Patterson-Gimlin Film (1967) Poster

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Disregard the Previous Post
xWickedHeartx27 November 2006
Okay, I have heard the myth that Patterson gave a death bed confession. This is a common misconception. The actual person that did this was the man who took the picture of 'Nessie,' which has, since then, become canonical. Patterson swore to his dying day that the footage was REAL. Gimlin was the one who disputed this fact, but only after Patterson died. He claimed he was in the suit, and came out to the public because Patterson did not give him the money promised for the hoax. How exactly this is possible is beyond me, considering he was with Patterson during filming...

Also, scientists and cryptozoologists alike have disputed the fact that muscles are CLEARLY VISIBLE! In the section where the creature turns back to look over her shoulder, you notice that her chest, arm, pectoral, and leg muscles are shifting, along with glute muscles. This is impossible in costumes back then, even costumes made by the man who designed those for Planet of the Apes, as has been alleged. This lends credence to the thought that the creature must be real.

Despite thoughts that it is all a hoax, I disagree. You can define muscles, and close-ups of the face are convincing. It may not be a Sasquatch, but, it was a living creature.

Anyone who denies this should check their facts before posting nonsense.
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What was it?
InjunNose16 October 2017
In 1859, proto-science fiction author Fitz James O'Brien wrote a story called 'What Was It?' (about an invisible humanoid figure that is briefly captured but never identified), and that's likely to be the question on the lips of most viewers after seeing the Roger Patterson-Bob Gimlin Bigfoot film for the first time. Because, while these fifty-nine seconds of mostly shaky footage have been lauded as the gold standard of evidence in favor of Bigfoot's existence, they do not--in and of themselves--actually prove anything. Patterson and Gimlin were the only witnesses to the event, and the circumstances under which the film was shot remain ambiguous. Skeptics are unlikely to be swayed by the fact that a number of scientists (Grover Krantz, Dmitri Donskoy, Jeff Meldrum, et al.) from various disciplines have concluded, after careful analysis, that the film is genuine. But the real value of this footage lies in its capacity to induce wonder. In 2017, people still watch in utter fascination as the creature briefly turns to look at Patterson and Gimlin before lumbering into the autumn woods, and the passage of five decades has not diminished the power of this moment. *Are* there more things in heaven and earth than were dreamt of in Horatio's philosophy? Perhaps, and the possibility that this film represents a close encounter with one of them explains its enduring appeal.
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"Do Abominable Snowmen of America Really Exist?"
ackstasis24 August 2008
Ah, Bigfoot! These 952 frames of shaky 16mm colour footage have contributed more to the plight of cryptozoology than any piece of evidence besides Robert Kenneth Wilson's 1934 "Surgeon's photograph" of the Loch Ness Monster {now widely considered a hoax}. Additionally, it might also be the second most widely-viewed amateur footage ever taken, runner-up only to Abraham Zapruder's grisly images of President Kennedy's assassination. To the untrained eye, 'Bigfoot (1967)' may simply appear to show a man in a particularly well-constructed ape-man suit traipsing through the forest, but those with experience can tell you better – it surely depicts a large, hairy bipedal apelike figure, a species unknown to science, which had momentarily emerged from its wilderness paradise to oversee the filming of Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin's Bigfoot documentary. If you think you can detect a hint of sarcasm in that remark, then you're completely correct, as nothing could convince me that the figure in the Patterson-Gimlin footage is anything but a hoax, albeit an ingenious one.

As a youth, I was consistently fascinated by the field of cryptozoology. Even more so than plain zoology, it really fired the imagination to consider what enigmatic creatures may be roaming the wilderness, just waiting to stumble across our paths and into science. Hell, I even once struck out into the Grampians in search of the black panther that is rumoured to roam the region, a species reportedly released into the Bush by American servicemen during WWII {our investigation was interesting but rather inconclusive}. However, I've never given much belief to the notion of Bigfoot; for me it seems wholly beyond the realms of credibility. Peculiarly, most continents have their own variations on a common theme – the Sasquatch or Bigfoot of North America, the Yeti of Tibet and Nepal, the Yeren of mainland China, the Orang Pendek of Indonesia, and the Yowie of Australia. Perhaps it's only natural for humans to envision a hidden human-like species, more closely related to us than the chimpanzee or gorilla.

