Christina's House (2000) Poster

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Actually not too bad at all.
ILoveCheapHorrorFlix12 June 2006
OK here's another from my WM "Two for $11.00" bin collection DVD. For a B movie, this one was actually pretty good. Admittingly, mostly because of the hot young girl w/ the huge cans. Everything she wore was very revealing; obviously done on purpose to keep your attention (and btw, it worked). The acting was, again for a B movie, on par. The story was relatively believable, albeit misleading from the cover pic and plot synopsis on the back (its not about a haunted house), and the editing was again, fair. Pros: hot girls with revealing clothes throughout the ENTIRE movie (definant +), a couple of brief bare boobie shots (again from our main character), decent story, and characters that you found yourself loving, OK, er more like liking, and hating. Cons: Overly predictable (once you realize its not a haunted house). Crappy/unrealistic props (why does the deputy drive a 1988 Crown Vic with the old andy griffith dual light pods up top? How cheap is that Sheriffs Dept?), and its fair share of boring down time. Anyway, if you like B movies, go to your local wally world and pick up this B gem for 5.50....its definitely worth that. Thumbs up.
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Look, I've seen worse, but it was a little long...
JohnZoidberg26 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This wasn't really a bad movie, but it wasn't really a good one either. I think what concerned me more was that the father's behaviour was sort of ignored once we realised there was a killer in the house. He was still a bit of a suss individual!

Anyway, I digress.

I thought Christina did quite a good job, and Howie was good until he seemed to turn into an extra from House of the Dead at the end. The guy who played the Policeman seemed a bit too angry too easily and I'm not sure I'd want him on my local force. I'd like to see one of these movies where the bad guy doesn't appear to have super strength and 9 lives.

The one good bit was when we realised why the windows were being weather-proofed, I think I even let out an "ahhh" points for that.

I must start writing these reviews without spoilers...yeah, starting from the next one I'll do that :)
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Cheesy Teen Horror Flick, Mediocre Even By Genre's Standards
Jakealope20 June 2009
First off, being a library loan, it was free, so it's easier to be charitable when no money was spent. But I will have to talk to the local library for content control, cause this one had no redeeming value to it.

Allison Lange, playing the titular role, is the usual excuse for a teenage girl growing up in a stressful household. Of course, she is hot as hell and gives the movie the cheesy sex appeal, including some mammary gland shots and lots of skimpy revealing clothes. But she is no great actor. Even John Savage, the one big name actor, playing her angry father with hints of incest and abuse thrown in, delivers a stunningly pathetic performance. The plot is totally convoluted. You see they live in this old rental house for months, yet there is some person who lives in the attic, between the walls, basement etc who created this whole second set of rooms that of course none of the three residents of record, including her manipulative video gaming brother, ever happened on. So this fourth resident starts killing young girls, apparently for no real reason though at the end we learn that this killer was someone that her psycho mother sent to watch over her daughter. Apparently Dad moved them to rural Washington state to be near their psycho wife-mother in some asylum, but for one time, they never visited her. So there is this whole poorly executed psycho-drama routine- is Christina crazy by genetics, or maybe her father-local sheriff-obnoxious boyfriend or the weird Brad Pitt look-a-like handyman is the fourth resident and/or killer.

There is one scene that really exposed the plot for being weak and pedestrian. The killer, for reasons that will never make sense, lured Christina's boyfriend's ex girl friend over to the house so the killer could do her in, why? When Christina finds the rival's body in the stream in front of their house, they call the police. So the one creepy sheriff shows up and there is one scene where he interviews all the witnesses in the house, Christina, her brother, friend and, even though he was not there when they found the body, her crummy boyfriend. So it devolves into a shouting match between between creepy sheriff and boyfriend. You'd think they would spring for some paramedics, coroner, more cops, etc since some local girl was murdered and dumped and maybe that would get the whole small town, where everyone knows and cares about each other, riled up. But no, just a stupid pointless confrontation between sheriff and boyfriend. The director could have bribed local first responder versions to play themselves for a pittance, free wings or new gear, but not even one ambulance.

