Soul Survivors (2001) Poster

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Derivative Psychological Thriller Posing as Teen Horror
darkjosh11 April 2002
Like a relative that gives you a bad gift, Soul Survivors has its heart in the right place but trips up with a bad execution. Stephen Carpenter's writing/directing effort borrows freely from other, better films, such as Jacob's Ladder and Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes). For those who haven't seen either of these films, I won't give the premise away; suffice to say it's not nearly as well handled here than in those two superior films.

Melissa Sagemiller stars as Cassie, about to go away to college. Her current boyfriend Sean (Ben Affleck) and ex-boyfriend Matt (Wes Bentley), both friends, and Annabel (acerbic Eliza Dushku) are in a car accident after being pursued by two killers (?) in transparent masks. She survives the wreck, but while attending college has visions of the hospital ordeal and dead people reappear and disappear, leaving her in a state of total confusion: who is dead? Who's alive? What's real?

Soul Survivors has the look of a bad been-there, done-that, gore-filled, blood-splattered, body-stacking teen exploitation flick. True, it has its share of killer-stalking-the-victim scenes (plentiful, repetitive, and mind-numbing), but at least it attempts to build suspense through ideas rather than cliches, unfortunately rather unsuccessfully. It breeds confusion much more often than cohesion, as the story becomes jumbled, messy and incoherent near key points of the mystery (predictable as it is.)

Horror fans who pick up a copy will have no idea they are in for a film that is more concerned with building an uneasy facade of reality than delivering a body count. Credit goes to Carpenter for attempting to create something beyond a derivative teen horror flick; too bad he's created a derivative psychological thriller. Sagemiller also deserves kudos for showing strength in the central performance, actually developing her character and evoking some sense of emotion as the unraveling Cassie. It's great the filmmakers try something different, but the film ends up a mixed bag and failed experiment.

4 out of 10
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Appealing lead, weeeird story
sarastro72 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to watch this movie because of Eliza Dushku, but she only has a smaller part in it, and her character isn't very likable. However, the main character, played by Melissa Sagemiller, is extremely beautiful and a perfect delight to look at throughout the movie. This is really nothing but a showcase for her looks and talent. She does a very good job.

The story itself is, on the face of it, pretty nonsensical. After a car crash, some friends are possibly dead, but keeps on living their previous lives, while all sorts of mysterious things happen. Some bad guys are after them, but we never really find out who they are (possibly they were the ones in the other car, but we certainly don't hear anything about why they are after them). The final scenes especially seem filmically ambitious, but I can't get anything coherent out of it. The opening scene, where the bad guys (who wear some strange masks) cut a blond girl's wrist and gather up some of her blood is never explained or followed up on. Unless the bad guys are supposed to be a representation of the surgeons who're trying to pull Cassie (Sagemiller) back from the dead... but no, that doesn't seem to work. The bad guys are just bad guys; they really just mess up a story that might otherwise have been interesting. In a supernatural story about death and love and sacrifice, who the hell needs bad guys?

3 out of 10.
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Overtheredskies8 December 2019
Count how many times you hear them repeat Cassie to the character, might be a record. This movie makes no sense! "Hey bro since we're all drunk, stay with my girlfriend in the rain while I go inside and get your girlfriend so you can make out with mine! " this movie adds stupid occurrences to get two characters alone multiple times... Whoever wrote this and directed it were probably on a huge drinking binge since they first though of this movie, and post production... LIKE WHY ARE THE CHARACTERS SUCH GOOD FRIENDS WHEN THEY'RE ALL EXES AND DATING EACH OTHER ? Sloppy.
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Good if you know the ending (SPOILERS)
Gary Ballance14 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I already reviewed this a while back in January when I saw it in the cinema. It was disorienting, but not bad. I decided to give it a second chance and rented it on video about a month ago and found it was actually pretty good. Although I think it's taking a bit of a gamble that people who detested the movie first time round will watch the damn thing again. That being said, onto the review. Again.

I'm not gonna restate the plot, but I'll mention briefly the interesting stuff that you can find from watching this film again:

As ravens are used in certain cultures to represent Death, I think the character of Raven IS Death. This is particularly evident towards the end when (s)he says to Cassie that it's not her time [to die] and to "go back to Sean" who is alive.

I still can't figure out who represents which but both Annabel and Sean represent Cassie's wish to either give up and die or fight to live from her coma state. Sean may represent the former (possibly because Cassie thinks he's dead and it IS, after all, HER subconscious), when in reality Sean has survived and is willing her to live. It's pretty cool to watch when you know who lives and who dies.

