjoyable!
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Godfrey Ho giving us a show!
ejmax-7804915 August 2021
The master of cut-together films brings us another action-packed, unreleased asian film clips, Richard Harrison filled, insanely weird movie! It has everything from half-naked witches, snake monsters, kung-fu sequences, and love triangles. Giving it a 10 because it's fun, entertaining from beginning to end, and has the master Richard Harrison himself. Definitely recommend this if you love old ninja movies, trash movies, or are a fan of Godfrey Ho or Richard Harrison.
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Nutterly butterly
Bezenby27 January 2017
How much credit should you give to a guy who is only responsible for about fifteen percent of the footage you actually see in a film? Who knows, but I'm giving this Godfrey Ho film an eight anyway. I'm not even sure if he's actually seen any of it himself.

This one (or two, if you know what I mean), involves a lady who turns into a snake demon every time a blind guy plays a flute which is triggered by a witch demon playing the bongos. In snake form this lady goes out and murders folks in graphic ways. The police are baffled. And crap, but she manages to hook up with one of them anyway (the one that's practically stalked by one of his colleagues).

In the film that Godfrey Ho actually bothered doing himself, Richard Harrison is baffled as various people wearing the same t-shirt constantly attack him in order to get a sacred ring off of him. The first person to try this is an actress who puts the moves on Richard while they are both watching a film of the actress being painted (just like Majestic Thunderbolt!).

This one is really high on the insane visuals, what with a guy playing pool while firing the balls straight at the crotch of his prisoner, then there's the lunatic with the dead pig hiding up in a tree, or two cobras descending from a ceiling to bite a guy in the eyes at the same time. Utter madness.

This is a great Godfrey Ho film and well worth your time - Perhaps not so funny as usual (what with most of the film being stolen wholesale and just played out, although we do get the hilarious cockney accents), it's still highly entertaining and never boring for a minute.

It's on YOUTUBE.
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Extremely incoherent. I loved it!!
brebitzer24 November 2018
Best quote in the film-"Be careful....of the monster". 🤣🤣🤣. Total pile of trash production, but you get some tit shots every now and then. Really makes the perpetual confusion more bearable. The film ends quit abruptly (scripted from a 4th grader) and strangely you want more!
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Godfrey Ho's mad cut and paste cult monster classic
Leofwine_draca11 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Following on from the apparent success of their cut-and-paste "ninja" movies starring Richard Harrison, Godfrey Ho and Joseph Lai re-teamed for this incredible piece of gory trash. Once again we have a Hong Kong film intercut with totally unrelated scenes of hardman Richard engaging in all sorts of fisticuffs and martial arts escapades which makes for one extreme, confusing movie. One of the worst films ever made is perversely one of the most hilariously enjoyable to watch! The film starts off well for bad movie buffs with a chase through the dark streets of Hong Kong, ending in a pretty young girl getting messily shredded by a barely-seen slimy creature with lots of tentacles. The local police are soon investigating and become convinced that the killer is a snake monster after discovering some kind of larvae under a desk at their HQ! They pursue an escaped madman up a tree - whose fancy is eating cats - and subdue him, only for the gore murders to continue. The investigating cop, Inspector Ko, finds things even more troubled when he's attacked and held hostage by an ex-con who strips his girlfriend naked before being beaten black and blue in a sudden bout of martial arts from the escaped Ko.

After some disco-dancing padding, the monster commits more bloody crimes in the local baths, the heroine is attacked by a spring-loaded cat (™), there are some exceptionally cheesy scenes of a romantic couple running in slow-mo down a beach, and later the same said couple are attacked by an unexplained invasion of snakes in their own car! It doesn't make any sense but it's still kind of enthralling. Later we see a girl making love to a huge snake-monster in the woods via some dodgy but cool-looking special effects, and learn that the resulting offspring is now the snake monster terrorising Hong Kong.

After shots of people jumping through windows for no reason and a girl warding off a creature attack with a handy aerosol and lighter, we witness a very cheesy transformation scene of the possessed girl turning into the monster, which then hilariously begins flying through the air and some bushes before being gunned down by the intrepid police force. Although very cheesy, this (unreleased) horror yarn is actually pretty good for what it's worth, with a plot that keeps you on your toes by throwing in all manner of unexplained weirdness, some very graphic murder scenes with blood being splashed about and a low-budget shooting style which gives it a hard-edged realism. The only cheesy thing about it is the snake monster itself, which looks like a cross between the menace in ALIEN and the rubber-suited antics of a cheapo GODZILLA flick.

