The Hornet (1998) Poster


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A good film about a difficult love story
ereinion10 October 2010
I would first like to say that the reviewer who calls himself mravsky has obviously misunderstood this film. This is NOT an anti-Albanian film at all. It is a film that condemns nationalism. The very proof of that is the character of Abaz, the older brother of male protagonist, who works for the Serbian police. He totally breaks with the stereotype of an Albanian, being an anti-nationalist who works for Serbian regime and scorns nationalist Albanians. Yet he doesn't feel any less Albanian. When his arrogant colleague makes a comment about Albanians calling themselves Shiptari but taking offense when Serbs call them that, he responds "No, we call ourselves Albanians".

I really don't know where the reviewer could get the impression that the director was trying to present Serbs as "cooler" than the westerners. It's obviously a case of poor interpretation. Miljaim (Trifunovic) lives in Switzerland and goes under the guise of an Italian businessman, while in reality working as an assassin for the Kosovo Albanian mob. Ergo, he is not a Serb, nor does he ever appear as cooler than anybody in the west, as there are no major interactions with western people.

Adrijana (Jokovic) is a daughter of a Serbian teacher (Samardzic) who falls for Miljaim, thinking him to be the dashing Italian businessman. At first their life together is happy, but as Miljaim makes them move around all the time, Adrijana seeks an explanation. Miljaim gives in and starts talking in Serbian, explaining who he is. Despite this, their love is too strong and they stay together. Soon however, the young couple must face consequences of their love. The title Strsljen (Serbian for "Hornet") comes from Miljaim's assassin name. As mentioned, his brother Abaz, played by the excellent Montenegrin actor Branislav Popovic, is a high ranking policeman who is trying to find out the identity of the feared Hornet and catch him before he can commit a politically-based murder in Kosovo. This builds up to a very intense climax.

Sergej Trifunovic is very good as always and very intense in the role that was meant to be just that. Mirjana Jokovic also makes a good performance and good old Ljubisa Samardzic, who by the way DID NOT direct this film, does well in his supporting role. Popovic was the most pleasant surprise for me here, because I had never before seen or heard of him and he does a helluva job in a very interesting role. Meto Jovanovski is a profiled Macedonian actor who appears briefly as Abaz and Miljaim's father who denounces Abaz and hails Miljaim as a hero.

In the end, I'd just like to say that this film hasn't a nationalistic fiber in it and its sad that it can be misinterpreted as that. Albanians are never portrayed as savage and primitive and the whole depiction of life in Kosovo is very realistic. The existence of the Kosovo Albanian mob in Western Europe is very real and well documented. To make a movie about it should not be considered anti-Albanian, even if the director is a Serb. Yet that theme is just a platform for the main theme, the difficult love story between two people on opposite sides of the conflict. I recommend this movie for everyone who likes a good film-noir thriller and also for those who are interested in the Kosovo topic. They are likely to find satisfaction in this work.
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Good idea, bad scenario
arhaurora14 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING!!!! My review does contain a bit of a spoiler - so DO NOT read before watching the movie!!!! REVEALS PARTS OF THE MOVIE!!!


I saw this movie last-night for the first time and I admit the story is good, but there is a lack of classic "plot-twist" moment, building suspense, etc. The idea was very good, but screenplay very bad written - it s revealed from the begging that he is the Hornet, there is no suspense building with his policeman brother suspecting it, there is no even logic explanation why would Andrijana leave the country with a guy she just met 3-4 months ago. They leave the country after the shooting in a bar, an she does not even suspect that he is involved in mafia? he lives in luxury, and she sees he does not have a daily job, he disappears in the middle of the night - and yet, she has zero suspects? Like, 90s were the era of crime and criminals in Balkans - is she THAT naive?! The only suspect she has is that he might be married. Why does she stays locked in the apartment for days, with no explanation?The scenario has so many holes it is unrealistic! it definitely left something to be desired!However, I think one of the most beautiful and painful moments of the movie when he meets with his father and father is forced to choose between losing one son (Avaz - policeman) or loosing them both (mafia would kill Hornet if he does not kill his brother, but brother is already sentenced to death by mafia). However, I read other reviews, and I m especially disappointed by people who tend to make a "political" case out of this movie.

@wog_baybi The guy with a hat who kills Hornet after he decided to surrender is already shown in the movie before, he also works for his boss Salih. He killed Hornet before he surrenders, because they do not want him in the police, revealing the mafia members like the other guy did (Redzepi). So, he NEEDS to be dead. Watch the movie carefully.