I don't wish to launch into any in-depth discussion on the implausibility of an undiscovered hominid existing in North America. It would only serve to alienate those who do believe in such a thing, and what's life all about if we can't use our imaginations? However, given that I've established my stance that the film is a fabrication, I'd like to analyse a few details to ascertain why the footage has proved such a cultural phenomenon. First of all, the ape-suit is convincing, at least from a distance, and at least while being shot with a shaky camera. The actor {Bob Heironimus, allegedly} walks with a stooped back, uses padding to expand his frame but otherwise walks with an assuredly human-like gait. Most importantly of all, he looks back! Such a detail should not be underestimated, for it is this legendary frame 352 – an image of a potentially-inhuman entity glaring directly at the viewer with clear recognition and even a certain degree of contempt – that has enduringly captured the collective public consciousness.

Just one year before 'The Planet of the Apes (1968)' and '2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)' unveiled very impressive ape-man costumes that were convincing at close range, it's not difficult to believe that Patterson got his hands on a simple animal suit that would have been quite sufficient for his purposes. When he passed away in 1972, Patterson gave no hint that he had fabricated his Bigfoot. Perhaps he was simply being noble, protecting the credibility of his fellow filmmaker, or perhaps there's even greater glory to be found in the fact that nobody will ever know the truth. Gimlin is still around, and delivers occasional lectures on the search for Bigfoot, but you sense that Patterson was the real mastermind behind the ruse. There's also the slight possibility that both filmmakers are completely earnest, and that a third party decided to take them for a ride, but surely such an elaborate prank would have been far too difficult without the filmmakers' cooperation. That this footage is fabricated certainly doesn't negate its importance or cultural value – the myth of Bigfoot owes its continued existence to 952 seconds of shaky home video.
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Iconic piece of film
haimericus3 June 2019
If it was a hoax, it was sheer genius: the shaky camera work, running and stumbling, losing the subject and then finding it again, not to mention an incredibly good suit. We are used to these things from the "found footage" genre today, but I would be interested to know if there are examples of these techniques being used back then to create the illusion of an accidental encounter.
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Genuine, one of a kind.
oreamnos11 February 2004
Genuine, not fake, film of a Sasquatch. ONE OF A KIND film that has never been repeated. An utter million-in-one-shot lucky fluke that Patterson happened on this creature while out shooting a documentary in the open in broad daylight. He did not even have a telephoto lens on the camera (unfortunately) as he was prepared for shooting scenic views. Contrary to the utter nonsense one poster left here, the film has NEVER been shown to be a fake NOR did Patterson ever confess to having faked it. There is no deathbed confession. Claim by a Hollywood effects person to having faked it has no merit. The reality is that, when the image is blown up and the central portion of the image is enlarged, a frame-by-frame viewing shows substantial muscle action in the legs of the Sasquatch. How does one fake that? Especially as it was shot in 1967 and filmed by a guy who possessed meager financial resources - and no known connection to Hollywood special effects personnel.
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I believe it's real
CuriosityKilledShawn4 August 2005
You know what this film is, you've seen it on The Discovery Channel or a Sci-Fi Channel documentary. It's the one with a Bigfoot walking into the woods while constantly looking back at the man with the camera. Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin, the men behind this little miracle, were out in the wild forests of Northern California looking to capture the mythical creature on film. By sheer luck they did.

While coming upon Bluff Creek, both horses they were riding on were startled by a dark figure in the distance. Patterson immediately got out the camera and captured 952 precious frames of the figure which turned out to be Bigfoot. Apparently it was cleaning food on the rocks of the creek before being scared back into seclusion.

Skeptics love being skeptics. One can watch this film with an already non-believing eye and see only what they wish to be proved a hoax. But this film has never been proved to be a hoax. Or real for that matter.

Patterson was not a rich man. And therefor the possibility that he had this suit made seems a bit far-fetched. Plus the creature was well over six and a half feet tall. And it's arms were longer than a human which is pretty hard to fake in a suit. Plus there was muscle texture, breasts (it was female) and a possible hernia on the thigh. To have all of these on a suit that no one has been able to prove is a fake back in 1967 made by a guy with little to no money doesn't seem likely. And if it was a fake then where is the suit? It would be worth a pretty penny today.

