Resident Evil 2 (Video Game 1998) Poster

(1998 Video Game)

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Best game ever!!!
simonbeyer29 May 2001
"Resident Evil 2" is simply the best computer game ever. It surpasses every other game in every genre in every possible way. It was one of the first games I bought for my PlayStation and when I started playing it that night I thought: "I'm just going to play for a few hours and then go to bed". - because it was rather late. Several hours later in the middle of the night I was still sitting in front of my TV having lost any sense of time - I just played on and on. I just couldn't stop.

Never before have I been sucked into a game like with "RE2". It was fantastic. I just HAD to go on. I didn't stop until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. At that time I guess it was five in the morning or so.

This game has it all. It's great to run around in old buildings and scary corridors searching for clues and keys, fighting dogs and zombies.

And the scenarios are so perfectly made. The graphics are spectacular. When you run around in those corridors it's like you're really there.

Of course this has something (or everything) to do with the music which is more than just great - I would say that the music is probably the best thing about the game. It creates the scary atmosphere - and believe me it's REALLY scary. And that's the great thing, that the game works perfectly.

The gameplay is also great. The story is great and the game is long and not too easy to complete - that's good. "Resident Evil 2" offers hours and hours of fabulous entertainment. Go out and buy it, then play it - if you dare face the terror...
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Just amazing.
martymaster18 August 2001
The game was a revolution when it came out and the graphic and story was ground breaking. I know that there have come better games now,but this one is a classic.

The game is very adictiv and the story is very frightening and scary. Even though it is a video game,you really care about the characters.

I have completed the game in every way possible and gotten all the secrets so I know what i am talking about. The scenes and enviroment is very detailed and the gci video segments are as good as it gets. The game is very gory and also sometimes scary.

This game is much more challaging than other games before and it is not easy to complete it and get all the secrets.

This video game beats every zombie movie.

One of my favourit games.
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The best of the now 5 game series. Scary, Suspenceful, and plot twists that will leave you in awe!
Shadow Hawk31 March 2002
To many people, video games are just A lot of people feel that way. I will tell you that you don't play this game... you live it. In the many hours you will spend playing this game, you will either find: (A)You think its an ok game (B) You like this game (C) You love this game. I bought this game the first day it came out which was 4 years ago, and I still play it over and over. That, my friends is the mark of an awesome game. I have to say... I'm 16, I've seen every zombie movie known to man, and I never had a nightmare on the subject or been afraid after the movie....this game scared the living @$#% outta me. There is not a better shoot em up zombie game on the market. This is the ultimate achievement in survival horror!
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If only all modern video games could be like this
mentalcritic17 April 2005
The quest of video games to be more and more like the real-life equivalent of the situation they are depicting is one stretching back as far as the late 1970s, when such titles as Galaga were over the horizon. Indeed, in the mid-1980s, one game based on a laserdisc and knowing which button to push when was hailed as raising the interactive bar to something we had never seen before. While video games based upon films were frequently made, and even sold in great numbers, Capcom set the standard when they took George Romero's Night Of The Living Dead and used it as the basis for Biohazard, or Resident Evil as it is known to English-speaking audiences (presumably because the original name was previously copyrighted outside of Japan).

Resident Evil 2 picks up a little after the original game in the series. The virus that the evil Umbrella corporation has been researching managed to get out into the open, and people have been dropping dead like flies as a result. The story begins when two central characters are separated in a car crash, and both try to survive long enough to work out what on Earth is going on in Racoon City. It sounds like a very basic, even threadbare plot, and to tell the truth, it is. But therein lies the charm of Resident Evil and most all of its sequels. One can go anywhere, do anything, kill anything, and apart from the frustration of winding up with nowhere to go at times, the game will not penalise the player for it. In this day and age where racing simulators are nothing more than knowing which lever to jerk when, it makes for a nice change.

Of course, as the main influence makes clear, the player soon finds themselves battling with undead citizens (and worse) throughout the course of the game. Those who like to kill everything in sight may find the going a little tough, as the game rewards the player for knowing what to kill and when. A zombie in a wide, open area does not require immediate shooting, but a licker in a confined space should be put down as quickly and quietly as possible. Knowing the difference can literally decide whether you complete this game or not. But if one does get into a situation where they are low on ammunition and are not sure where they are meant to go, they can simply keep exploring until a solution presents itself. Such is the quality of the artwork on offer that it takes a while for this to become boring.