The Masked Man and Scarred Man represent the crash and Cassie's guilt over causing it. The chases might be her mind's way of helping her to face what happened. This is reenforced by Father Jude's explanation that her dream state is a result of not being ready to face what has happened.

* Basically that's the gist of it. I don't exactly know what Matt represents (possibly just the coma- he doesn't make Cassie "choose" like Annabel), but it's not a bad movie once you know what the hell's going on. All you need to know is Cassie is between living and dying and she's in a dream state where she has to decide whether she's going to live or die.

The whole Life vs Death thing is done a bit better in 'Jacob's Ladder' to be honest, but there are times in this film where it is visually excellent. The only thing I REALLY didn't like was the very end when Cassie gushes that " I heard all of you". Ugh.

If you saw it once and thought it was OK, watch it again. You might find it better. If you HATED/DETESTED/DESPISED... the film, you'll probably not want to see it again and I don't blame you.

Interesting film- but it's not gonna win any awards anytime soon.
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schwenkb5 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is just insulting.

Did the director/writer/producer think they could pull this off and captivate the audience?

It seems as though they collected cut scenes from misc. B-movie horror flicks and pasted them all together for this movie. There is no continuity; at no time does the story move in any real direction; and scenes jump from the bizarre to the completely unrelated and even more bizarre. What makes them bizarre is not a surrealistic feel or inspired art, but God-awful acting and unrealistic situations.

The final scene of this movie is just ridiculous. It's an insult and a slap in the face of every moviegoer with an IQ over 50. Remember talking with your friends, about how cool it'd be to make a movie that was all just a meaningless dream? Well, it definitely ISN'T cool.

From the beginning scene (a completely meaningless and impossible murder of an unrelated and unexplained victim), to the weird masked-people from the rave, to the sicko lesbian with the quick, gross boobie shot, to the dead father Jude (Luke, what were you thinking?!), to the stupid stupid STUPID ending, this movie was a waste of time from its inception.
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no point
SnoopyStyle14 September 2021
Four hot college friends drive off for a night of partying at an abandoned church. Cassie (Melissa Sagemiller) and Sean (Casey Affleck) are getting more serious. They and their friends, Matt (Wes Bentley) and Annabel (Eliza Dushku), leave the party. Another car blocks the road causing a deadly crash. Sean is killed. Cassie is haunted by guilt but darker forces are closing in.

These are hot young people. There is a spooky atmosphere. It's hinting at something dark. It is set up for a solid if somewhat derivative horror. It's no sin to be unoriginal. It is however a sin to reveal that the movie's middle means nothing. In the end, there is no point to half of this movie. It's a campfire ghost story that pulls its punch at the last minute. It suggests something sinister with the people in the other car but they end with nothingness. It's disappointing.
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Attractive young people, a lovers' triangle, and motiveless creepy guys
JoeyBro9 September 2001
An incoherent mess with a gratingly deafening sound track, "Soul Survivors" is the latest entry in the "who's dead and who's alive" genre of horror films. Two teenaged couples, Sean and Cassie and Matt and Annabel, prepare to go off to different colleges, but before they part until Thanksgiving Break, they attend one last fling at a rave-type party in some burnt-out church at the suggestion of lusciously slutty Annabel (Eliza Dushku, a.k.a. Faith, the other vampire slayer). Motiveless creepy guys start paying far too much attention to Cassie (the generic Melissa Sagemiller) for reasons that are never explained, and before long, the quartet leave the party. Driving away in their SUV, they are pursued and then passed by the motiveless creepy guys, who promptly and inexplicably do an intentional 180 in the middle of the highway, causing a nasty and fatal accident as the SUV flips over an embankment and plunges into a river. Sean is killed (or is he?), and Cassie spends the rest of the movie coping with loneliness and guilt (she was driving) when she's not being haunted by Sean's ghost or chased by those motiveless creepy guys. Much unexplained incoherence follows as Cassie's mental state degenerates further, until we reach the predictable conclusion. So, who is dead and who is alive? After ninety minutes of this purgatory, who actually cares?
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Got time to squander?
Sugar Bun11 September 2001
OK, I'll be frank. This movie sucked. It played out like a really long music video with more holes in the plot than...something with a lot of holes in it, I guess. It's basically just this Gwyneth Paltrow-lookalike walking around in the dark city all by herself all the time, the wasted use of talents like Wes Bentley and Casey Affleck, and a real pain-in-the-ass Eliza Dushku screeching "Cass! Cass!" the whole time. I thought this was going to be a good one, but I couldn't wait for it to be over. And I could have done without the Hallmark ending.
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Abandon hope all ye who watch this
blue__yoshi20 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
If the writer/director is reading this (and I imagine you are since you should now be out of work) then I must tell you - I have seen some bad movies in my time but this one gets the distinction of having the worst premise I've ever heard.