But you also have to consider Patterson's luck. I mean he did set out to capture Bigfoot on film and through a one in a billion chance actually did. Well, most people venturing out into the woods to find Bigfoot are going to bring a camera right? It would always be a one in a billion chance of coming across one. Not just sheer coincidence that a camera and bigfoot come together. They are both there for that purpose.

Patterson also had many scientists and film technicians analyse the footage. Which would be pretty brave for a man who has simply played a prank on everyone. Sadly, Patterson died in 1972 and since then Bob Gimlin has only suggested once, in a roundabout way, that the only way it would be a fake is if Patterson staged it all without his knowledge. But considering the points above, I think it is for real.

Personally, if there are Bigfeet, Sasquatches, Skunk-Apes out there I don't want any REAL conclusive evidence of them as it would be another thing that Mankind destroys.

May Bigfoot live forever in uncertainty.
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Roger Patterson's most greatest documentry is compelling to the legendary creature!
eddy-2827 October 2000
Rating- 5*****stars out of 5

One day on October 22, in the 60's, Roger Patterson and his friend were researching on the legendary creature named Sasquatch or Bigfoot. While they were both on horses in Northern California, one horse was startled by something in the woods. Roger fell on the ground and grabbed his camera it was the bigfoot! A real live action shot of the creature. No Hollywood costumes it's all real I could not even believe it. The creature on film!!! A minute of footage of the creature walking back and forth then it turned it's head. And walked right into the woods. Although Patterson died in 1972 with that peice of evidence, more biologists have used his work to find the creature that lives up in the northwest. That footage could not have been someone in a costume it's the most popular footage ever taken. There have been over a thousand sightings of this creature and it does resemble the Yeti in the Himilayas. One question remains is this creature real? I would like to go to the place Patterson saw it and maybe I will look for it myself. I only live six hours away from were it was taken over 30 years ago. And to this day that creature is still being seen. The movie Snowbeast dramatizes what the creature is like as a killer and National Geographics and Unsolved Mysteries and still been researching on it ever since that footage was filmed. If you believe in the unexplained see this three minute documentry and find the creature for yourselve. I know I will. And I do believe after watching it it does exist!
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jfdelman25 April 2021
It's fun, but you gotta be a moron to believe it, you gotta be a moron to believe it. You have to be a moron to believe it. You have to be a moron to believe it. You have to be a moron to believe it.
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If it's a fake, it's a brilliant fake
jackery19912 June 2021
10/10 alone for all the fun research and mystery this famous filmstrip has created for so many people.

Stabilization and 4K scans have added even more to the mystery. If it's a fake, the faux skin and muscles is damn impressive. Unbelievable for the age in which it was made, and the guys who made it.

I think anyone that is "sure" it is fake hasn't given this film the research it deserves.

I want to believe!
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Wow, there a bunch of gullible rubes out there. Lol.
marcelfd22 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, this absolutely appears to be a man in a suit at first glance. And after watching the "enhanced, stabilized" footage frame by frame I'm even more convinced that this film is faker than a $3 bill. Many people argue that there's no way this costume could've been produced 50 years ago. But:

1) It's just a hairy monkey suit. It wouldn't take a genius to make one of these, even in the late 60's.

2) Watch how it looks directly at the ground as it walks. Hominids don't do this.

3) How would a posse of men on horseback get within miles of a "Sasquatch" without the creature hearing them and fleeing in the woods long before their arrival?

4) You can literally see eye holes in the suit.

5) This "creature" has no butt crack. How does it poop?

6) There's a seam in the costume at the midriff.

7) Bob Heironimus demonstrated the EXACT gait seen in this film AND passed a polygraph, basically proving he's the guy in the suit.

8) Roger Patterson was a liar and a thief. This footage was shot on a camera that he stole for the sole purpose of filming a hoax and profiting from the lie.

9) Of all the forest fires, droughts, floods and NOT ONE CORPSE IS FOUND OF ONE OF THESE "CREATURES", ANYWHERE, EVER.

10) There is no "muscle flex" present in the footage, anywhere.

11) Fully hairy mammaries that don't jiggle? Yeah, right..

12) Roger Patterson did a series of sketches that have the same pose and appearance of this "creature" MONTHS BEFORE this footage was taken.

