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Wise men say.....
studioAT1 January 2011
Matthew Perry's films haven't been great successes but for what its worth I think that this is one of his best.

Although we see many of the elements of his character from the hit show "Friends" this is what we love to see from Perry and he plays it to perfection. He has good chemistry with Hayek and the overall plot of this film is strong. It has elements of comedy and also a lot of drama which is unusual for a romantic comedy.

This element means that Perry is allowed to play some scenes with depth and we see that he is also a fine dramatic actor.

Overall although this film was not overly well reviewed and hasn't made much of an impression on the world it is well worth seeking out as it is a good film and showcases the talent of Perry perfectly.
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I Love Fools Rush In
tbills23 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so clearly not bad. Fools Rush In is one of the better romantic comedies, that's a little known fact. It has really sharp editing, fine directing, good cinematography, really good acting and really good writing. Fools Rush In's editing and story presentation is particularly very strong. Fools Rush In has very rich colors. The writing is natural, genuine. It's really funny, but Fools Rush In is more so good than funny, which is much more of an accomplishment.

This movie is all about Alex Whitman and Isabel Fuentes. Matthew Perry is in his best role. Perry's very well-cast and there aren't many actors out of anybody better for the part. He's good for the character and is very lovable. Perry poses as the main star but he's just for show. This is quietly though obviously Salma Hayek's film. She is perfect for the part, perfect. Salma Hayek gives you real heart acting very womanly and comes across as all too sweet. Fools Rush In is a very sweet romantic comedy. It's an easy film to enjoy. I am particularly very fond of Fools Rush In.
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Now this is what I call a `romantic comedy'
khatcher-214 February 2004
Sometimes the mood one is in at a given moment is just right for the film you are about to see. This, obviously, has its setbacks. One night you are just not in the mood, and you write a film off as trash; another night, in a more favourable frame of mind, you lap up a film just loving it. This is of course pre-emptive and subjective: but we are all human. We all have our foibles and manias. So if you forgive me for dismissing out of hand all those delightfully dreadful romantic comedies with Richard Gere or Hugh Grant, whoever the delicious young lady may be playing with them, without forgetting Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, as being pure unadulterated slush, we might meet on level terms and wade in where fools fear to tread.

I just love Salma Hayek.

She is not only superbly gorgeous to look at - those deep Mexican-Lebanese eyes just keep you enchanted throughout - but she is also pretty good at acting. That, together with a nicely-told story with intelligent directing and dialogues which do not fall flat on their face helps make `Fools Rush in' stand out above the rest of the ilk. Firstly the film does not try to be sickly funny. It does not make ireful bile rise into your throat. Perhaps Matthew Perry is not the exact partner for the role, but the chemistry between him and Salma Hayek seems to hold together fairly well. The story is also an indictment into situations which must be arising daily: especially in the United States of America where racial intolerance can become highly murky. A white New-Yorker falls in love with a Mexican girl. Well, if they are all like Salma Hayek, I would not be at all surprised. I would, too. But sociological barriers - in the Mexican family also, with a wonderful interpretation here by Angelina Calderón Torres - produce the logical but hypocritical obstacles which still persist in what for me should be classified as erstwhile societies.

A film I shall see again, which for me must be unique among films called romantic comedies. But there is just that something in the petite thirty-year-old Salma Hayek which lifts me heart and soul into clouds of surrealistic fantasy, that has me fascinated, enchanted.