SPOILERS - Nothing happens!

A total waste of time. I laughed out loud at the end.

SIDE NOTE - (if the whole movie was her in a coma then does the scene where she sleeps with that guy mean someone raped her while she was knocked out?)

Utter rubbish.
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Not as bad as you might first think.
AarbronBeast19 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a very good movie, but it's not a stinker either. It is very confusing and unnecessarily long so rent it at your own risk.

My GF and I have figured this movie out (we think) so here it is:


Firstly, this movie is actually quite simple after you remove all of the confusing unconscious-dream-state junk (95% of the movie.)

Ignoring the junk, what REALLY happened is this: A group of school friends go to a rave one night. They leave and get into a car accident where everyone but Cassie and Sean die. That's the simple cut down version. (That's right, I said Sean, bear with me)

Right after the accident, Cassie lays in the hospital stuck in between life & death right up until the very end of the movie. This is where the dream part starts.

The movie is called SOUL Survivors, right? Cassie's mind and soul carries on after the accident interacting with the other souls (Annie, Matt, Raven, the 2 weirdos and Jude) along with images conjured up by her mind (Sean, school and everything else around her). The souls continue doing what they were defined as: Annie the rave-going chick, the 2 weirdo-killers (from opening scene), Father Jude still helping people etc.

We are then taken on a very long ride, shown lots of images (many of which my GF and I still can't tie in) but it all boils down to it not being Cassie's time to die.

At the end, Cassie wakes up in the hospital after being "dead" for a while. Her family and Sean are there. This is reality again. She's OK.

Then the director adds a little extra spice by trying to confuse us again by showing a little dream snippet of her in the wheelchair being strangled. But this part is really just a nightmare, and she wakes up beside Sean, obviously still dealing with her traumatic experience.

Due to space restrictions, we didn't cover every little thing, but feel free to drop us an e-mail if you want to.
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Incredible piece of crap
goremaster29 April 2003
I watched the trailer of this movie on video while seeing "Route 666" and it looked kind of cool. Unfortunately the trailer is the only good thing about the movie. I can't imagine how this horrible film got released in theaters. The plot is awful and predictable and the end is frustrating. Even the shower scene is lame. Two girls taking a shower WITH THEIR CLOTHES ON ? Come on ! I can't remember when was the last time I gave a 0 to a movie, but this one got a double zero, from myself and my wife.
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So glad I went with the positive reviews and watched this!
asage1929 August 2020
This is a terrific movie. The cast is strong, the story is strong, it is a thoughtful, interesting examination of death and remorse. I knew that with Luke Wilson in it, and Casey Affleck it had to be a decent movie, with good acting, at the very least. Wasn't disappointed. If you're an adult, or with an adult perspective, and not expecting some kind of horror/slasher movie, you'll be ready to enjoy it :) *sigh* It helps if you've lost people dear to you, gotta say that.
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Not for teen horror movie lovers!
dkevinleroy27 November 2002
This movie is highly UNDERrated....why? It has teen stars and was therefore promoted to a teen audience that was expecting another "Scream" or "I Know What You Did.." movie. This was one of the biggest studio marketing mistakes ever because this movie is WAY TOO DEEP for a teen audience. The symbolism and theology coupled with a complex storyline was geared for adult moviegoers in the fashion of "Memento" or "The Sixth Sense". No, this movie doesn't compare to either of those, but in no way is this movie as bad as the young reviewers will have you believe. Some moron studio exec thought they could make more money by taking the movie down to a PG13 rating and selling it to teenagers. Those teenagers were overwhelmed by this flick and weren't expecting a thoughtful suspense movie, they wanted another "Jason" thrasher gorefest, which this isn't. So they trashed it because they don't GET it. The editing could have been better and the very final scene stinks, but overall this is a well filmed, slightly erotic, captivating film that will make you think. 7 stars out of 10.
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Okay movie at best, seen much worse!
atinder15 June 2014
By the poster, you maybe thinking it's be slasher movie as

cash from scream time but it was not.