Nobody expects great plots or acting in such movies. But when these elements slip through the floor, along with a host of stinking red herrings, that is what constitutes a poor slasher, non psycho drama movie. Even the one authentic creepy element, the link between her psycho mom and the killer, was never even developed which could have been a real avenue of horror and drama. A better plot and acting would have made it a worthwhile genre standard,
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A tightly paced thriller
staytherelass7 November 2002
Naw,it doesn't set the world afire,but,HEY,it does the job!It's set up like it might be one of those SCREAM clones but quickly moves off into more psychologically creepy moments.Christina,a cute teenager,starts hearing weird noises coming from the attic and walls.She starts finding odd little things around the house.A partialy eaten oreo by her window,a sandwich sitting in the kitchen her family didn't make.Is Christina losing her mind?The ending is kinda cheezy,but there are a few good suspenseful moments I liked quite a bit.I like this movie.
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All in all, disappointing///spoilers
BloodTheTelepathicDog16 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted a haunted house movie, but instead got a deranged lunatic flick.

Allison Lange, as Christina, is obviously the main draw here. Her stunning beauty kept me going, even when it became obvious that this wasn't going to appeal to me.

After placing their mother in a looney bin, Christina, her brother and father move into a new house. Everyone seems comfortable in their new setting except for Christina. She can't take a bath in peace, finds cookie crumbs all over her room and is pressured by her father to be a pseudo mother figure to her little brother. All of this piles up on her, and she finds herself following in her crazy mother's footsteps.

The cast isn't very likable. Lange does an adequate job but John Savage as her father is better, as well as Jerry Wasserman portraying a tough guy cop. Christina's brother and best friend were not appealing actors at all, and Brendan Fehr has come a long way since this.

Only redeemable quality is Allison Lange taking a bath. That's it.
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Despite an interesting premise, this turns out to be nothing more than typical trash
pain9310 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
So I just watched this turkey. Wow. Okay, so the beginning five seconds start a bit creepy but then when the little girl scout gets attacked, its filmed and acted so badly its funny. Then the film just goes down hill. Bad acting and writing. I will say it did keep my attention to find out who the killer was, but in the end it was predictable. The final scene holds some suspense but mostly is handled very clumsy with characters making illogical choices. Such as the killer just standing in the attic playing with his fingers while Christina is telling her brother to hide in the basement. I don't know. Some parts where good and the ending is descent. I thought it was pretty cool how the mother possessed Howie to kill the family and she was doing it to some other guy at the end. Anyway, an odd mess, even though entertaining, its just Bad...4/10
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nonsidirebbe11 April 2001
It was a Saturday night, and with a couple of friends we went to Blockbuster and chose this movie... hoping to watch a good horror-movie (nice excuse to get closer to the girls...). Ouch! Awful! Unwatchable! Completely predictable! In the end, when the light on top of the new Christina's House lights, we all laughed... Just to let you think about it... I know much funnier ways to spend 4 dollars...
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Good movie for creeps/patient people to watch
noizyme2 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers

So "Christna's House" is about a girl, Christina, who lives with her brother and dad while her mom is in a mental institution, and the house is the area where a lot of her unfortunate 17-year-old life takes place.

I lost interest after an hour of the movie. Apparently some guy was living in the house and tried to kill the family after he gets some sick thoughts about how it was his family living there. I don't know. But the whole movie has been summed up so many times by other members on this site correctly...the movie bases itself around too many creepy guys in the film that you try to figure the killer out before the end. I think people might get hunches as to who it might be, but I doubt that it was obvious. It's one of those movies, too, that tags on the ending from some outside force (in this case, the insane mother).