Therefore any objective commenting on this film is out of the question for me. Tut, tut, my lad.
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Such an underrated film
Youre_My_One6 August 2004
Alex Whitman (Matthew Perry) is a New Yorker sent to Las Vegas to oversee a construction project. There he meets Isabel Fuentes (Salma Hayek) and some serious chemistry brings them together for one night. But Alex doesn't see Isabel again until 3 months later, when he learns that she is pregnant. On a whim and a prayer, he proposes. However, there's more to marriage than a Vegas chapel and an Elvis impersonator, as Alex and Isabel soon learn… Overall, Fools Rush In follows the same formula of any romantic comedy - Two people fall in love and then a problem arises that breaks them apart for a period of time and then eventually one of them wakes up, the problem is resolved, they say I love you and live happily ever after. - I know, but I still absolutely love this film. There's just something so delightful and enchanting about it. Matthew Perry and Salma Hayek are both so loveable and the story is fresh and vibrant with a big heart. It's one of my all-time favourite movies.
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Romance vs. culture clash
MartianOctocretr53 July 2006
One of the better romance stories about star crossed lovers from differing cultural backgrounds. It's not exactly a new premise, but the chemistry, acting, and comedic talents of Salma Hayek, Matthew Perry, and a strong supporting cast make this among the better of romantic dramedies.

Isabel (Hayek) is a working class Latin, Alex (Perry) is a rich New Yorker. They meet in Vegas, and as the title suggests, rush in to a Vegas quickie wedding complete with Elvis. Then the culture clash sparks begin.

However, what could be a tiresome cliché-fest of stereotyping, quickly develops into a pleasing character study of the leads and their respective families. Isabel's father at first acts erratically, almost as a comic relief, but the story properly elevates him to be a very strong, sympathetic, and positive character. Many of the other supporting characters are very likable, as well. Alex's elitist parents are more of an obstacle, and provide some interesting conflict.

It would be easy to dismiss this story as a typical love conquers all routine, but much more happens than that. I love the symbolism of such landmarks as the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam (including the state line located there), New York, Las Vegas and how they are used in the story. In the case of Vegas, the music of entertainers associated with it is integrated well into the emotional moments. Isabel's flight to her grandmother's house is an endearing sequence, and the "Donka Schoen" scene was very touching. You really feel for the lover who gets rejected in the latter.

Perfect date movie; highly recommended.
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Surprisingly enough I liked it.
Boba_Fett113812 August 2007
I'm almost too ashamed to admit but I really enjoyed watching this movie. In all fairness it was a pretty good genre movie that works on both its drama and comedy levels.

It's a good genre movie, that is definitely better than your average romantic-comedy movie from the '90's and 2000's. Guess people's biggest beef with the movie is that it has Matthew Perry in it. People always have had a hard time seeing him in role different from his Chandler role in "Friends". And in all fairness, yes Matthew Perry really wasn't this movie strongest point. He approaches the character from a comical interval pretty much in the same way as his Chandler. The way he delivers his dialog, the way he moves, the way he looks through his eyes. It shows how limited his qualities as a comical actor really are. Good enough for his Chandler role but not for much else really I'm afraid. On top of that, it's really hard to believe that a woman such as Salma Hayek would actually really fall for a this sort of guy. Not the greatest screen chemistry but the director did a good job at filming around this, to still make the movie believable and likable enough.

Selma Hayek on the other hand was surprisingly great in her role. She normally doesn't do this romantic-comedy type of movies but I think this movie shows that she has got talent for it. As an actress she's perhaps a bit of an underrated and underrated person, though no people ever questioned her looks. She's so much more than just a great body and a pretty face. The movie further more also features a capable cast, that obviously feels at ease in the comedy genre.

The directing is refreshing and provides the movie with its own unique look and identity and the right required pace. Seems like the movie-makers really didn't wanted this movie to be just another formulaic genre piece. Comicaly the movie also works out with some good moments but the movie is also a well balanced mix of its comedy and the more serious and dramatic approach of things.

The story begins quite good and sweet but also definitely original. Too bad that in the last halve hour or so the movie still turns into a formulaic typical genre piece, when the movie starts to fall from the one cliché into another. The approach at first was good and the movie was mostly done in a non-formulaic way. It makes it all the more a shame that the last part of the movie somewhat downgrades the movie by its more predictable and generic elements and approach of it. Else I would had rated the movie even higher, no question about that, I enjoyed it that much.