The movie start with bunch of teens been to party, As getting into car, Boy girlfriend ending kissing best friends, who is boy to her best Friend .

Then they end up crashing, As movie tries to be very clever but there give you far to many hints of what is not real and not real at all.

So you know story as soon as the crash happened and it's worth with tense moments, it okay to watch.

The acting was not bad at all, very decent from cast,

5 out 10 This movie some-what predicable , As seem done be and much better
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Weird, but not bad. **SPOILERS**
Gary Ballance15 January 2002
Warning: Spoilers
If you've seen Blair Witch 2, you'd know it would take some doing to equal its weirdness. Soul Survivors certainly does. (Without a goth eating an owl)

It starts out similarly to I Know What You Did Last Summer (4 friends going to separate colleges; the golden couple being separated by geography), but soon becomes its own movie. The 4 friends, Cassie [Melissa Sagemiller], her boyfriend Sean [Casey Affleck], her ex Matt [Wes Bentley] and friend Annabel [Eliza Dushku-playing a character very similar to Faith], leave a dull frat party,on Annabel's request, to go to a 'club' (which is a derelict church) The rave scenes are shot really claustrophobically,by the way. Matt goades Cassie into kissing him (a goodbye kiss). She does, but Sean sees and is furious. They leave and are in a car accident, which leaves Sean "dead".

The weirdness ensues hereafter, as the film keeps switching between fantasy and reality, only we don't know which is which. Cassie is pursued by a scarred man, masked man, witnesses Matt and Annabel acting strangely and has visions of Sean. She also encounters a priest [Luke Wilson] who died over 20 years ago.

Some of the weird stuff can be traced to the beginning. (The blood-scrawled message on the club wall reappears on Cassie's philosophy midterm). Some stuff, however, is utterly incomprehensible:

1/ Cassie running through the hospital/club simultaneously. Hallucination-within-hallucination? 2/ The gazebo scene,before Cassie is knocked down.

I know this is someone's subconscious, but it's a FILM for god's sake! It should make SOME sense! This is either a hidden message film (like BW2) or it's downright bizarre.

GOOD STUFF: Sean actually being the survivor and appearing in Cassie's subconscious... the chase between Cassie & the masked man... Raven the (wo)man- got quite a laugh from the audience...the crash scene-well shot...the scene where Cassie can only see her stalker in the shop windows

BAD STUFF: Constant shifting between fantasy & reality...the rave scenes...nothing explained satisfactorily...

I went with 3 friends. They hated it. I didn't. You've a 1 in 4 chance of liking it. B-. Didn't suck.
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I didn't think it was too bad actually.
poolandrews25 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Soul Survivors starts as teenager Cassie (Melissa Sagemiller) moves out of her home to attend Middleton University in Chicago, there her current boyfriend Sean (Casey Affleck), her ex-boyfriend Matt (Wes Bentley) & his current girlfriend Annie (Eliza Dushku) all decide to go out clubbing together. However emotions run high & while driving back to the campus they are involved in a serious car accident in which Sean is killed. Three weeks later after the funeral & Cassie is trying to get on with her life but she starts to see Sean, she starts to see people chasing her who she thinks are out to kill her, she experiences hallucinations & her life begins to fall apart as she tries to understand what is happening to her...

Written & directed by Stephen Carpenter a lot of people seem to hate Soul Survivors which is fair enough, there's absolutely nothing that says anyone has to like it in any way shape or form but I have to say I did actually like it to a degree. Originally made as an 'R' rated film Soul Survivors was cut down to get a 'PG-13' & thus appeal to a larger audience with the obligatory uncut version (called the 'The Killer Cut') being released on DVD shortly after, I will be basing my comments on the original shorter theatrical cut. The script has a few interesting ideas that I liked, I never quite knew what the makers were aiming for as it seems to switch between a psychological supernatural horror & a plain teen slasher (it starts off like a carbon copy of I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997) with a car accident involving drunk teens) & I quite liked the unpredictability of it. At just over eighty odd minutes at least it's short, it's not the quickest film ever or even the most incident packed but it kept me interested throughout. I liked the character's & the mystery based plot had me fairly intrigued & I definitely wanted to know how it was going to finish. While watching Soul Survivors I suspect many people just thought it was various unconnected subplots that go nowhere & make no sense but I thought the ending was great & while it's a bit silly & maybe a bit of a cop out I thought it explained all the mysterious events neatly & tidily enough. I was going to say that Soul Survivors stole it's twist ending from Dead End (2003) but then I realised Soul Survivors was made two years prior, in fact both twist endings are basically exactly the same but since Soul Survivors came first I have to give this film the credit for it.