One criticism of the game that is perfectly valid is that the zombie models only seem to have four varieties. Occasionally, different types will appear if certain conditions are met, such as not picking up any items during the trip to the police station, but for the most part, it is a rather generic bunch. Another problem is the save point system, which can make the quest seem repetitive at times if resumed. However, the fun of the game truly lies in revealing threads of the plot, which, while occasionally cliché, is put together like an elegant series of Chinese boxes. Questions are raised constantly, and half the fun is in finding the answers. In a complete contrast to the second feature film, the motions and attacks of the enemy are completely consistent, and even make sense from a biological point of view. One other criticism I have that applies to all of the Resident Evil games I have played to date is that in so-called tense moments, when a mass-attack by zombies or other terrors begins, one can often tell when they have completely beaten off their opposition by when the background music calms down. Although I am not entirely sure that is a bad thing.

The replay value of the game is heightened by the ability to complete one character's quest, save the results, and use them on the other's. What one does in one game directly affects what happens in the other. Decisions such as who should take the submachine gun, for example, are of great importance in the game, as are such things as opening doors or killing certain major enemies. Getting into the underground lab towards the end of the game is quite a chilling moment, too. Notwithstanding the fight that takes place on the way down, this deserted research lab is enough to put the wind up any a dedicated viewer of horror films. A contrast, as it were, to the godawful second film adaptation.

If I were giving Resident Evil 2 a score, it would be ten out of ten. Sure, it is looking old considering it was originally released on the PlayStation and Dreamcast, but unlike the vast majority of games, it has the ability to withstand the test of time. It is well worth hunting around the stores that specialise in second-hand or liquidated stock for.
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The nightmare continues!!
action-620 December 1999
After having closed the case of the laboratory in the mansion in Resi 1, zombies and monsters inhabit Raccon City. Chris, Jill(the characters of RE1) and the STARS-members have disappeared. Chris`s sister Claire, enters the town on her motorbike, she stops at a coffee-shop, and is attacked by a zombie, Leon(the other main-character) enters and kills the zombie. Leon & Claire get into a policecar and drive to the police-station. Not everything is running smoothly though, the police-car is destroyed by a huge-truck, and Leon & Claire have to go to the policestation on foot!! The game starts here and is one of the most enjoyable of all time. RE2 was one of the most anticipated releases of all time, and was definetely worth the long wait(about 2years). The graphics are better, the sound is better, the story is better, the acting is better, the weapons are more powerful etc. A true classic that everybody must buy, now that it is on a budget price in Europe and the U.S. 10/10
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A Stellar Sequel
amongpixels8 April 2021
1998's Resident Evil 2 was directed by Hideki Kamiya and is a near-perfect continuation of the first.

Picking up the story two months after the events at Spencer Mansion we now play as Claire Redfield and Leon Kennedy. Unlike its predecessor, both lead characters have almost entirely different story campaigns that intertwine and connect throughout. This makes replaying the game all the more enjoyable as we get to see how both respective stories play out and ultimately come together.

Once again, the characters have an endearingly simplistic quality about them which gives them an effective emotional heart. Leon, along with his fun quips, has a comforting romance with Ada Wong, while Claire builds a sweet mother-daughter relationship with Sherry Birkin, which has an uplifting and heartfelt conclusion. Not to mention Claire's search for Chris giving us a perfectly intriguing explanation into what happened after Spencer Mansion.

There's plenty of creepy moments, memorable and intimidating new enemies (the lickers and the T-00), more Hollywood influences, entertaining cutscenes, the scale feels grander with more action, the puzzles and exploration come together seamlessly, the plot is consistently engaging, the score is solid (although I didn't care much for the boss-fight choir music), and much of the difficulty comes from the tank controls, which makes it all the more satisfying of an experience when you finally get the hang of it.