@Mravsky I do agree that is BAD screenplay, but it is not for the same reasons like you. I look at this move as art, not political propaganda. So, what, Albanian is portrayed as criminals? So, what? Is that so unrealistic? Are u trying to say there is no mafia in Albania? On the other hand, I m sure u were not so vocal when Serbs or Russians ALWAYS play the criminals in EVERY American movie! That is such a lame, politically-infused comment. " these are too subtle times to bring them up and stir the poop" - u must be kidding? Considering the war history of the USA, they should not be filming movies about Vietnam war, Libya War, Syria war (the list keeps growing) ...
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milic_8828 July 2008
if someone even considers in saying this movie was bad then they should stick to watching Hollywood junk or something... Strsljen for me was a classic a movie you can watch over and over, the story is just excellent a naive Serbian student from the streets of Belgrade falls for a supposedly Italian businessman who lives in Switzerland... she leaves her dad and country behind for a Albanian mobster who she falls in love with but questions herself many times what she is doing.. the story twsts many times as Adriana's lover is a an Albanian mobster who kills for his boss to make a living.. After the HORNET is Serbia's police who have no clue who this person is but one of there cops who is an Albanian working for Serbs meets wif his brother at his home in kosovo and discovers that his brother is the man there looking for... a great movie with a great ending a Serbian CLASSIC which you can watch over and over and not get sick once... 5/5 cinema there hasn't been a action thriller movie even close to this from the Balkans in the past 20 years..
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Boring and unrealistic.
petarmatic16 December 2014
This film was made in 1998 during the height of Albanian-Serbian conflict over Kosovo.

First the plot is so unrealistic that it made me sick to my stomach. These things do not happen in the real life in that part of the world. So, I am sorry the film makers of this film you are outdated with this film, well it is almost 15 years since this film was made.

Acting is good. These actors really tried to make something out of this film, and for that we should commend them.

It is amazing how much has changed since this film in the political terms. Kosovo is now an independent country, it has been for more then 10 years, Serbia has no influence there at all.

Skip this film, it is not worth watching.
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If you're not from Balkan you won't understand.
aleksandarmiric-1232522 July 2022
If you ask me i won't recommend to people who think that everyone in Serbia hates Albanian people. Actually Andrijana release that her boyfriend is from Albanian, and she accepted him. Albanian who lives in Kosovo do criminal, everyone already know that, but Serbian made movie with carters like Strsljen or his brother who want to stop criminal, that means not everyone in Kosovo are bad, like my English :) And i have to say something about acting skills of Sergej Trifunovich. He is geniuses, i love him.
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Bad work by Ljubisa Samardzic
Mravsky26 October 1999
Indeed a very disappointing piece of work by Ljubisa Samardzic. The charming "Borivoje Surdilovic" from some old times has let, apparently without much resistance, the recent Serbian nationalistic and anti-Albanian histeria pollute his artistic endeavor. What he produced is so cheap and sad. The film does nothing but reinforce old Serbian stereotypes about Albanians as hopeless primitives and about Serbs being totally cooler that the whimpy Westerners. Wrapped in a transparent veil of a light crime story, the only value of the plot is that some of the premeditated and stubborn-beyond-repair among the war-exhausted Serbian audience will enjoy yet another demonstration, or better "proof" of how primitive and evil those darn Squiptars are. How insensitive of you, dear Ljubisa. We used to love your warm and human, no matter how troubled characters from your early works. Even your brief role in "The Premeditated Murder", a recent film after a book by one of the best modern Serbian writers, Slobodan Selenic, was such. Ljubisa, your homeland has been through so much trouble recently. The last thing it needed is adding oil to the fire. Many side remarks in the film are offensive to Albanians. Even if some might believe that stereotypes about them are true or even entertaining, these are too subtle times to bring them up and stir the poop. You should've known better, Ljubisa.

Apart from the very strong, rather unfortunate, political overtones, the film is slow, dragging, and arduous. It just failed to capture. Whoever is acquainted with the animosity between the Serbs and Albanians, and given that the film comes from the Serbian camera, could've predicted just about every next scene in the movie. The attempt to mix in a little Romeo-Juliett romance between the two youths from the opposing groups was weak at best. The film was just too political. The acting, apart from Ljubisa's, his movie daughter's and the bad villain's, is quite bad. A thumb down. Sorry.
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My Opinion!
wog_baybi6 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers

To all the people who would like to see this movie in the future. I suggest you don't. Save your time and money because I wasn't just disappointed with this movie I was agitated and angry because of such high expectations that I have built up to be crushed towards the end. Seems harsh but yes it true.

During the movie it wasn't so bad, because u expect this end scene full of emotions and I thought I was going to cry at the end, however I was sooo disappointed. They show their love in the movie and its going well, but towards the end he murders his own brother and most of all I didn't understand the Albanian parts. This is a foreign movie but however it comes from my very own country and there was no translations to what the hell they were saying most of the time. At the end he is being held hostage and see's his love so he decides to surrender for her own sake, when he walks out they just look at each other like they are in the fifth grade no "I love you no matter what" or "I will always love you" he gets shot, not even by the cops but by some random who has never been shown previously in the movie! WHY? WHO IS THIS MAN! IT'S BULLS**T.

He gets shot and everyone just walks away and nothing like seriously, and the 'love' of his life just stands there like her cat died or something acting was very bad. I expected so much more emotion to be involved. Yes he is a killer but during the movie I felt like I was watching porn, because they couldn't keep their hands of each other and every second word they would make out like crazy but fine its 'love.' Although I must admit the main actor was pretty good, and he did a good job but the girl I wanted to slap her. In over all id suggest you watch it and I'm pretty sure you would agree with me. It was going good during the movie even though some bits I had NO IDEA what was happening, however the end was very disappointed.
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