Somehow deciding that an Asian movie populated by unrecognised foreign actors and actresses wouldn't be of interest to movie fans in the West (although I'd sure buy it for a dollar!), Godfrey Ho decided to direct some extra additional scenes which come across as more like a second film tacked on to the first despite some strong efforts to tie the two together, and hoped that you don't notice the absurdity of it all.

Genre stalwart Richard Harrison ( guessed it...a character named Richard!) is the ageing but powerful hero whom we first meet driving around in a car and getting flashed by a blue-vested woman. Taking her to some bizarre porno cinema, Richard begins to make love to the lady until she attempts to kill him and starts spitting orange goo from her mouth. The reason being that her employer is an evil witch who supposedly controls the snake monster terrorising Hong Kong using black magic and a crystal ball (powered by - gosh! - a flashing light-bulb!). The witch sends out more blue-vested thugs to kill Richard, who is interrupted from his strongman training by a guy pretending to be the plumber! Much cheesy martial arts action ensues with dubbed in sound-effects and reliance on silly slow-motion scenes of people flying through the air and props like towels (causing the villain to drool uncontrollably) and umbrellas (!) becoming deadly weapons.

Finally, Richard gets sick of all the slaughter and decides to visit a fortune teller in his local park, who informs him that his ring is magical and the only thing that can destroy the witch. To aid him on his quest, the fortune teller gives Richard a golden sword and mystical mirror (!) and tells him to visit the witch's castle on the fifteenth of the month (why?) to destroy the ring, which will then in turn kill her. He does the deed and the film ends. Bear in mind that these tacked-on scenes are clumsily inserted THROUGHOUT the rest of the movie and the result is one confusing escapade as you try and make sense of two bizarre films running concurrently! The tacked-on scenes with Harrison are by far the funniest things and side-splittingly good, with Harrison shining brightly amid all the chaos going on around him and keeping an admirably straight face about it all too.

SCORPION THUNDERBOLT is a one-of-a-kind movie-going experience, a unique mish-mash of horror and action themes bundled together in one huge disjointed package designed to offend all those with good taste and a low tolerance for trash. While the production values are low, originality non-existent, and no talent evident from either the cast or crew, this remains a highly amusing film thanks to the sheer inanity and craziness of it all. An impossible-to-track-down gem which has now acquired the status of a cult classic for all those (un)fortunate enough to have seen it!
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A Hoot !
sean-diamond214 November 2008
Well, what can be said ? A literally indescribable film, even weirder than it sounds ! "Plot" involves a female journalist who turns into a rubber snake monster every time a blind man plays a flute, a series of bizarre events happening to Richard Harrison instigated by a witch, whom he has to destroy using a magic ring, some completely unrelated footage which involves some bloke tossing a cat's torso from the top of a tree, and, and ..... it just gets weirder ! It apparently features scenes from some old far eastern horror film, spliced together with footage of Harrison in an attempt to hang some kind of narrative together. The result is kind of like a martial arts film directed by Ed Wood, only more inept, and a lot funnier. For serious connoisseurs of bad movies only. A joy from start to finish !
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"I'm In Love with You! I Don't Want To Hurt You! I Must Die!"...
azathothpwiggins20 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
SCORPION THUNDERBOLT opens with the death of a woman by a huge, reptilian monster. She's the fourteenth such death in only a few days. The police are stumped, which isn't surprising, since nothing in this whirlwind of nonsense has any rhyme or reason to it!

HERE ARE SOME TIDBITS TO PONDER: #1- A witch casts spells, bangs a drum, and dances half-naked! #2- A man swings a dead dog around, while doctors try to throw a net over him! A female reporter lures him out of a tree with a cat! #3- A prostitute / performance artist takes her new friend, Richard (Richard Harrison) to see her show, which somehow results in her foaming at the mouth! #4- A man in black attacks two cops, handcuffing them, and stripping a female, biting her, and injecting her with drugs, which starts a big kung fu battle in a back yard!

While all of this is happening, the monster strikes again, and two women dance as though they're being electrocuted!

PONDER SOME MORE: #5- A young couple runs on the beach in slow-motion, while across town, a drunken man tortures a woman with pool balls! He's quite a shot! #6- A car full of snakes! #7- Suddenly, Richard has a magic sword and a mystical mirror!

Keeping up with this movie takes real skill! It's best to just become extremely inebriated and let it all fly by...
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