While there is some tedious backtracking at times, overall, this is a sequel that successfully ups the stakes, expands the RE world, introduces memorable new characters, and makes for a tense, fun and exciting experience. With a 10 hour playtime as Claire and almost 5 hours as Leon, I can certainly say Resident Evil 2 is another game that deserves its renowned recognition.
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A fantastic survial horror game and one of the best games in the series.
vivifan13 July 2018
Resident evil 2 is one of the strongest entires in the series, I have been a fan of this series since I was young since I played it back on the good ol PS1. The games graphics were great for the time, the characters were entertaining, the story was silly yet very interesting, the music, tone, monsters, weapons, content and replay value makes it stand out even more. This game also has very good atmosphere and is one of the most memorable experiences I have in a game. The puzzles range from medium to hard, the boss fights are varied and entertaining (tho some are a bit easy). The game controls do take a bit of getting used to tho, they are fine once you get used to them and they do work fine but since they are tank like it put of some gamers. The game is just amazing overall and one I will never forget. One of the best PS1 games out there and my favorite in the PS1 trilogy.
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Nothing short of a masterpiece.
MadMark9629 July 2021
Where do you even start with this masterpiece? Packed to the brim with content, 4 complete and unique scenarios with the bonus 4th survivor mode and extreme battle mode. A wide range of incredibly cool weapons at your disposal to take down the many creatures in your way of escaping Raccoon City with incredibly great cast of characters. Impeccable pacing and tone throughout the whole game with an incredible soundtrack. The game strikes the perfect balance between action and horror. Resident evil 2 built on the story for resident evil 1 in such a great and expansive way. From the intense opening of surviving the streets of the city to exploring the RPD and then plunging into the lab under the city it's just amazing start to finish. If you haven't played this you're robbing yourself of one of the best gaming experiences ever.
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This was a sequel in which you got to blow up a giant zombie-gator by shooting a gas canister that's stuck in its mouth, just like in Jaws!!! Warning: Spoilers
Improving and expanding upon the classic original in every way except perhaps the raw terrifying atmosphere, this excellently-crafted sequel gave everything one could have possibly wanted in a zombie game and it set the bar for what horror games could accomplish. It may never have been as scary as Resident Evil 1 but this game too was pretty frightening back in the day, with disgusting monsters, a palpably tense atmosphere, and a chilling soundtrack that sounded like it was straight out of a high-budgeted horror movie. Sure until you got used to them, the controls were a real annoyance to work with, and sure the intricate puzzles of the police station involving fine works of art make no sense whatsoever..but who cares about that stuff? It was scary, and was bloody, and it was fun - it remains one if the best survival horror games to this day and was a blast to play. This was definitely one of the best Playstation games and it was my introduction to Resident Evil. I did play the first one later, and had my butt handed to me.. I'd say that this game is easy in comparison. The opening hurdle when you briefly meet the unfortunate owner of Kendo's Gun shop(and grab a handy shotgun from his chewed-upon corpse if you're playing as Leon, or a nifty bow-gun if Claire) and make your way through the fiery graffiti-sprayed alleyways to the presumed sanctuary of the police station where the game truly begins, as the station basically serves as this game's mansion in the woods. I love all of the pre-rendered backgrounds which are very varied and colourful in contrast to the original's predominantly dank Gothic visuals.. And I love a lot of the little things, like how much it made me jump the first time the licker leaps through the two-way mirror in the police station, how much of a crazy hoot Chief Irons is, and how you can do secret stuff like find a zombie Brad Vickers and even shoot the camera in certain spots! I like the Claire playthrough better because you face the unrelenting menace of a hulking tyrant in an overcoat who you bump into again and again in frightening encounters where he just walks up to you very slowly and lashes out with killer punches that pack the force of a sledgehammer. And until the end you can't kill him, just stun him for a while.. It used to make my heart leap whenever he'd unexpectedly explode out of a wall! It was a fine satisfying sequel and a classic game in its own right. "It looks like your party...has been cancelled!"
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Like this game
ashleykennedy-652809 February 2022
I actually like this game and the controls are easy on dolphin emulator which i don't have a N64 system. I tried this game on the N64 emulator but the controls are not very good.
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Great Classic RE Game
AshleyKennedy_28 January 2023
This is a great classic resident evil game and i really like it. I used to play this game on n64 emulator but the controls were not very good. I like the sourcenext PC version way better and the seamless HD mod looks great. I also like how you can now play the biorand mod and choose different characters from the series and that it has background music from RE4, RE Code Veronica, and etc.