I gave it a 4/10, because for most of the movie you feel like it might keep your interest throughout the whole average film. But when Christina stops taking off clothes and her friend doesn't show up anymore, the film heads south fast. That's just a guy's look at the film. I wonder if any woman would enjoy this. (?)
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Low Budget Film
whpratt131 July 2008
Paid $3.00 for this film about a house that is haunted with Christina, (Allison Lange), her younger brother, Bobby, (Lorne Stewart) and the father. Christina hears all kinds of noise in the house and she feels like someone is watching her in the bathroom and all over the house. There are various girls who visit the house and they mysteriously disappear, one girl was trying to sell cookies for her church charity and she is strangled with cookies falling all over the place. Brad Rowe, (Howie Rhodes) played an outstanding role as a handyman who is trying to fix the house up while all these strange things are going on. Do not recommend seeing this film, but if you get it for $1.00, enjoy.
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Interesting Low Budget Thriller
boyinflares20 May 2006
"Christina's House" is an interesting, low budget thriller / mystery film with a good cast. Don't watch it expecting too much though, and you'll probably only want / need to watch it once, but nevertheless, it's a fun, although at times slow, watch. Allison Lange makes her film debut here, and is rather good as Christina Tarling. Yes, the film is about her house and the strange going-ons that take place soon after she and her brother (Lorne Stewart) and father James (the excellent John Savage) move in.

Christina deals with typical teenage issues, such as pressure from her boyfriend Eddy (the charming Brendan Fehr), her trouble making brother, problems between her father and boyfriend and so on. The Sheriff begins to investigate the disappearances of several teens who were all last seen at Christina's house, and in typical small-town Sheriff convention, he is not the nicest of men. Jerry Hasseman does a good job playing him. Crystal Buble is okay as Christina's friend Karen, and Brad Rowe is suitably creepy as the mysterious Howie.

The ending to the film is somewhat of a let down, and at certain points the film leaves you wanting more, or a better explanation, but overall, a good effort from all involved, and the cast are great to watch.
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Don't go out of your way to see it.
lost-in-limbo10 August 2005
Christina and her father and brother have just moved into an old rundown house where things go bump in the night, especially in the attic. Strange occurrences start happening like her diary disappearing, objects and furniture being moved around the house with messages of warnings, a dead body turning up and shady characters, but no one else seems to notice and she thinks that she is losing her mind. What makes matters worse was that her mum is in a mental asylum as she has basically lost her mind, so is Christina following in the same footsteps of her mum or is there more to it than some people are letting on?

Not bad for a straight to video you ask? Ah, actually hold on. No really this is a below par film which borrows elements from every other horror film especially in the wake of "Scream", but it amazedly held my attention. I don't why but maybe it was the beautiful presence of Allison Lange as Christina… yep that was it was. Oh, surprisingly glossy production valves with some inventive camera angles and well-designed sets can't surpass a shamble of a story and script. The rag of a script is the usual dribble. While, the context of the film probably would've been better suited as an X-files episode. Anyhow, over-strained melodrama with horror elements (or clichés) comes to mind. Throw in red herrings, the usual teen antics, suspicious characters, investigating unusual happenings and a (laughable) twist and there you go. Even irrelevant sequences pop up that it could've done without and pacing was rather stodgy in parts. Oops I almost forgot, logic is pretty much thrown out the window, especially when it falls badly at the finale hurdle… the ludicrous revelation that turns into a trashy showdown that went on for too long. During this stage there was an overload of extremely bad puns and an unbelievably pitiful performance. Was there tension provided, no it's basically cheap thrills and cop-outs with a non-existed atmosphere, but a pulsating score was fair if sometimes out of place in certain scenes. Where's the splatter and fun you say, well you'll be disappointed as the deaths are too mundane and have little blood. Performances from John Savage, Brendan Fehr and Allison Lange were actually fair, well they didn't blow me away but for a film like this they were mostly reasonable with exception of one or two. These characters were the standard mould with the girl who's not ready to go all the way with her boyfriend and maybe going crazy, annoying brother, controlling father who seems to want his daughter for himself, snooping sheriff, sex-crazed boyfriend and quiet handyman. When it came to the ending, well not just some ordinary finale but a supposedly deeper ending it just didn't go down too well with me as it felt rather tact on.