Just give this movie a chance. Odds are you'll probably end up liking it.

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Watch this for the two leads..
arka-421-73499412 July 2012
I can't recall movies falling in this genre making huge, big bucks, I can't recall movies falling in this genre being 100% realistic.

But, this movie is something maybe people who are in inter cultural marriages can relate to or maybe not. This movie is based on a true story, it's about a one night stand, a pregnancy and how it takes toll on the lives of two people who barely know each other yet share the most complex bond there is.

Salma Hayek is awesome and very pretty in this movie, and yes she looks like a natural, casual effortless beauty. I expect when this movie was released Matthew Perry was at the epitome of his career and the zenith of his looks!

It's a good watch people. I mean you won't waste your time watching this sometimes things may get predictable but I suggest you go with it...
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Very Cute!
reblit26 March 2005
Matthew Perry does a great job playing a "Chandler-like" character in this film. Selma Hayek is believable in the movie. Perry's and Hayek's on-screen chemistry work well together in this romantic comedy that has a touch of drama in it.

Matthew Perry is a young man that has been on the "upperwardly mobile" career path without strings or attachments. Perry discovers that what he thought was most important to him - isn't that important after all is said and done.

The cultural differences of Perry and Hayek are illustrated very well in several different scenes. The scene where the couple's parents meet, sharply illustrated their differences and at the same time showed that they had things in common also.

The film work and the colors are beautiful and rich.

I have watched the movie twice, and it was as entertaining and touching the second time as it was the first.
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An under-appreciated movie
ChrisDickerson29 November 2004
This is one of those movies that I can't help but love. It certainly isn't the best movie ever, but Perry and Hayek both turn in wonderful performances. You can't help but like both of them. You care for the characters. And that is something that is becoming more and more rare in today's movies. The supporting cast does a great job as well, especially Perry's real father and Jill Clayburgh as his parents. It probably is the first time Hayek shows that she is a star and can carry a movie (or at least half of it) on her back. Perry brings a great sense of comedy to the movie. Some of his scenes and lines are laugh-out-loud funny. On top of that, the story is just quirky enough (based on a real-life romance) that the entire situation makes you chuckle.
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A wonderful guilty pleasure
mrbluto20 August 2001
Fools rush in is one of the sweetest nicest most thoughtful movies you will ever see, equal parts comedy, romance and social commentary on the way some whites view non whites and the way non whites view whites. Matthew Perry plays a white bread new yorker sent to Las Vegas for his job and discovers a whole new world and love at the same time, he is distanced from his family but meets the lovely Salma Hayek who family is her entire life, they spend one night together and well you can guess what happens next, the ensuing next nine months are quite an adventure. This movie is a guilty pleasure, it will not win any awards but is great anyway. Wait for the scene with the Chihuahua it is so funny. 7 out of 10
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Love is a gift......
FlashCallahan19 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Alex Whitman is a New Yorker sent to Las Vegas to oversee a construction project.

There he meets Isabel, and some serious chemistry brings them together for one night.

But Alex doesn't see Isabel again until three months later, when he learns she is pregnant.

On a whim and prayer, he proposes.

However, there's more to marriage than a Vegas chapel and an Elvis impersonator, as Alex and Isabel soon learn......

I can imagine the producers saying to Perry on the first day of filming 'just be Chandler, everyone loves Chandler', and that is what he does, not because he has no other range but because the makers know that people of a certain age will relate to him, and see the film because of his success in Friends.

And thats wherein the problem lies. The vehicle isn't for Perry, it's for Chandler, and in my opinion, he is the most annoying one from that series.

So thank heavens for Hayek, who shows here that she isn't just beautiful, but she can carry a film and make it that little more interesting when shes on screen.

The story is amiable enough and quite sweet, but it's nothing we haven't seen before, and we will see plenty of them again.