I aldo like how this game is short and not long. My favorite RE characters is Leon and Jill and they have good personality and love how Leon says is sarcastic jokes in this game and RE4. This game on soucenext has a debug menu which i like in case you run low on ammo or healing and you can't find any you can add how many ammo and healing you want in the inventory.
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The best Resident Evil game, and one of the best games over-all.
Lateralus4623 March 2002
This game is amazing. There are 2 different versions of the game, one where you are Leo and one where you are Claire, meaning that to fully complete the game you have to beat it twice. The graphics in this game, while not great, are good. This is one of the only games I have ever played that made me nervous or scared at times. You never know when a zombie or other creature might just pop out of nowhere and make you jump. Once you die in the game, it is game over, you have to start from the beginning, so try to get as many health items as you can so when you are dying you can get your health back, and more importantly SAVE THE GAME AS MUCH AS YOU CAN, meaning whenever you see a type writer, go up to it and save the game. Because if you don't, believe me, you will regret it. The story in the game is original and exciting. How would you like to be stuck in a building full of flesh-eating zombies, giant crocodiles, vicious dogs, and plenty of strange creatures? The game is exciting at all times, as long as you continue to do new things and go to new places rather than going back to places you have already been. Resident Evil 2 is challenging, and will take quite a long time to complete, but is fun and exciting the whole way through, and is one of the best video games ever made. Play it if you haven't.
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More and challenging games
moviewiz-414 October 2000
The second installment is better from the first one. The game play is more challenging and although not as scary as the first one, the puzzle and game play is very addictive as well as the first one and code Veronica on Dreamcast.

Overall, a must for horror's fan.
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Scary As Hell!
Pat-883 August 1999
Scarier than any horror movie ever made because you're in controlled of this blood fest which make it more scarier than watching other people doing it on the big screen or on your television screen. This game got two CDs which make the game much more entertaining.

Each cd contains a different character with a complete different story line which make the game much more fun. I recommend you to buy this game and the first game too (isn't as good as this game, still fun though)

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In a class of its own.
DragonMasterHiro7 July 2003
I got this game for Nintendo 64 and loved every minute of it. The best way to play it is late at night in the dark. You start off playing one of two characters, both on their own agenda. Claire Redfield comes to Raccoon City to find her brother Chris, a STARS operative from the previous game. Leon Kennedy arrives to start his new assignment at the city's police department. After you play through the game as the first character, you follow through with the second character. The story varies slightly depending on who you take and actions the first character makes will affect the second character.

There's plenty of action here, as you must fend off the undead with limited ammo, so strategy is also key. If you escape from the city in a certain time limit and difficulty level, you can unlock secrets in the game. This is definitely a challenge for finding your way, solving puzzles and finding necessary items takes time and patience.

The music for this game is fantastic, and perfectly fitting for survival horror. There are plenty of times when this game will make you flinch because of the level of suspense it creates. The voices came through a little scratchy, and the acting was ok but better than the first game. Sure the plot may seem to be similar to a B movie, but this story gets you hooked. There are plenty of surprises here, and I personally love the way the two character subplots intertwine.
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Game Horror survivor
abdurhmanzain2 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Resident Evil 2 introduced one of the most terrifying games in history, video games, and there is still fear and anxiety in its atmosphere. The different scenarios are also short and terrifying with the full story, but there are pluses: the sounds of the music, the atmosphere, and the sounds of the environment. At the end of the review, I know that the original Resident Evil 2 is more intimidating than the current sequel and outperforms the zombie movies 10/10.
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great game!
jimmyplm21 March 1999
You must play this game if you love horror movies (and especially zombie movies). It is even better than the first one. It is my favorite game of all time. I actually don't like a lot of games, but I am really fond of this one!
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Genetic Engineering at it's best!
cutesquall21 October 2000
The survival horror genre of games is quite common, but finding one with an excellent plot and awesome scenery is a lot harder to find! 'Biohazard 2' (Resident Evil 2) has got to be one of the most freakish and well developed games of its time!! A true winner in horror gaming!!
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The Nightmare Continues
Rabical-9115 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
'Resident Evil' shook the game playing nation when it first arrived in 1996. Such was its popularity that Capcom developed a director's cut version the following year, which also featured a demo for the sequel, 'Resident Evil 2'. In 1998, the sequel appeared in its full glory and, while maybe not as good as the first game, was still a rip-roaring success and yet another golden gaming venture.

Two months after the incident at the mansion in the Arklay Mountains in Raccoon City, the remaining S.T.A.R.S members flee to the Umbrella HQ's in Europe to carry-out investigations of rumours of the creation of the G-Virus ( a far more powerful variation of the T-Virus which caused the zombie outbreak ). Arriving in the zombie infested city that was once Raccoon City are rookie cop Leon S. Kennedy ( who has been newly recruited by the R.P.D ) and Claire Redfield ( who has arrived to track down her brother Chris ). The two ( who are the game's protagonists ) try to seek refuge in the police station, thinking it to be safe, but most of its officers have been eaten by or have become zombies.