For what its worth it's a dud of a knockoff, but one that had enough elements to keep me entertained. But the ending or finale climax is where it went totally downhill and I couldn't give it more than a 3.
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Good movie...
funkpunk9 February 2002
After reading all the bad reviews about this movie, I thought at first not to rent it, but then I did. When I saw the movie, I was really surprised that it was way above slasher movies "Like final stab, Ripper: Letter from hell, frightmare, and all these new slasher crap" That acting was gooD. It was really good. Rating:9/10 The movie is rated R: For Violence , language, some sexuality, and nudity" The movie is recommended for true aduience (That knows what a horror movie really is) Don't listen to the other bad reviews because they don't have a taste of horror.
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Low Paced, Low Budget, But Deserves to Be Watched
claudio_carvalho30 August 2005
The teenager Christina (Allison Lange), her younger brother Bobby (Lorne Stewart), and their father James Tarling (John Savage) moves to a rented house in Avedon, a small town in Washington, to be close to Christina's mother Joanne (Chilton Crane), who is interned in an asylum. The house is being repaired by Howie Rhodes (Brad Rowe) and Christina has a boy friend, the bad boy Eddy Duncan (Brendan Fehr). While in the house, Christina hears noises and has a permanent feeling that another person lives there, but her father believes it is the structure being settled. When two teenagers vanishes, the weird Sheriff Mark Sklar (Jerry Wasserman) visits the Tarling family, since the last place the teenagers were seen alive was nearby their home. When a dead body is found in a river close to the house, the Sheriff investigates the place, trying to find the guilty for the crime.

"Christina's House" is low paced, low budget but it is not a bad horror movie. The screenplay plays with very few characters, maybe due to the limitation of the budget, the viewer knows that one of them is the serial killer, but there is no clue along the story indicating who the criminal is. Although quite exaggerated when the mystery is disclosed, I found the twist acceptable and I liked the open end. The character of the Sheriff is too much weird, but maybe it was intentional to include him as a possible suspect. With regard to the highlighted goof, the killer sucked the blood on the hammer, therefore the blood has not disappeared from the hammer as mentioned in IMDb. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "A Casa da Morte" ("The House of the Death")
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Ray_Damei30 November 2001
Ok, I thought that maybe this movie isn't as bas as the reviews here say, so I rented it. But as an earlier comment says; "after 5 minutes..." you know the quality level of this movie. This was so amateurish! I can't remember when was the last time I saw a movie THIS bad...
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Pretty good thriller, exciting toward end
vchimpanzee29 November 2018
This isn't a great horror movie, but it does have something to offer, for those not expecting a classic.

It's not too violent to begin with. As a matter of fact, the first violent scene looks more like an explanation of how masters such as the Three Stooges made their brand of slapstick work without anyone actually getting hurt. It's just that it's not very convincing. I thought maybe the scene was supposed to be funny and that maybe the entire movie would be that way. But there's not that much comedy here, although there are a few laughs.

Violence does happen from time to time but it's not too bad. Toward the end, the movie does get quite bloody, including dead bodies. I found some of the final scenes quite disturbing and wondered how I would get over what I just saw.

Allison Lange is quite pretty with long blonde hair and wears a lot of revealing outfits. That's the primary appeal of the movie for me. She shows talent from time to time but isn't quite consistent. When it really counts, she comes through, and she shows a lot of courage and determination when things get really bad, after playing the screaming damsel in distress for a while.

Those who like mechanical stuff such as Rube Goldberg contraptions likely will be impressed at some of what happens toward the end. Actually, I've seen better in other movies, but it's interesting.

This doesn't really mean anything, but three of the movie's characters look familiar to me. I thought Eddy was Adam Samberg. The sheriff, when wearing sunglasses, reminded me of Richard Belzer's Detective Munch. And Christina's mom's nurse looked like Kara on "Supergirl", with the glasses.

Not a classic, but it fits the formula.
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Really scary, horrifyingly bad movie
aniemela23 March 2001
It says: "Real. Scary. Horrifying." on the cover and once I started watching this movie I instantaneously noticed what the person who had written this text meant. First of all the main character, this Christina, is very scary and horrifying. She kind of makes even the Cenobites in Hellraiser look friendly. Secondly... Well everything in this movie is horrifyingly bad. Though I have to admit Brad Rowe did an OK job as a crazy and I liked the idea of Christina's mom sending those looney killers to "observe" Christina... One thing I found amusing was that when Christina was startled awake during the night by a noise, she instantaneously searched for her journal. A truly bad movie. I feel sorry for all those people who have wasted their money on this.
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Streetwolf7 November 2002
I thought this would be a good movie, considering the cast, Brendan Fehr, John Savage etc, but after the first 20 minutes i started fast forwarding it, (thank god for subtitles) and the more it progressed the worse it got.

