The Order of the Black Eagle (1987) Poster

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Perfect for late night viewing
susansweb21 May 2002
What were they thinking when this film was made? My only hope was that tongue was firmly planted in cheek. If not, then this movie is pretty bad. Chock full of cliche's, this James Bond wannabe has got it all and more. You know you have a winner, when Duncan Jax is introduced to his support team and they all have descriptive nicknames (e.g. Blade is the knife expert, Wires - explosive expert, Crusher - the big bruiser, etc...). My favorite scene is during the raid on the neo-Nazi camp (Nazis are important for this kind of film) and one of the Nazis rides an ATV behind a tent, there are sounds of bones breaking and the Nazi flies out in front of the tent and lands of the ground, then one of our heroes rides out from behind the tent on the ATV and for good measure runs over the Nazi's head. How could someone write this with a straight face. I won't even mention some of the other hilarious scenes but if you can find this on late cable or satellite (I don't think this film merits a trip to the video store) consider watching it.
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Action-packed spy / war / spaghetti western / comedy / fantasy / gore movie
gridoon202422 August 2009
The easiest criticism to make against "The Order of the Black Eagle" would be to say that it is cheesy. However, it would also be an invalid criticism. This movie features a baboon driving a tank (!) and blowing up the bad guys - how seriously do you suppose it takes itself? It starts as a James Bond knockoff (complete with a scene where the hero gets his neat new gadgets from an Asian version of Q), then it turns into a modern spaghetti Western, with a team of mercenaries assembled to help the hero, and it ends as an all-out war movie as the good guys attack the enemy base (where Neo-Nazis plan to resurrect Hitler!) and blow up everyone and everything in sight. When you think the explosions are over, there are even more explosions, and then some more. The last 30 minutes are non-stop action. Despite the extremely high body count (including one beheading), the general tone somehow stays lighthearted. The blonde female agent that the hero initially teams up with is nothing special, but the brunette female commando he meets later on is a knockout. I might try to track down the other Duncan Jax film now. **1/2 out of 4.
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"Someday I'm going to make you a soprano"
hwg1957-102-26570424 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A smorgasboard of James Bond, Italian western and nazisploitation that veers on the edge of being good but is let down by the terrible dialogue and the ineffective acting. It does have a baboon driving a tank and blowing people up and indeed a huge amount of explosions but it's a damp squib. It's difficult to know if it's a skilful spoof or just bad film making. Unfortunately our 'hero' Duncan Jax is completely uninteresting. The villain called 'The Baron' looked liked Orson Welles with an eyepatch but had none of Mr. Welles charisma. Or acting chops. The baboon played by Typhoon out acts the rest of the cast.

This is a sequel to 'Unmasking The Idol' with 'hero' Duncan Jax which I haven't seen which presumably is in the same vein.
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It's got a baboon, the ugliest of all the monkeys.
dannkerr8 October 2002
This movie is a classic somewhere, surely. I bought it from the video shop. The hero gets with both his female offsiders. He is called Duncan Jax, not Lax. The monkey, sorry baboon, (called Boon) drives this tank with teeth drawn on the front and Jax has a chase in this hovercraft with teeth on the front and missiles on the sides. They said it could never happen again, but they didn't know that Hitler has been cryogenically frozen by Nazis. We hate Nazis. The best of all the bad action movies, it has everything, except titties.
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What is this?
Empire-33 October 2001
Ok, I'm the first one to review this film on this site and I'm not so proud. Because I rent this movie just for fun and the plot was awful. This movie is about a man and a baboon, who kill bad guys, in this film the bad guys are nazis who have a new base in south America. The nazis plan to conquer the world for the second time. This film is crap, nothing else. The movie tries to be like Indiana Jones in someways, but it is awful. the film the new nazis have froze Hitler and maybe in the future to revive him. If that doesn't sound corny, what does?
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3rd rate crap
planktonrules5 September 2012
Imagine that you have a very limited budget and want to make a James Bond-like film. And, because you have no money, you need to get 3rd rate unknown actors, cheap props and a no-name director. And, you'll have "The Order of the Black Eagle"...a terrible film in most every way. One of the most serious problems about the film is that instead of a sexy spy hero, we have a guy with a receding hairline who looks like a tax accountant--and who tries to score with women who aren't particularly attractive. To make up for this, they had the brilliant idea of giving this super-hero (Duncan Jax) a baboon sidekick--one that makes lot of rude gestures to try to distract everyone from how dumb the film is.

Speaking of dumb. The plot of this film is essentially that of "They Saved Hitler's Brain". However, instead of just saving Mr. H's head, these Neo-Nazis have preserved his entire body and plan to rejuvenate him and start the Fourth Reich in South America!! You can't get a sillier plot than this but combining it with bad acting, writing that THOUGHT is was very clever but wasn't and cheese, you get a dumb film that MIGHT be of interest to bad movie fans but to no one else.