Director Carpenter does alright, there could have been a few more scares & more gore (even 'The Killer Cut' is supposedly pretty tame & bloodless) but it sure does look good with some great cinematography. Although having said that I brought a new High Definition Sony telly yesterday & Soul Survivors was the first film I had seen on it so maybe it was just the sheer quality of the picture that impressed me, it did look bloody good though. There are some lesbian overtones but like the gore they are played down & very tame.

With a supposed budget of about $14,000,000 Soul Survivors flopped at the box-office but it has good production values & is very well made. Filmed largely in Cicago in Illinois. The acting is alright, I quite liked all the character's & the young teen actors are suitably good looking.

Soul Survivors is a film that most people seem to dislike, I wasn't expecting much at all with it's bad reputation but I actually ended up rather liking it for some strange reason I can't quite put my finger on.
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westable21 January 2002
This was a terrible film that made itself far too complicated. The whole film goes on and you dont have a clue what is going on. Only when it ends you are pleased because you have found out what the whole film was about. Far to complicated for a 12 rated film. I have watched many films and this one was out of its league. It was trying to be something it is not. Not my favourite film.
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Hey Jude!
sol121822 May 2008
**MAJOR SPOILERS** The movie "Soul Survivor" comes across like a cross between "Caranvil of Souls" and "Jacob's Ladder" without the both surprising and shocking endings of the two ghostly thrillers.

Cassie, Melissa Sagermiller, in trying to break off her relationship with her boyfriend Matt, Wes Bentley, gives him a good-by kiss which her now boyfriend and, what turned out to be, soul-mate Sean, Casey Affleck, notices. Mad at Cassie for two-timing him which Sean suspect her of doing he refuse to have anything to do with, or even talk to, her on the drive back to their dorms at Middletown Collage.

With Matt and his new girlfriend Anna,Eliza Dushku, in the back seat Cassie loses control of the car and goes off the road killing her disgruntled boyfriend Sean. Recovering from both the accident and Sean's death Cassie soon starts to have hallucinations of Sean manifesting himself to her as a ghostly spirit somehow directing her to came back to him in the world of the dead! While all this is going on Cassie is constantly being stalked and terrorized by this masked lunatic, Carl Paoli, that only she and one else sees!

Going to see the collage's Catholic Priest Father Jude, Luke Wilson, Cassie is told to keep the faith and let things just happen and the truth of what's happening to her will guide Cassie back to both God and sanity. It later turns out that Father Jude is anything but who he says he is in that he hasn't worked at Middletown Collage, much less lived there, since 1981!

It's not that much of a secret to what Cassie find herself in since it's been done, in movies like "Carnival of Souls" and "Jacob's Ladder", many times before. It's the syrupy feel-good ending that blows you away in its trying to make everything right in the film which in fact screws everything up instead!

Totally clueless to what's happening all around her Cassie starts to lose her mind feeling that she's somehow suffering from server brain damage resulting from the car accident that she's a survivor of. It's takes almost the entire movie for Cassie with the help of Matt & Anna, as well as Father Jude, to finally "get it"! But by then all she, as well as us watching the film, got was a confusing triple-twist ending and slitting migraine headache.