Summary: Jim (John Savage from Dark Angel) and his two teenage kids, Christina and Bobby rent a home in a small town where Jim, a carpenter (I think) acts very inadequately towards Christina, half the time I thought he would try getting it on with her! In comes the knight in shining armor Eddy (Brendan Fehr from Roswell), who is Christina's boyfriend and after a dinner with the family he realizes that Jim isn't going to let him have anything to do with his daughter. In comes Howie, a good looking carpenter, who is fixing up their home, showing up at the strangest moments, Christina takes a liking to him, but doesn't do anything with him yet leaves a very annoyed Eddy. After a young girl's body is found near their home a creepy sheriff starts sniffing around... Christina starts fearing the house she lives in due to the noises she hears all the time and just wants her father to believe her... more girls start vanishing and it gets so obvious who the killer into the first 5 minutes of the movie.

Its sad to say so much talent gets wasted in this movie, I hope whoever made it didn't spend too much on this storyline because from the bottom of my heart... it sucks. 1/10.
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The worst film I have seen in a long time.
timboothby10 March 2001
Don't waste your time watching this as a horror movie. The only possible way to get any enjoyment from it is to treat it as a comedy. Terrible story, laughable acting and not a single original idea went into this production. Avoid disappointment, watch something else instead.
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Awful, just Awful
michaelsteffensen3 July 2001
Six minutes into this horror flick you see what kind of movie it is when the star gets undressed for no reason. And from there on it's all down hill. The actors are trying, but bad direction makes it impossible. Too bad that "The Deer Hunter" co-star John Savage took the part as the farther. He used to be cool!
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One of the worst movies ever!
choirgirl3 June 2000
If you're looking for a thrilling funny horror movie... or a movie at all, that's not it! It makes "I know what you did last summer" appear as a masterpiece! This is just a gathering of the worst trite clichès, totally predictable, it goes beyond trash so that it's not even laughable, only pitiful and boring. But but - it introduces a star for the new millennium, the Brad Pitt of poorest suburbia!!!
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Pretty Good
Pigalina23 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
My name is actually Christina, so how could I go past this fantastically named movie? I wasn't expecting much as it was part of my 10 for $10 movie pack, but this movie turned out to be pretty good.

Christina lives in a big house that made lots of noises, her dad is very protective and her mum was in a mental institution. Her boyfriend is that guy from Roswell with the sticky-up hair, well at least he was till he died from a hammer to the temple. Anyway, this was a decent horror film - not overly scary so that you don't want to walk to the toilet in the middle of the night lest a murderer get you , but creepy nonetheless. People died throughout and we didn't know who the killer was (though there were only really two suspects and one was far too obvious), and when we found out who, he was insane. He licked the blood from his murder weapon, ate a ladybird and had constructed a gruesome killing device. Plus the mum was freaky too. The very last shot was predictable but still effective. All round a pretty good film, I will be recommending it.
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Do we see a similarity to "Black Christmas?"
nealnels21 April 2013
Change just a couple of things and we have an updated, "Black Christmas." It's Summer. It's in a family household instead of a sorority house. That's it! Creepy guy lives in walls and attic of house and offs the occupants. The ending even has the attic light coming on just before the credits. Though it's a replacement, the killer is still in the house... a-la Billy! You vintage horror fans know what I mean.

Don't get me wrong, this movie is still a decent waste of time. Although it does squarely fit into the new horror type-casting of weird people we don't like and can't wait to be killed. This also makes everyone a suspect, even(more so)the seemingly innocent ones. I do so love the trap door that drops victims into a saw-blade laden funnel.

It's worth a look, but don't waste any money on it. There are many other more worthy titles.
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If any movie deserves a Criterion restoration, it's this one
Marincho9716 May 2022
Just kidding, but the idea of a deluxe box-set from them of Christina's House really hits the spot for me.

I'm well aware of this movie's reputation as utter trash, and I agree with that, but there's something that keeps bringing me back to this direct-to-video house of horrors.