The only remaining survivors are Brian Irons, the corrupt Chief Of Police who was receiving bribes from Umbrella to hush up their experimental failures, officer Marvin Branagh who was attacked by zombies and reporter Ben Bertoculli, who has locked himself in a cell to stop himself from being eaten by the zombies. All of whom end up being killed.

If playing Claire, you will meet a young girl named Sherry Birkin, whose mother and father, Annette and William Birkin, who both work for Umbrella and are both responsible for the virus outbreak. If playing Leon you will meet a young woman named Ada Wong, a spy whose boyfriend John formerly worked for Umbrella and who was sent in to obtain data regarding the G-Virus. The trouble starts when when William Birkin injects himself with the G-Virus after spies tried to steal his creation from him. As a result, he became a deadly malformed creature. Your aim is much as before, battle your way through a plethora of dangerous creatures and difficult puzzles and booby traps and make it out alive.

Like I said earlier, 'Resident Evil 2' does not have the same shock impact as the first game but all the same is a marvellous game playing experience. Some new monsters are brought in here such as the licker ( a skinless creature with sharp claws and a piercing tongue ), Mr. X ( a variant of Tyrant who only appears in the second half of the game ), an over-sized alligator as well as an over-sized moth. The scripting and voice-acting here is not quite as sloppy as the first game but is still pretty cringe-worthy ( such as the scene in which Leon over-dramatically cries Ada's name when he thinks she has died on him ). There is also a hidden game which can be unlocked entitled 'The Fourth Survivor' which follows Umbrella's attempts to secure the G-Virus sample.

The success of 'Resident Evil 2' also prompted a third game in 1999 entitled 'Resident Evil 3: Nemesis', which had Jill Valentine from the first game as the protagonist. 'Nemesis' in my view was the best of the three games made thus far and in my view would have made a fitting finale to the series however Capcom took it into their heads to devise a fourth game in 2000 entitled 'Resident Evil: Survivor'. Gameplayers yawned.

Apparently a remake of 'Resident Evil 2' is in the offing, with updated graphics, new voice acting and more puzzles. If it will be as good as the remake of the first game, I cannot wait.
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Pretty good
TERMINATOR18027 January 2002
The characters aren't as interesting as the original, but the horror and replayability well makes up for it. After completing the game, you play the 2nd Scenario, a different version of the 1st. And both characters,Leon and Claire, have 2nd Scenarios (Thus giving you 4 different Scenarios)

I'd recommend this game to anyone who liked the first, but I think if you are gonna play this game you should play the original first, it's alot better.
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One of the Scariest Games Ever!
Movieman-15719 November 1999
This, along with Acclaim Teesside's "Shadow Man", has got to be the scariest game ever made. Zombies result after experiments go terribly wrong in the town of Raccoon City, and now it's up to two people (Claire Redfield and Leon Kennedy)to stop it. Scarier than most movies, and gorier than most, too, this game delivers on all accounts. Finally released to the N64 just today (November 19, 1999)!
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This game is the bomb
ab-220 October 1999
This game has everything from the first one but even more surprises. The camera angles are great. The CGI or whatever graphics are great. And the guns. Some of the guns are from the first one like the handgun but there are even more like a machine gun and a spark gun. If you liked the original buy or rent this one.
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A memorable classic!
cesaraugustolm4 April 2021
Of the first three Resident Evil, this is certainly the best, surpasses Biohazard (1996) in everything. The infected Raccoon City is very striking, with two different scenarios for Leon and Claire, sinister monsters, ambience and a very good soundtrack. A game that marked the childhood of many and deserves respect.
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alexmarom12 July 2019
Resident Evil 2 got a remake recently so I decided to play the original before playing the remake.

WOW. This held up really well. The tank controls got a bit of taking used to, yet once I did they were never a problem, and are they ever appropriate for making you feel helpless. Just like the decision to limit your ammo, health and even saves. Yes, saves. It is not as annoying as it sounds. You can still save when convenient, just not in excess, and the game is very short so it's not like it's that big of a deal anyways.

I loved how this game worked around its limitations and still managed to get some good horror despite it. Building up to enemies before your first encounter with them and replacing loading screens with eerie door animations. The ambient, scarce soundtrack adds a ton to the atmosphere as well.