Apparently, they made a sequel, but I don't think I'll bother.
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Ridiculous action movie!
JamesMovieGuy_1179 December 2017
Have you ever wanted to see a movie about a cryogenically frozen Hitler held in a South American Nazi base? Or what about a movie featuring a baboon flying a plane and driving a tank? Then 'Order of the Black Eagle' is for you!

Duncan Jax is an international spy who with his group, is set to infiltrate a South American Nazi cult who aim to take over the world.

Order of the Black Eagle is an obvious James Bond rip off, but with a Neo-Nazi twist. It's action scenes are either overdone or just plain lame. It's not a good movie but it's so ridiculous it's worth seeing if you're fascinated by bad movies.

Also you've got to love that melting Hitler puppet! Pure gold!
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Just for laughs
daveh2813 February 2019
Everything I read about this absurd film is true. It's a really bad version of Buckaroo Banzai. It looks like a film that you borrowed money from your relatives to make because you felt you were the next Stephen Spielberg. Dumb storyline, stupid dialog, grade school acting, Cheap sets (i.e. the Nazi camp was bed sheets thrown over stick frames), and rediculous music all combine to make this movie a "cult classic". A classic for Mystery Science Theater 3000 that is.
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The Best Worst Movie I've Ever Seen
FilmIsPwn18 December 2008
This is a movie so bad it's actually thoroughly entertaining. It's a sub-James Bond movie with all the clichés and none of the brains. You want a suave spy? You have got him in Duncan Jax, though you have to take his baboon sidekick and his receding hairline, too. You want a damsel in distress? You've got her in Tiffany Youngblood, though she's not that attractive. You want grossly underwhelming adversaries? The Order of the Black Eagle gives you neo-Nazis led by the Baron - think overweight Perry Mason with an eye patch - trying to revive Hitler and destroying the world with a laser. Ooooooooh! You want an amusing sidekick? Sorry, all we've got is a supposedly humorous baboon.

The Order of the Black Eagle is perfect for homemade, Mystery Science Theater 3000 style riffing. Invite some funny friends, grab some popcorn, and watch this wonderful mess.

Daniel J. Roos
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Best movie to ever feature a baboon
poorreporter21 June 2006
In today's world, there's little you can trust. But this film's cover tells its story perfectly.

You see a balding James Bond wannabe flanked by two women who would be gorgeous under the right light... and by his side is a baboon in a tuxedo.

Okay, so the plot is muddled and poorly thought out. The dialog is incompetent, and at some point, the writers seem to have given up trying to tell a story and invited friends over to make up the rest of the script.

I can ignore all of that in a movie where a baboon actually does wear a tuxedo, where the baboon starts up the hero's airplane (okay, ultralight glider, but close enough) and where a baboon drives his own tank.

Sure, the South American Nazi stuff is poorly tacked on an nonsensical. It doesn't matter. A baboon is driving a tank.

This is not something to watch with an eye for subtext, plot or even basic thrills. It's a movie to watch with a bunch of people willing to laugh at a ridiculous spectacle. I hope that's what the producers had in mind.
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Hugely campy and entertaining Indiana Jones rip-off
Leofwine_draca22 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
As those who explore this website will know, the Indiana Jones trilogy has always been a favourite with me, and perhaps even more so the various rip-offs that followed in its wake in the 1980s, whether they be American-spawned, Italian or even Bulgarian. So it is with some delight and joy that I can exclusively report on ORDER OF THE BLACK EAGLE, one of the cheapest (although it doesn't reach the below-zero level of TREASURE OF THE FOUR CROWNS, the only rip-off in 3D!) and tackiest rip-offs of the series, which also throws in some James Bond-style antics for good measure and delivers the action in a rip-roaring package of high cheese and poor acting. All this and a comedy swearing baboon sidekick named 'Boon'; it's enough to send the cheese factor through the roof.

The low-rent antics involve a squad of Neo-Nazis living in some plastic fortress in South America, presided over by a big Gunnar Hansen look alike with an eye patch to make him that teensy bit scarier. They plan to blow up some stuff with a new laser beam, you know the story, there's a race against the clock and only one man is up for the job: the absurdly-named Duncan Jacks, a sub-par and balding adventurer with a line in cheesy one-liners and tongue-in-cheek banter. Basically, Jacks assembles a team of mercenaries and storms the enemy fortress. Fleshing out the usual clichés, the team includes a big black guy who can kill baddies by punching them, a cowboy, a geeky explosives expert, and a deadly Amazonian woman who could give Grace Jones a run for her money, the latter played by Flo Hyman who died during production and thus who disappears near the end of the film. The acting is generally awful but entertaining, and there's the usual quota of attractive top-heavy warrior women lurking around to make things easy on the eye for male viewers.

