Star Trek: Generations (1994) Poster

Brent Spiner: Data



  • [Data finds a drink unpleasant - for the first time ever] 

    Data : I hate this! It is revolting!

    Guinan : More?

    Data : Please!

  • Data : [using profanity for the first time]  Oh, shit.

  • Data : [laughs]  I get it! I get it! When you said "The clown can stay, but the Ferengi in the gorilla suit has to go!"

    Geordi : Data, what are you talking about?

    Data : During the Farpoint mission; we were on the bridge, you told a joke, that was the punchline!

    Geordi : The Farpoint mission? Data, that was seven years ago.

    Data : I know! I just got it! Very funny!

  • Data : [uses a device in his arm to open a door]  Open sesame! You could say I have a magnetic personality.

    [laughs at his joke] 

    Data : Humor! I love it!

  • [Data has found his cat Spot safe and alive in the Enterprise wreckage] 

    Data : [happily]  Spot!

    [Data cradles Spot, and begins crying] 

    Troi : Data? Are you all right?

    Data : [tears streaming]  I am happy to see Spot, yet I am crying! Perhaps the chip is malfunctioning.

    Troi : [smiling]  I think it's working perfectly.

  • [Data, with his new emotion chip installed, is told to scan for lifeforms] 

    Data : I would be happy to, sir. I just *love* scanning for lifeforms!


    Data : Lifeforms! You tiny little lifeforms! You precious little lifeforms! Where are you?

  • Geordi : I've never seen a solar probe with this kind of configuration, have you, Data?

    Data : [uses tricorder as a hand puppet] 

    Data : No, Geordi, I have not. Have you?

    Data : [to his tricorder] 

    Data : No, I have not. It is most unusual.

    [laughs at his joke] 

    Data : Mister Tricorder!

  • Picard : Now, can you project the course of the ribbon?

    Data : I believe so.

    Picard : [watching]  Enhance grid 9-A. Where was the Amargosa star?

    [Data pinpoints its location near the ribbon's path] 

    Picard : Now, you said that when the Amargosa star was destroyed, it affected the gravitational forces in this sector. Now, did the computer take that into account when it projected the course of the ribbon?

    Data : No, sir. I will make the appropriate adjustments.

    Picard : [seeing the ribbon's path change]  That's what Soran's doing. He's changing the course of the ribbon. But why? Why would... why would he try to change its path? Why doesn't he just fly into it with a ship?

    Data : Our records show that every ship which has approached the ribbon has either been destroyed or severely damaged.

    Picard : He can't get to the ribbon, so he's trying to make the ribbon come to him. Data, does it pass near to any Class-M planets?

    Data : Yes, sir. There are two in the Veridian system.

    Picard : Well, it gets close to Veridian III, but not close enough. Data, what would happen to the ribbon's course if Soran destroyed the Veridian star itself?

    [as Data runs the simulation, the ribbon's path shifts to pass through Veridian III] 

    Picard : That's where he's going.

    Data : It should be noted, sir, that the collapse of the Veridian star would produce a shock wave similar to the one we observed at Amargosa.

    Picard : Destroying all the planets in this system.

    Data : Veridian III is uninhabited. However, Veridian IV supports a pre-industrial humanoid society.

    Picard : Population?

    Data : 230 million, sir.

    Picard : [tapping his combadge]  Picard to bridge.

    Worf : Worf here, sir.

    Picard : Set a course for the Veridian system, maximum warp.

  • Data : I am sorry I let you down. I have not been behaving like myself lately.

    Geordi : No, Data, you haven't. You've been behaving like a human.

  • Data : According to our current information, the destruction of the Amargosa star has had the following effects in this sector. Gamma emissions have increased by .05%. The Starship Bozeman was forced to make a course correction. Ambient magnetic fields...

    Picard : Wait. The Bozeman. Why would it make a course correction?

    Data : The destruction of the Amargosa star has altered the gravitational forces throughout this sector. As a result, any ship passing through this region would have to make a minor course correction.

  • Riker : Maybe they're not out there.

    Picard : They're just trying to decide if a 20-year-old Klingon Bird-of-Prey can be a match for the Federation flagship.

    Troi : Perhaps they're on the surface.

    Worf : Sir, according to my calculations, a solar probe launched from either the Klingon ship or the planet surface will take 11 seconds to reach the sun. However, since we do not have an exact point of origin, it will take us between eight and fifteen seconds to lock our weapons onto it.

    Riker : That's a pretty big margin of error.

    Picard : Much too big. Mr. Data, how long before the ribbon arrives?

    Data : Approximately 47 minutes, sir.

    Picard : [sitting with Riker in their command chairs]  We have got to find some way to get to Soran.

  • Lursa : Captain. What an unexpected pleasure.

    Picard : Lursa, it is very important that I speak with Soran.

    Lursa : I'm afraid the doctor is no longer aboard our ship.

    Picard : Then I will beam to his location.

    B'Etor : The doctor values his privacy. He would be quite upset if an armed away team interrupted him.

    Picard : Then I will beam to your ship and you can transport me to Soran.

    Riker : We can't trust them. For all we know, they killed Geordi. They might kill you, too.

    Lursa : We did not harm your engineer. He's been our... guest.

    Riker : Then return him!

    B'Etor : In exchange for what?