The cinematic aspects of the game aged VERY poorly, and Claire's story was not as polished as Leon's (barely any differences as well as an absence of clever build up) yet it still serves as an entertaining one-time experience. Let's see if the remake changes that.
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Resident Evil 2! One great game!
Movie Nuttball13 February 2004
This comment is for the N64 version of Resident Evil 2!

When Nintendo launched its 64-bit system in 1996, the world at the time seen some of the greatest graphics ever on a video game console and even though Sony's Playstaion and Sega's Saturn were competing, this new competitor in the gaming arena quickly became a superstar! With it's unique analog controllers, unbelievable games, and it's Nintendo Expansion Pak, Nintendo clearly had a system that would remain champion in the console stadium for years!

My Take: Resident Evil 2 is a great game. Cool main characters with good character interaction, video and cut scenes, lots of action, powerful weapons, very good music, bloody stuff, unusual enemies, and a whole lot more! Its really fun! Read below to find out more!

The Story: Its present day somewhere in the mid west, the place is Racoon City. Something dreadful has happened to this peaceful and quiet town but what? Claire Redfield finally makes it there on her motorcycle and she is pleased that she has arrived to the place where her brother Chris is. She notices that the place is too quiet and she stops in at a restaurant but sees it is empty and she's asking questions if anyone is there but no one answers back to her sweet voice. Just seconds later she makes a shocking discovery by walking around in the diner and sees a man eating a corpse of another human. She tries to speak to this deranged individual but is all is coming from his bloody hole is noises so Claire tries to get away but the outside has people at the window trying to get in like uncontrollable mindless animals similar like the bald man she met that was feasting on human flesh! By realizing that the area is abnormal she quickly goes the other way to the only other exit and when she opens the door there is man in a police uniform pointing a gun at her and the young man says get down and he shoots the bald cannibalistic mad man in the head. The cop and Claire get away in his police car and he introduces himself as Leon Kennedy. Claire thanks goodness that he is normal and is on her side because an incident happened to him as well like what happened to her. Suddenly their short conversation is ended due to another cannibal in the police officer's car. This nut is trying bite and eat these two innocent people but they crash and the maniac is killed instantly by going through the windshield. A tractor trailer driver was bitten by one of these sick people and quickly he turns into one of them. By doing so he loses control of the large wheel he crashes into Leon's car, causing a huge explosion. Claire and Leon escape but they are on different sides of the now flaming street. Both not hurt but unable to cross over the high flames, Leon tells her to go to the police station and that he'll meet her there and she accepts. What has happened to Racoon City and why do these people crave the flesh of humans? Not much is known but when it comes to the people of the town the only logical explanation is simple, the town is now populated with zombies! But it comes to that other question again, how did these people become like this? Is everyone in Racoon City a flesh eating nightmare? If not how many are left, who are they, and if so how did they survive? Are these zombie the only things to heed or is there much more dangerous things to avoid? All of this is a mystery but will it be revealed?

Game Play: The game play is different and much like a platform game. It has the player solving things and finding items such as keys to progress further in the game. The full motion video is excellent especially the first for Claire and Leon before the game starts. Once you defeat the game as one of the characters it isn't over yet. For example, If you beat the game as Claire, you will now play it over as Leon in the saved game slot which it'll be titled LeonB but the game will be an alternate way to find out why some of the things that happened that had no explanation. This other type of mode is for both of the characters of the game. I like how the communication is between the characters especially between Leon and Ada Wong! My favorite storyline in the other mode is when the player is Leon and becomes good friends with Ada. It is much better than the LeonA scenario in My opinion!

Graphics: The graphics is very good but the Nintendo Expansion Pak makes it look superior! The video is clear and sometimes the words don't match the movement of their mouths but its great. Its very exciting! Everything in the game is clear! The looks of It is just amazing!

Difficulty: The unique game play controls some times makes it a bit on the hard side but after a while it gets really good. The difficulty is normal and hard. On either one the game can really hard in some places. Music: The score is really good! Its haunting, chilling, and gives you that new horror feeling!

Sound: The sound is very good as well! Its Dolby Surround! Nuff said!

Overall: Resident Evil 2 is really a great game! Its very dark, has a deep storyline and many interesting subplots, cool characters, awesome monsters, lots of gore with an option to change the blood color, great action, music, and video! What more could a gaming horror nut want? This is one of My favorites and I love everything about it especially the character Leon. He is just a good guy! If you love horror and video games then I strongly recommend it!

To purchase Resident Evil 2 for the Nintendo 64 go to!
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