Most of the action is saved for the film's extended finale, which is highly entertaining to watch. Basically it consists of dozens and dozens of enemy soldiers being killed RAMBO: FIRST BLOOD PART II style, with the method of death largely consisting of stuntmen getting repetitively blown up by big explosions, something which happens too many times to count. There's also a tank with a shark face painted on it, steered by the Baboon (!), a Japanese scientist who models himself on Q, and a guy who melts his arm to destroy the world (you'll have to watch it to see what I mean). The film is quite gory on the violence front, with plenty of bloody squib hits and one of those cheesy (the film SCREAMS cheese!) motorbike decapitations by wire that gets way overused. However, my favourite element is Adolf Hitler's cryogenically frozen corpse, which is used as a prop throughout and lies around in a glass case before our hero smashes said glass, causing the body to melt in a welter of gore and bursting skull fragments. The only way this film could have been bettered was to have Hitler come alive at the end for a one-on-one punch-up with our hero; then, we would have absolute perfection in terms of entertainment. As it is, this tacky and tawdry outing is still highly entertaining for lovers of camp action flicks.
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Everything looks expensive ... except the lead's toupee.
LeatherCajun30 March 2024
Wow. It's basically a K-mart Goldfinger, except the villain's character rather than actor is a Nazi. Several of the lead actors were either too fat or too bald for Hollywood. However, the settings look rather expensive for a B-grade film. Anyway, discount Goldfinger want's to Nazi-fy the world, Discount James Bond and his human female and baboon sidekicks are found out almost instantly. Will balding Asian Q's great "toys" help save them? I need to get back to the film to find out. But, if you have any appetite from James Bond spoofs that don't take themselves too seriously, I highly recommend.
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Poor Bond imitation
lor_27 April 2023
My review was written in April 1988 after watching the film on Celebrity video cassette.

"The Order of the Black Eagle" proves one can make a low-budget James Bond imitation in North & South Carolina, but the results aren't appealng. Shot in 1985, pic received limited theatrical runs commencing last December and now is in video release.

Designed as a sequel to helmer Worth Keeter's "Unmasking the Idol", pic toplines Ian Huntr (not very impressive compared to the late British thesp by that name -he's also not the rock performer) as Duncan Jax, a government agent imitating 007. Unfortunately, he is cryptically saddled with a baboon (literally, played by a trained animal named Typhoon) sidekick who wears a tux and makes rude gesturs and noise for so-called comic relief. Everyone in the film takes the simian's presence for granted, but the audience is bound to wonder.

Jax' mission provides a very skimpy story line: it seems a group of cartoonish baddies led by portly William Hicks is attempting to take ovr the world by using stolen laser technology to destroy the major communications satellites. Adolf Hitler is in deep freeze and will be revived to take over.

Pic consist of mainly okay action scene involving lots of explostions, as well as irritating Bond imitation, especially from "Dr. No" and a Q-figure played by Shang Tai Tuan. The girls are plretty but Hunte's peformance is flat. An Amazonian black actress, Flo Hyman plays Spike: film is dediated to her, listing her as having died in 1986.

Lensing at Earl Owensby Studios and on locations in the Carolinas is quite unconvincing for all the globe-hopping plot, especially when feathers are used for snow in a Geneva-set sequence.
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Mediocre, but gets an "A" in one area
Wizard-822 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's pretty clear that "The Order of the Black Eagle" was trying very hard to emulate the James Bond movie series, to put it mildly. There are high tech gadgets, a madman planning to conquer the world, and a secret agent hero who plays the ladies and spouts out the occasional wisecrack, among other striking similarities. Unfortunately, the movie in the end can't measure up to even the lesser James Bond entries. It does get high marks in one area, however. While the movie was saddled with an extremely low budget and was helmed by independent filmmakers from South Carolina, the scale and production values actually aren't bad for a movie made under those circumstances, from the sets to the costumes. Clearly some serious effort was put into the movie to give it a strong visual "oompth".

Unfortunately, the rest of the movie is more James Bland than James Bond. The action sequences are routine at best despite the many explosions and bullets that are fired. And the character of secret agent Duncan Jax - the center of the entire movie - is without spark. Actor Ian Hunter (who disappeared after making this movie and an earlier Duncan Jax movie) doesn't show much enthusiasm, possibly because the direction and writing don't give him much opportunity to make a good impression.

This isn't the worst James Bond imitation I've seen, but there's very little in it to make it stand out and grab a viewer's attention. The only people who might find the movie of interest are those who wonder what an "R" rated James Bond movie might be like. Though to be honest, by today's standards the movie would almost certainly get a "PG-13" rating at most.
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