It's pretty forgettable stuff, which is a shame, because Hayek is great..
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A Nice Romantic Comedy even for Guys
dc-4326 November 2002
This was a fun movie to watch. It is about an American who falls for a Mexican girl. After they are married a lot of humorous situations arise due to their cultural differences. I am a Canadian married to a Portuguese lady so a number of these differences I have experienced first hand. For example, when you meet the "family" it is not just three or four people it is half the town. Also when you sit in the sun all day, some people tend to melt (I do) and others do not. In the movie, I also found her father's line "Presbyterian is not a religion" a nice summary of why the parents didn't think the marriage could work.

The movie has nice scenery of the grand canyon, the hoover dam, the desert and the great grandmother's Mexican "casa". The surround sound is very enjoyable. It includes a great many songs all of which blend in nicely with the movie. The Elvis songs near the end of the movie are quite touching.

Finally the two leads are sensational. Matthew Perry's body language is superb for the kind of light comedy role he plays. He also did the emotional stuff really well. Although not quite certain about his feelings, his heart pulled him head-first into marriage.

Salma is very cute and her tan does her wonders. She also is a good actress and adds a lot to the humor.

I've seen this movie six times in the last year. It is a nice relaxing watch.
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Amusing romcom in the Vegas area with Salma Hayek and Matthew Perry
Wuchakk15 June 2018
RELEASED IN 1997 and directed by Andy Tennant, "Fools Rush In" is a romantic dramedy about a casual night of passion between a successful New Yorker (Matthew Perry) and a Mexican immigrant (Salma Hayek), but they learn that love is more than a Vegas marriage & an Elvis impersonator when dealing with conflicting families and traditions.

This is a generally amusing "chick flick" focusing on Gringo/Latino relations, albeit formulaic. Some jokes fall flat, but they're well intended. Perry makes for a likable male protagonist while Salma Hayek is winsome in her physical prime; and Suzanne Snyder in secondary role is nothing to sneeze at. Meanwhile Jon Tenney appears as the protagonist's best friend. The Las Vegas area locations are picturesque.

THE MOVIE RUNS 1 hour, 49 minutes and was shot in Nevada/Arizona (Las Vegas, Henderson, Hoover Dam, Lake Mead and Grand Canyon) and Rancho de las Golondrinas, New Mexico (standing in for central Mexico).

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An enjoyable rom-com centering on opposites attracts who have to accept cultural differences in their relationship
ambusched9429 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A fun, mildly enjoyable '90s rom-com with the two leads (Matthew Perry, Salma Hayek) having good chemistry, which ultimately makes up for some cliché plot devices. I like that the setting takes place in Las Vegas and that a big part of the story is learning to accept each other's cultural differences in a romantic relationship. The film has a lot of classic music to flow the story along and the film is evenly paced.

The lack of communication drives a big wedge in Alex and Isabel's relationship, cut to cue the two-romantic-characters-taking-a-break-for-a-bit-before-getting-back-together scenes. I thought it was kind of inconsistent character development to have Alex believe Isabel when she said she was lying about being pregnant the whole time or about having a miscarriage.

If you can overlook typical rom-com cliché plot devices, this is a good '90s rom-com to watch.
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Fools Rush In...but we get something good from it
Chrysanthepop13 July 2007
'Fools Rush In' is one of my favorite romantic comedies. Though, I know that many will dislike it but I'd take it anyday over any Julia Roberts rom-com. It's sweet without having too much sugar. It's one I have repeatedly watched and never got bored of. Director Andy Tenant deserves credit for putting it all together.

It has the unusual pairing of Matthew Perry and Salma Hayek (which really works). Both share a great chemistry and look good together. While Perry's Alex is a little similar to Chandler Bing (except with a much bigger problem to deal with), the actor knows how to make the audience like him. Hayek as the vibrant, stubborn, mean but adorable Isabel is simply brilliant. The rest of the cast provide adequate support.