Not much of a horror suspense movie "Soul Survivor" telegraphers every surprise and twist, with the exception of its final ending, in it far in advance before it ever even starts. As for the dead and ghostly Sean he comes across with his rosy cheeks and surf-boy tan more alive then anyone that's actually alive in the movie!
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Soul Survivors
marinaant-3621723 March 2022
This wasn't bad but it wasn't good either. I found myself being very confused at some moments but on the other hand it was very predictable it was obvious how it was gonna end. It needed a better execution in order to turn out good enough. Felt like it was repetitive and it got tiring at some point. The good thing is that it made you interested to see what will eventually happen and the characters were likable as well.
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Whew....What a Stinker!!
huggy_bear29 January 2005
First off let me say that this has to be on the top of my list of boring movies. Nothing, and I mean nothing in this movie is even remotely thrilling. Most of it is very confusing and as it progresses you just wish it would end!! Some people want a movie that makes them "think" through the entire thing, to which I say..."More power to you"!! I on the other hand just want to be entertained. Which brings me back to this stinker, entertainment it is not. This movie is stupid and a complete waste of time. Seems that most here agree also. Most of this didn't make any sense, and by the time you think you have one scene figured out another lame scene comes around and....well I guess you see where this is going. Avoid, this one sucks....bad!!
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It's not horror, it might not even be psychological. But it certainly is bad
Quinoa198429 September 2001
Soul Survivors was re-edited by the studio over a good amount of time to get a PG-13 rating. And for what reason? Do the studio heads think that if they chop a few minutes here and there and delete some breasts it'll make audiences want to see these actors in the movie any more so than before? However, that is just the start of the big mistakes in this movie. A girl riding with some friends, gets in a car crash killing her boyfriend (Casey Affleck) and this then puts her into a state of mind where she constantly thinks she sees him, and much more. It doesn't work though because the audience very quickly figures out the living and dead crossover thing doesn't go right and she is just crazy (overly I might add). Wes Bentley, who was really good in American Beauty, shows he still has some talent, but the film doesn't do anything to make us care about the characters, or the situations they get in. Luke Wilson co-stars as a priest (though from the previews last year it almost conveyed him to be the villain). D
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The World of the DUMB and the Living... are About to Collide.
tcdarkness8 February 2003
I didn't have HUGE expectations for this film when renting it for $1 at the video store, but the box at least showed a little promise with its "killer cut" of "more gore! more sex!" Can't go wrong there! Well... needless to say, the box is a fraud. How in the hades did actors and actresses of this caliber sign on for a film this low?

It all opens with a drunken college girl walking out of a frat house or some other building like that and saying some useless crap to her boyfriend (?) as a camera on a bad steadicam follows her. Then she gets chased by some dude in a clear plastic mask and grabbed by another. They slit her wrists for no real reason and you can see when they "cut" her that someone drew the cuts with what looks like a crayon.

From there, repeat the same theme of the girl getting chased/killed unbrutally by two guys for about 84 more minutes. Add in one tit shot. That is Soul Survivors.

I wouldn't have had a problem with this film had the box not frauded me into renting the flick. If I rent a bad film that claims to have more violence and sex.... I want more violence and sex! One full frontal shot in 85 minutes from a chick who is clearly androginous and gore that would not scare a child does not cut it. If this is the Killer Cut, what is the Theatrical Cut?! Of course, I doubt this garbage was actually put into theaters in the first place. Shame on the actors in this film. I could see them making their screen debuts in here because they have not done anything before, but they were all established before this was released. I don't know if it was filmed before they had all been established and the studio sat on the film until they were semi-big names or not. But what i want to know is.... they really spent $14 million on this film?!
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This movie was better than I expected
ab-28 September 2001
Soul Survivors is actual a great psychological horror/thriller. The movie focuses around four friends, Cassie, Matt, Annabel, and Sean get into a car accident. Sean dies as result of the accident and Cassie is being haunted by his ghost. This movie was actually scary in my opinion. Maybe not as scary as The Others, but scary. There are a few parts that are weird and that I don't get. Older audiences may not like it. It is definitely aimed at a teen audience. So I'll recommend this movie to only teens who like horror/thriller movies.

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"Jacob's Ladder" lite
seandchoi8 September 2001
Soul Survivors reminded me a lot of Jacob's Ladder, but it doesn't have the foreboding mood or the suspense of the latter. A girl gets in a car accident and suffers a brain hemorrhage of sorts, which results in her going through some nightmarish experiences. Is she dead? Is she alive? We don't know until the end, and despite some artistic visual flourishes, Soul Survivors never seems to really take off. It doesn't generate any real suspense or give us any real scares. But it is not a total failure, either. Director Steve Carpenter has given us a film that seems to play the notes of psychological horror, but doesn't quite manage to play its music.
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Need To Fall Asleep?..... Watch This Movie
fuzzyfacefreak4 September 2007
What a bad, bad movie! I tried watching without fast forwarding...That failed. After about 30 minutes I stopped the movie, went on-line to see how many minutes this disaster was. (Only 84 minutes, Whew!) It was a confusing, boring movie. I don't think anyone can get knocked down by getting hit with a fluorescent bulb much less gutted by one!! The one funny thing is that I watched "The Killer Cut" version of the movie. The box boldly states "More Blood!" "More Sex!" "More Terror than the theatrical release!" Yikes! If this movie was horrible with all those claims I wonder just how lame the "UN-Killer Cut" was??? If you want to see a great movie about the world of the living & the world of the dead watch any of The Night of the Living Dead series!!
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