*Conclusion: "Patty" is undoubtedly Bob Heironimus in a suit. It's a pretty crappy suit too, unless you're just a Bigfoot-obsessed legally blind person.
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Thats False.
jeff924217 September 2005
This was and continues to be one of the biggest pieces of mystery ever captured on film. At 6'6 and 350 pounds the object in the film cannot and has never been proved to be a man in a suit. Roger Patterson died in 1972 and to his last day swore to its authenticity. Whoever suggested Patterson admitted its a fake got some bad info. Bob Gimblin is still alive and frequently speaks at conventions and symposiums on the film and what the 2 men saw that day. Had Patterson ever admitted it as a fake Gimblin would have never been seen again in the spotlight. I have an open mind about this film. Its quite possible this is a real bigfoot. At the very least its the most elaborate hoax of its time.
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To be frank with you, I don't think there are enough words to describe how much I hate this video. It's disrespectful and disgusting, obviously it's just a quick cash grab. I had hoped the producers had more respect than this, but I was clearly wrong. This is a clear violation of someone's privacy. Filming someone on there day off, without their permission? disgusting film tactics. The shot is terrible anyways, you can barely see a thing. He is clearly just trying to enjoy a stroll outside on a nice day, and you and your crew ruined it for him. I would expect this type of thing from paparazzi, but not high budget film makers. Extremely disappointing.
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A Fake?
prizm6324 September 2003
No one has ever proved this film to be a fake. There were no deathbed confessions and the recent reports that a famous Hollywood make-up pro had created and worn a monkey suit were revealed to be false.

If it was some guy in a suit, Bob should have shot the idiot and settled it one way or another.

The film stands as a litmus test. If you would like to believe there are apes in North America, it is compelling evidence. If you tend to reject such notions, you see a guy in a gorilla suit.

Personally I like the idea that we have not quite figured everything out yet. Unfortunately, the true skeptics will never believe it until some hunter does indeed shoot one and we have it on a slab.
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Footage cannot be proved or disproven
superbu110 February 2007
Contrary to the previous post, there is actually quite a lot of circumstantial evidence that this film was hoaxed, though no actual proof.

The most damning evidence is the timeline -- 16mm footage allegedly shot in California on a Friday afternoon, then developed at a lab and back in Yakima for viewing by that Sunday evening?! According to researcher Greg Long, there were only a handful of labs that processed 16mm film for the public at that time. And survivor Bob Gimlin can't "remember" how they got the film back to Yakima or where they had it developed. It seems nearly impossible...

So Patterson was likely lying about WHEN the film was shot. Why? I can't answer that, but it's odd that it happened to be pouring rain when Patterson made his first phone call to other Bigfoot investigators to come out and look at the site, rain that ruined the footprints (human and otherwise). All that remained were plaster casts and film that Patterson took of the footprints prior to the rain -- so, basically, no one could see anything in the sand that he didn't WANT them to see. Did Patterson film it sometime earlier, then just wait for it to rain, to blur evidence of a hoax?

And while there do seem to be discrepancies in the story of Bob Heironimus (the man who claims he was wearing the Bigfoot costume), at least one detail gives me pause: he claims Patterson's still-living widow Patricia watched him try on the "Bigfoot" costume back in 1967. I find it hard to believe that he would implicate her with an accusation like that if it were unfounded. And, as far as I know, Mrs. Patterson has never filed a lawsuit against him for slander, nor has Bob Gimlin.

However, the film has never been definitively debunked, nor definitively proved. The only way to prove or disprove it would be to catch a live sasquatch and compare it to the film subject... unless Gimlin or Patterson's widow were to fess up.
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Most iconic hoax of all time
williambo8 August 2016
Probably the most iconic "hoax" of our generation, the Patterson/Gimlin Bigfoot film shot in Bluff Creek California in 1967 still finds itself at the top of the list after nearly fifty years despite attempts to debunk or defame it.

The reason for this failure in my opinion is in the films realistic nature, if it's a hoax it's a damn good one. The film is grainy and shaky yet detail can be seen that you wouldn't expect to see in a cheap costume.