The movie is full of light and delightful moments. Though there are certain aspects of culture clash, it is all presented in a humorous manner. Supporting the movie is a wonderful soundtrack, some fine location shots and the funny screenplay itself (which is predictable but doesn't spoil the fun on the way).
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'Fools Rush In'
lupinsmoon1239123 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
'Fools Rush In' is probably my favorite Matthew Perry movie. It has the heart that 'The Whole Nine Yards' lacked, and the seriousness that I felt oh-so-deprived of in 'Three to Tango'. And, you know, it wasn't 'Serving Sara' at all (thank God).

This is your basic guy-meets-girl, she asks to go pee, they have a one night fling, she ends up pregnant, they get married by Elvis, you know...the whole shebang (and I promise I'll never say that again). But what I like about this film is that the characters aren't perfect. They aren't predictable, and they aren't wonderfully wholesome people.

Isabel (Salma Hayek) is blindly led by her faith and nearly lets her almost God-fearing beliefs lead her life. Basically, if this chick got a sign that she should kill you, I'd be running.

Alex (Matthew Perry) is almost the anti-Isabel, but not quite, for that would be clichéd, and this movie is anything but. Addicted to work, Alex cannot seem to comprehend that there might be something more to life.

Towards the end of this film, Isabel, the once guiding force in their relationship, has given up on it, and Alex, the work-a-holic, is willing to throw the order of his life aside for the feisty Latina. Despite coming from different cultures and leading different lives, these two characters are made for each other.

With some excellent dramatic acting from Perry (gasp) and Hayek, I think this film will leave you on edge, unless you've read this review, in which I tell you a very happy ending occurs.

7, for being complicated, without losing its simplicity (which is the simple message that love conquers all. Awwww...).
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"Good Romance Film!"
gwnightscream17 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Matthew Perry, Salma Hayek, Jon Tenney, Siobhan Fallon, Carlos Gomez, Suzanne Snyder, John Perry and Jill Clayburgh star in this 1997 romantic comedy. This begins in New York where architect, Alex Whitman (Perry) is chosen to go to Las Vegas, Nevada to open a nightclub. Soon, he meets Latina photographer, Isabel Fuentes (Hayek) and they have a one night stand. Three months later, Isabel tells Alex she's pregnant and his life changes. They get married and learn they're from different worlds. Alex's work also starts to interfere with their marriage, but eventually he gets his priorities straight and believes that fate brought him and Isabel together. Tenney plays Alex's friend, Jeff, Fallon (Men in Black) plays Isabel's friend, Lanie, Gomez plays Isabel's ex-boyfriend, Chuy, Snyder (Weird Science) plays Alex's other friend, Cathy, the late, Clayburgh plays Alex's mother, Nan and Matthew's real-life father, John plays his on-screen father, Richard. I've always liked this film and Matthew & Salma have good chemistry. I recommend this good romance film.
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An interesting movie.
triple827 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I'd hate Fools rush in but Luckily I didn't. It stars Mathew Perry and Salma Hayek and their on screen chemistry is interesting. This movie differs a bit from other romantic comedies in that the two main characters get married At the beginning and THEN their problems start. Didn't know that was gonna happen and made it a bit different then other romantic comedies.

Actually, I really wouldn't call this a comedy. It is more of a drama and has an element of realism(at times!!) in depicting the hardships of marrying someone when you really don't Know the other person-or yourself very well. I liked the premise and liked the casting-particularly Hayek who was wonderful here.

I wouldn't say though, that I loved this or that my attention was captured as much as with some other romances, but I will say the first time I put this on I thought This was a 5. I just put it on for a second time. And now it's up to a 6 rating so who knows? Maybe by the third time, I'll love it.