Acting's wooden, the story pushes the boundaries of what's considered basic and the final reveal it's, least the story has a conclusion, let's leave it at that. Yet, this film it's weirdly entertaining, to the point that I watch it at least 3 times a year (as opposed to the highly regarded classics...something's clearly wrong with me, so don't hesitate to send help this way).

I'm certainly biased, as I saw this movie with all my siblings on a Halloween night, many moons ago and, since then, it has become something of a long-running joke amongst us; each time we come across platform sneakers we go "Those are some Christina's House type of shoes" or if we need to criticize a horror movie's lack of quality, we refer to this as the peak of horror cinema; no movie can hold a candle to it. Yet, I'm the only one of us who actually watches this nowadays (see? I need help).

I'd recommend it actually, not as a so-bad-it's-good movie, but just to fathom how sometimes studios are completely unaware of what they're unleashing to this world.

I highly doubt anyone else bought this, but I hope MGM enjoyed those $5.99 I had to pay for this DVD. Here's hoping for the Criterion Collection UHD announcement.
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I thought it was ok actually
salvatore_luciana7 September 2001
I thought this film was pretty decent as horror flicks go. First of all, the female lead (Allison Lange) is stunning. There was a twist at the end which although not exactly credible, was I felt actually quite disturbing. The action sequences were all pretty well done, and although I must admit that certain things in the film appeared to be, logistically or in terms of realism, absolutely ridicolous - if you are able to suspend belief and just enjoy it for what it is, I think it is basically an ok teen horror film with a very good looking cast.
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Psycho tricks up house for the family's "benefit".
ColonelHetzer21715 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Pros: Fairly reasonable thriller for the youngsters to chew on. Cons: Despite the many suspects the film throws up, it does go for a strange & implausible payoff. Perfect Audience: Millennials & lovers of cheapjack DTV thrillers.

WARNING: Plot spoilers present.

The Story: Construction foreman James Tarling moves his teenage daughter Christina & younger son Bobby to a run-down house close to the sanatorium where their disturbed mother is located. James has hired a handyman named Howie to fix up the house while he is away on his worksite, leaving the kids in charge of the house. As they settle in, Christina begins to experience strange occurrences where her diary goes missing only to return to its original position when she checks for it, strange noises coming from the attic & her friends begin to go missing. What she doesn't know is that somebody close to her has been stalking her every move & by the time she finally learns who it is, the trap has already been set.

This was an example of the many, many low budget horror films & thrillers that wound up haunting the direct-to-video (DTV) market of the late-1990s / early-2000s & pretty much made a modest impression on some of those who saw it. It served as the debut of young actress Allison Lange, who would later go onto a modest DTV career starring in cheap sequels to other classic thrillers.

As far as things go, Christina's House is an average thriller hokum feature, nothing more, nothing less. It showcases some decent acting from all involved although Brad Rowe does go from slightly creepy handyman to full-blown psychotic in the finale where it is revealed that his employer's deranged wife sent him to stalk the employer's family & have his way with the young adult daughter (Lange) with her blessing. To this end, he has singlehandedly modified the house into having a hidden structure with which he can slip through & even plastered tough plastic sheets over the windows (the revelation of this particular modification is a pretty effective jolt) & a hidden master lock on the front door & death trap in the basement right under the front door's threshold. While the first two thirds make a mystery out of who the stalker could be, by the time the final third arrives, the payoff goes into deranged territory considerably. Millennials might like stuff like this & the film does do its job with a workmanship that is admirably slick but it doesn't quite have that spark that would recommend it as anything other than a routine DTV thriller product of the era.

Violence & Gore: Some killings by the psycho where people are strangled or have their necks snapped; a man falling into a razor trap but surviving whereas the psycho also fall into & crushed with a wooden dresser; a sheriff narrowly missing being hit by a falling hammer. Not really any gore seen.

Sexuality & Nudity: No sex although Allison Lange's boyfriend seems to have an obsession to get into her pants. He fails. On that point, what is with having Lange almost shown naked when she goes into the bath? Although Lange was clearly not a minor when the film was shot, but her character was a high school student. This kind of almost crosses the line when you almost see her breasts in the bathtub. I'm glad director Gavin Wilding didn't cross the line otherwise he would have had a serious problem on that front.
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