I've studied this film extensively for a long time, the only thing that prevents me from concluding it's legitimate is the extraordinary, unprecedented nature of it, Bigfoot cannot exist, therefore this film must be a hoax, I think.
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Great footage; however, if you are skeptical ... can you prove that it's a man in a costume?
oldsloughstalker12 June 2017
For almost 50 years, the debate on whether or not that this vintage film is genuine footage of a real animal is still alive and well. Hopefully, this submission will shed some light to the novice on this subject, as well as some of the skeptics. As an experienced outdoorsman, my honest opinion is that the footage shows a living animal. I will not bias anyone's opinion by stating any of my many reasons for this conclusion. However; for those who may think otherwise, such as that this may simply be a hoax, or footage of a man in a mask and costume ... let's try a little experiment.

First of all, please watch the footage and pay close attention to the subject in the film, especially its head. Please notice that as the subject walks away from Roger Patterson through the creek-bed as it is being filmed (which is very rugged terrain, I might add) that not once does it ever look down. Now for the experiment, which I have tried several times with the general public at outdoor wildlife expos: I have asked participants to put on an over-the-head gorilla mask and then briskly walk away from me until I instruct them to stop. I generally let the participant travel between 10-15 yards away before stopping them, and then immediately turn to my audience of "witnesses" and ask them, "How many times did the subject look down?" The answer averages 3 to 5 times by audience response for each time that I have tried this experiment.

So now, my question to you the reader is ... how can a man in a mask and bulky costume possibly traverse that rocky and uneven of terrain without either looking down or tripping? It was hard enough for Roger Patterson to pursue the animal while filming, all the while trying to keep focused on the subject as well as focusing on where he himself was going. For a novice photographer with an unfamiliar rented camera, I feel that Roger did a fairly good job of filming considering the circumstances. Thank you for your time and interest in this film, and I hope that this review will help you to form your own opinion on its authenticity.
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A nice fake that does generate intrigue.
But a fake of course, there is no Bigfoot, there never was. Still i understand all this comments about being true because i do like to fantasize about stuff, much like when you play a role game, so it's OK of course for people to believe this. I wish it was true bear in mind! I'd love it if such a thing existed, of course it doesn't. With today technology there is no way a civilization of ape like humanoid could keep hidden, it would have being discovered long ago. The fact that there are no clear footage of the creature but is always a crummy disturbed image proves that Bigfoot doesn't exit. But i repeat , it's OK for you to believe in whatever you like so no harm done.
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The Real Deal
dinsmoretrevor22 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Me...and a LOT of others like me...consider this to be the Holy Grail of Cryptid films. It has been scrutinized by more people than almost any other film. Except the Zapruder film clip of the Kennedy assassination. Or maybe the short clips of the two space shuttle disasters.

Roger Patterson had been looking for Bigfoot / Sasquatch for quite some time. Hence the movie camera. And on horseback seems to me to be the proper way to go squatching. That way any creatures that you manage to find wouldn't be terrified of the human scent...all they would smell would be the horses.

Anyway, this film clip has NEVER been debunked. It has been gone over with a fine-toothed comb by some very famous people, including Bill Munns, DR. Jeffery Meldrum, the crew Barackman, Fay, Moneymaker from Finding Bigfoot, Adam Davies, Lyle Blackburn etc etc I gave this a 10 because I believe that it is authentic. Please watch it again and again. Thanks and ENJOY!!!
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The Greatest Hoax
Squrpleboy21 October 2002
If anyone has seen a documentary on the "yet uncaptured" creatures known as Bigfoot, or Sasquatch, they have invariably seen this short film clip. Along with the Zapruder film of President Kennedy's assassination, and the B& W photo of the Loch Ness Monster' s head rising out of the water (another recently revealed hoax), this film has been utilized in, and shown on, more conspiracy based films and TV shows than any other; truly making it a piece of American pop-culture now.

And it is a fake.

Bob Gimlin or Roger Patterson (I can't recall which at the moment) made a death-bed confession revealing that it had been a wonderful hoax all those many years ago. No doubt they over- joyed skeptics, crushed the dreams of believers, and discredited the scientists who have used the film to demonstrate the infallible proof that the Bigfoot creatures do EXIST. What I never understood, even at as young as age 8 years old, was how ANYONE who saw it actually believed it wasn't a MAN! Anyone with a hulking Uncle Clyde, Bob, or George-type guy in their family has seen a large man walk like that! C'mon! I NEVER bought it as genuine for a second. (Not to mention that it was conveniently just out-of-focus enough to blur any details, despite Patterson being an amateur filmmaker as well.) Still, it was a harmless prank, and all in all, I think it is a neat clip to watch, and a great piece of modern American history. 5/10.