All in all, this is not such a bad movie and isn't dull like I originally thought it would be but it also shouldn't be listed as a comedy though there are certain comedic elements present certainly. If one's in the right mood, this can make fun viewing.
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TOMNEL7 December 2007
"Fools Rush In" is not funny, not romantic, not cute, it has a slight heart, but that's about it. Not one joke in the film worked, and even if it was a mediocre one (which is the best they had), it still was terrible because of Matthew Perry's awful timing and the overall bad acting.

Alex Whitman (Matthew Perry) is a semi-successful business man, and Isabel (Salma Hayek) is fresh out of Mexico in Las Vegas trying to make a name for herself as an artist. These two have a one night stand, and *surprise, surprise* Isabel becomes pregnant. The plot, which consists of dozens of bad jokes and clichés, has Alex and Isabel becoming a couple and how their different cultures collide. This was a comedy, but I did not laugh once. The only person to have joke lines was Matthew Perry, and he was not funny in the least. Any time the movie was trying to be romantic, it become extremely corny. The climax of the movie ended in the rain (despite that it didn't show any signs of rain the rest of the film). One bad cliché after another corny joke, with bad acting thrown in cannot make a good movie.

My rating: * out of ****. 113 mins. PG-13 for language and sexuality.
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Put the rush on and see this film very soon
inkblot1128 November 2007
Alex (Matthew Perry) is a hotshot construction supervisor who works for a company based in New York City. He loves Manhattan and wants to live there indefinitely. However, management needs him to travel to Las Vegas and oversee the production of a new casino. As the assignment will last a few months, Alex is less than enthusiastic but makes the trip. Things begin to look up, however, when he meets beautiful Isabel (Salma Hayek), a photographer, in a trendy bar. They are instantly smitten with one another and the result is a hot one night stand. In the morning, Isabel sneaks away with no forwarding address, perhaps because of a touch of shame. However, a month or so later, she comes once again to Alex's condo to announce that she is pregnant and that, yes, Alex is the father. Alex is thrown for a loop, especially since Isabel is adamant about having the baby. Casting caution to the wind, Alex decides to marry the lovely Isabel on the spot. But, there are complications. Isabel is a Mexican-American with a Catholic family who is terribly upset that the marriage did not take place at a church. As for Alex's parents, they are whitebread, uppercrust America and they are equally appalled at their son's choice. Then, too, Isabel loves the desert Southwest but Alex can only imagine living in the Big Apple for the rest of his life. Will they be able to survive their first year? This is a very funny, very romantic film about unlikely marriage partners. Perry is a talented comedian whose humorous delivery is priceless, especially in this movie. Hayek, although known more for more serious roles, does a nicely comic turn here, too, and she is utterly gorgeous. The rest of the cast, including Jill Clayburgh and Jon Tenney, are very good as well. Then, too, the scenery in Nevada is of the put-your-eye-out variety and the costumes, script, and production values are sharp, also. If you are a fan of romantic comedy, you should definitely rush out to see this one as soon as possible. It is worthy of many a "top ten" list. But, even if romcoms are not your cup of tea, this one will charm you with its funny situations and delivery. You will not be foolish at all to give it a try.
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Perry Rushes In.
anaconda-4065811 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Fools Rush In (1997): Dir: Andy Tennant / Cast: Matthew Perry, Salma Hayek, Jon Tenney, Carlos Gomez, Suzanne Snyder: This film focuses upon people who rush into relationships without thinking. Matthew Perry and Salma Hayek meet on a job location and strike up a friendship that leads to a one night stand but she is gone by morning. He is from Manhattan but his job is in Vegas. Eventually she resurfaces with the news that she is pregnant. They decide to marry but they are from different cultures. It also doesn't help that her father takes an immediate dislike to him. Fine setup with realistic story structure but the religious elements are offensive. Hanging a cross in your home does not protect anyone from evil spirits. Directed by Andy Tennant who made the xeroxed Parent Trap crap fest It Takes Two so he couldn't do too much worse than that. Thankfully he improves and goes for intelligence. Perry fabulous as a confused guy who wishes to take responsibility. Hayek is terrific as a woman locked into particular values. We know where their relationship is headed and the supporting roles are no help. They are your usual brand of stereotypes who will be won over but not before they advertize lame religious beliefs. Theme of sexual consequence make for a worthy theme but this romantic comedy is too weird in its family elements resulting in a film that mainly romantics will rush into. Score: 7 / 10
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The unaware should not rush in expecting much.
hitchcockthelegend21 November 2009
Boy {Matthew Perry} meets Girl {Salma Hayek} in a queue for the toilet in a club. Cue both people from different ethnicities ending up in bed together doing something that neither of them have done before. Cue three months later and Girl tuns up in Boys life announcing she's pregnant. Cue emotions pulled apart, a hasty marriage, family strife and many stumbling blocks getting in the way of potential true love.