    Data : Me, sir.

    Picard : Me. I will be your prisoner. But first, you must beam me to the surface so that I can speak with Soran.

    B'Etor : [in an audible whisper]  The captain would make a much more valuable hostage.

    Lursa : We'll consider it a prisoner exchange.

    Picard : Agreed.

    [heading to the turbolift] 

    Picard : Have Dr. Crusher meet me in transporter room 3. You have the bridge, Number One.

  • Data : I cannot continue with this investigation. I wish to be deactivated until Dr. Crusher can remove the emotion chip.

    Picard : Are you having some kind of malfunction?

    Data : No, sir. I simply do not have the ability to control these emotions.

    Picard : Data, I... I have nothing but sympathy for what you are feeling, but right now, I need you to...

    Data : Sir, I no longer want these emotions! Deactivating me is the only viable solution.

    Picard : Part of having feelings is learning to integrate them into your life, Data, learning to live with them no matter what the circumstances.

    Data : Sir, I cannot!

    Picard : [firmly]  You will not be deactivated! You're an officer on board this ship, and I require you to perform your duty. That is an order, Commander.

  • Data : According to our information, the ribbon is a conflux of temporal energy which travels through this galaxy every 39.1 years. It will pass through this sector in approximately 42 hours.

    Picard : Yes. Guinan was right. She said that Soran was trying to get back to the ribbon. Now, if that's true, there has to be some connection with the Amargosa star. Data, give me a list of anything that was affected by the star's destruction, no matter how insignificant.

    [no response] 

    Picard : Data?

    Data : Sorry, sir. It will take the computer a few moments to compile the information.

    Picard : Data, are you all right?

    Data : No, sir. I am finding it difficult to concentrate. I believe I am overwhelmed with feelings of remorse and regret concerning my actions on the observatory.

    Picard : What do you mean?

    Data : I wanted to save Geordi, but I experienced something I did not expect. Fear. I was afraid.

  • Riker : Data, would a defective plasma coil be susceptible to some sort of ionic pulse?

    Data : Perhaps. Yes, yes. If we sent a low-level ionic pulse, it might reset the coil and trigger their cloaking device. Excellent idea, sir!

    Worf : As their cloak begins to engage, their shields will drop.

    Riker : They'll have two seconds of vulnerability. Mr. Data, lock on to plasma coil.

  • Guinan : Gentlemen, something new from Forcas III?

    Geordi : [as Data takes a gulp, the taste obviously disagrees with him]  What?

    Data : I believe this beverage has produced an emotional response.

    Geordi : Really? What are you feeling?

    Data : I am uncertain. Because I have had little experience with emotion, I am unable to... articulate the sensation.

    Guinan : Emotion?

    Geordi : I'll explain later.

    Guinan : [Data takes another gulp and reacts in distaste again]  Well, it looks like he hates it.

  • Geordi : Data, are you all right?

    Data : I believe the emotion chip has overloaded my positronic relay.

    Geordi : We'd better get you back to the ship.

    [tapping his combadge] 

    Geordi : La Forge to Enterprise.

    [getting static, he tries again] 

    Geordi : La Forge to Enterprise.

    Dr. Soran : Gentlemen, is there a problem?

    Geordi : Dr. Soran. Yeah. There seems to be some sort of dampening field in here. It's blocking our comm signal. Can you shut it off for us?

    Dr. Soran : Of course, I'd be only too happy to.

    [he backhands Geordi, knocking him out] 

    Data : [cowering as Soran aims a weapon at him]  Please. Please. No. Do not... . do not hurt me. Please, please.

  • Geordi : [after Data's "prank" on Beverly]  Whatever possessed you to push her in the water in the first place?

    Data : I was attempting to get into the spirit of things. I thought it would be amusing.

    [taking his cat off the table] 

    Data : Spot. Is she still angry?

    Geordi : I'd stay out of Sickbay for a couple of days if I were you.

  • Geordi : Data, you're not thinking about actually using that thing, are you?

    Data : I have considered it for many months. And in light of my recent episode with Dr. Crusher, now may be the appropriate time.

    Geordi : I thought you were worried about it overloading your neural net.

    Data : That is true. However, I believe my growth as an artificial life-form has reached an impasse. For 34 years, I have endeavored to become more human, to grow beyond my original programming. Still, I am unable to grasp such a basic concept as humor. This emotion chip may be the only answer.

  • Data : [Worf accidentally falls into the water during his promotion ceremony]  Doctor, I must confess, I am uncertain as to why someone falling into freezing water is amusing.

    Beverly : Oh, it's all in good fun, Data.

    Data : Fun?

    Beverly : Fun.

    Data : I do not understand.

    Beverly : You've got to get into the spirit of things. Learn to be spontaneous, live in the moment. Do something unexpected. Get it?

    Data : Got it.

    [pushing her overboard, he sees no one is laughing] 

    Geordi : Data!

    Data : That was...

    Geordi : Not funny.

  • Data : It has been extremely difficult, Counselor.

    Troi : Well, then why did you decide not to remove the emotion chip?

    Data : At first, I was unprepared for the unpredictable nature of emotions. However, having experienced 261 distinct emotional states, I believe I have learned to control my feelings. They will no longer control me.

    Troi : Well, I hope you're successful, Data.

See also

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