Now if someone would just come forward about the Moon Landing...
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Thousands Still Insist on Buying Into It . . .
homerjer9 May 2006
This original footage shot by Roger Patterson has become a permanent part of the American pop culture, almost as famous as the Zapruder film. The difference between the two, of course, is that Zapruder captured a genuine occurrence, as opposed to blurry shots of a man stomping around the woods in a cobbled-together fur coat. Still, for decades "cryptozoologists" (people claiming to be experts on bizarre animals) and conspiracy theorists of all sorts have carefully examined this film (and the many, many pseudo-documentaries such as THE LEGEND OF BIGFOOT, IN SEARCH OF BIGFOOT, THE MYSTERIOUS MONSTERS, all 1976, that re-used this footage or did recreations) and declared it to be absolutely genuine ("100% verified by all available methods of scientific testing" is the general phrasing that Bigfoot enthusiasts seem to cling to). They insist that there has never been any proof that Bigfoot doesn't or couldn't reasonably exist. Unfortunately, they only they do this is by ignoring or dismissing the good amount of proof to the contrary that IS out there.

Some of this evidence is scientific, such as the propagation limits of any species. For a group of Bigfoot-type creatures to survive year after year, for example, they would have to be breeding in great enough numbers to be spotted FREQUENTLY by forest rangers and the general public, not just by the infrequent storytellers who carry on the myth. The Patterson Bigfoot in specific, however, has been more specifically debunked by more traditionally investigative evidence. It has been two years since the release of Greg Long's book THE MAKING OF BIGFOOT, which goes into the details behind the hoax (not terribly elaborate) that Roger Patterson created with his Bigfoot film. Among other documentation, it contains interviews from a couple of important/involved parties. The first of these is Philip Morris, a maker of sideshow gorilla suits (in 1967 one of the ONLY makers) who admits to selling Patterson a suit shortly before the Bigfoot film was shot, as well as giving the man instructions on how to customize it to give the suit longer arms, broader shoulders, etc. (not knowing what Patterson's plans were). The second, more confessional account comes from Bob Heironimus, a man Patterson hired (although he never actually paid the man his promised $1000) to wear the suit. Also in the book is the testimony of several people who saw Heironimus in possession of the suit (since then Heironimus has also passed a lie detector test in order to solidify his claims).

Consider this: In 1967 Roger Patterson, a man deep in debt, rents a camera and tells friends that he's going into the wilderness to find irrefutable proof of the existence of the Bigfoot creature. He then returns ALMOST IMMEDIATELY with footage of the beast casually strolling past his camera. Conveniently enough, though, the film is just a little out of focus and at enough of a distance that the grainy image, four decades later, still has true believers arguing that they see a beast "500 pounds" with "clearly delineated muscle movement that isn't possible from a man wearing a suit" and "pendulous breasts that obviously denote it as a female of the species". They insist that what is on screen could "never be recreated by even the most skilled Hollywood special effects craftsmen", and when various documentary filmmakers produce similar results using materials that would have been available in the late 60s, the believers then shout out that the suits don't look "at all like the real thing; look at how fake the fur looks!" (not acknowledging, even to themselves, that the modern video cameras that shoot the new suits have not been "dumbed down" to photograph them with as LITTLE detail as the original film showed)

How much evidence, how much testimony is needed to dissuade the true believers? Answer: No amount will ever be enough. Some die-hards still demand, for example, "100% accurate evidence" (sic) that this creature doesn't exist, two years after the hoax has been thoroughly debunked. For that matter, it has been THREE years since the family of Ray Wallace (the man inadvertently responsible for turning a set of vaguely related man-beast myths into one giant myth) admitted after his death that he TOO had hoodwinked the public (back in 1958) by originally planting dozens of fake Bigfoot prints. Just as there are people who are absolutely convinced that John F. Kennedy is alive and hidden on a private island, and that Elvis still shows up occasionally at Burger King, there will always be people who will insist that "no suit has been produced to prove Bigfoot is fake" or "no human's arms could be extended to flex the way the creature's do in the film". This is how it is now, and this is how it will be decades after the rest of humanity has filed the Bigfoot phenomenon away with such "mysteries" as the Loch Ness Monster and Pyramid Power.