Sound familiar? Not surprisingly this retread of a formula that is as old as the hills has very little originality. The script is desperately dull, the ending is exactly what the world expects and the leads have zero chemistry. That only Perry and Hayek are "names" in the film speaks volumes one feels. You get the sense that what budget there was went on getting the sexy Hayek and Perry {riding on the crest of his Friends wave} to appear. Little flashes of comedy do from time to time surface, and, yes, those who like a cheery cup of the love froth with their rom-coms will feel fuzzy come the end. But really it's a poorly constructed and executed picture, the type that unfortunately seems to come out on a yearly basis. You have been warned, stick with a Cary Grant movie instead. 3/10
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A romantic 90 mins getaway
gmt-416 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
If you are a woman who loves fantasy and romance novels/films, this might be a good 90 mins getaway for you. The beginning seems unreal and foolish (something like Britney Spears marrying her childhood sweetheart in Vegas only to annul it the next day). Basically, its boy meets girl in restaurant, both had a one night stand, girl disappeared next morning, only to come back to boy 3 months later to tell him that she is pregnant with his child. Girl brings boy back to meet her family, boy decided to marry her in Vegas with Elvis Presley as witness. I don't know if anyone would really do something like that in the real world, without making sure that the girl is really pregnant with your kid and not someone else's, or worse - marrying a total stranger. Story goes on with boy not telling his wife that he is from New York and will be moving back there when his construction project ends, and also lied to her about his parents being in Europe and therefore couldn't tell his folks that they got married. So the wife got upset and mad, pretended to have a miscarriage and left him to go back to Mexico. But the ending was really sweet and you'll wish your husband can be as sweet as Matthew Perry (who discovered he had married his wife not because she was pregnant but because he loved her, and had to navigate his way to central Mexico/Vegas/Hoover Dam to win his wife back).
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A cute little comedy.
12179927 April 2001
Matthew Perry and Salma Hayek manage to have good chemistry and their performances save this cliched movie from destruction. The bottom line however is that even if you stare the cliches in the face, you have to smile, because the characters are so likeable and the story so refreshingly optimistic. 7 out of 10
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A well-intentioned movie that misses the mark
Eightythreeyearoldguy6 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First, there are things I enjoyed about this movie. First of all, Salma Hayek. Need I say more? Then, there's the quite honest and accurate depiction of Mexican Americans and their culture.

Also, there were some very nice shots of the tourist favorite areas of the American southwest, mainly around the Grand Canyon and Taos, New Mexico. I would have liked to have seen more of the real beauty of the Southwest.

Otherwise, this has the depth of a Harlequin romance. The acting around Ms. Hayek is okay, but pretty standard TV level acting. Both main characters seem overly arbitrary in their relations with each other. The complications that separate the two seems a bit overly long making one impatient since we all know everything will end up all right. Salma's lying about her pregnancy struck me as especially lame. And the concluding scene on the Arizona/Nevada border seemed especially silly.

I'm sure there are those who will like this and get more out of it than I did.

But as for me, I just didn't think it a good movie. Sorry about that.
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