BIGFOOT, the original short film, is at best a pop culture icon, a reminder of a more innocent, pre-Watergate age when the American people accepted what they saw or were told without question. At the least it's an amusing diversion, and one that has given the Hollywood B-movie community another creative outlet. Some fun results have been SNOWBEAST (TV movie, 1977), the incredibly bad BIGFOOT (MANY films used this generic title; this one is bikers vs. Bigfoot, 1970) or any of the inept but harmless BOGGY CREEK entries. Each and every one of these flicks is ultra-cheesy, which makes sense, really. Bigfoot flourished during the drive-in era; it is only appropriate that he find his greatest tribute there. Any one of these above-mentioned films should rightly be shown on a drive-in screen, perhaps preceded by Roger Patterson's original BIGFOOT movie. It could be a "nature short subject", just before the dancing boxes of popcorn paraded across the screen to tempt people to run to the concession building, before the beginning of the main feature.
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More than one sasquatch?
tonynemedy27 August 2022
Pretty cool video. Did anybody notice that there are 2 others in the video? When the sasquatch in video gets spotted,it turns its head and looks behind her,the camera follows,did anyone notice the smaller sasquatch hiding behind the dead fall. Or how about when she is walking into the forest,there's another one,hiding behind a tree. Must be a family out for a Saturday walk. My thought is that either nobody noticed,or told not to notice. There's creatures all over this planet that haven't been spotted by humans. By creatures I mean insects as well as 2 and 4 legged animals. So why is it when they show this short video,there is no acknowledgement of the rest of her " family"
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The greatest unknown of all time
Kalashnikovin29 July 2022
Everyone knows this footage as well as the story of Bigfoot, a unique Primate of its kind that lives isolated in some remote area.

This footage from 1967 is the supposed video where "Bigfoot is captured on camera" but many people have tried to deny the video but I think we will never get an answer to this mystery.

The video is just the Supposed Bigfoot walking through the Forest and he turns to look at the Cameraman for a second but the Primate is not interested and just leaves.

If this were to be False, the bigfoot suit is too well done, plus it is assumed that Patterson was not wealthy and did not have the resources to make such a suit, which makes this more mysterious.

I think that one day we will get an answer to this footage but I think that for now this will still remain a mystery, a great mystery...

Sincerely, being a mysterious footage which is not known if it is false or real, I will rate it a 5.
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Looks blurry, smells hoaxy, need better camera
enriquemadera22 December 2023
Poorly filmed clip that proves nothing. Now that practically everyone carries a high-res camera in their cellphone, you'd think that somebody would come up with a film with clearer images than this cultural artifact. The supposed footprints linked to this event don't even match the gate or probable weight of the film's subject. Physical evidence is required to classify this film as a documentary or a drama or a comedy. The hyping of this clip did play a small role in taking our culture down the road to the current time where pseudoscience infotainment dominates the cable "documentary" channels with cryptozoology, paranormal sensationalism, alien abductions and other fantasms. Considering the attention awarded to this blip of a film, imagine what excitement any actual physical evidence would bring.
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Real or Fake? The Debate Continues
Michael_Elliott11 January 2016
Patterson-Gimlin Film (1967)

This footage shot by Bob Gimlin and Roger Patterson is perhaps the most famous amateur footage every recorded next to the John F. Kennedy assassination. These 39 seconds have been debates endlessly for decades and the debate only continues to grow with each passing year. As a "film" this is impossible to really rate, although there's no denying its historic nature no matter whether you believe it's real or fake. As for me, I like to pretend that the footage is real and that it was a one-in-a-million shot that they were able to capture it. The rough nature of the footage, to me, shows some proof that perhaps it wasn't staged. I mean, these two men weren't professional filmmakers so they probably wouldn't think to make it look like raw footage in hopes people like me would think this proved it to be real. In other words, there are so many sighting videos out there that just look too clean. Too professional. Too well-shot. This here is none of them and it does have that look as if these men just came across something and rushed to get what footage they could.
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Bigfoot? As if
tsos-8832822 July 2018
I've seen these Bigfoots. Not so impressive. You is dumb. You is dummy. Explain the plantain. Nobody is do. What it is. What it was. Such? You dig.
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