My Demon Lover (1987) Poster

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You don't have to run to the store, like a demon, to find this film, but it is very likable!
inkblot117 June 2005
Kaz (Scott Valentine) has a very slight problem. Whenever he starts kissing a girl, he begins to change into an ugly monster! This is because a mother once found him embracing her daughter and used an old world spell on him. He is presently a sort of street bum, with little hope for the future. Denny (Michele Little) is a sweet blonde lady who loves to rescue those in need. Naturally, Denny takes Kaz home and swears she'll help him get back on his feet. She is blissfully ignorant of his transformation. What happens when she learns the truth? And could Kaz be terrorizing the neighborhood at night, too? Valentine and Little carry this film with their good looks and innate sweetness. The story, of course, has its inconsistencies but is mostly fun and fresh. The supporting cast does a fine job, too and the costumes and Greenwich Village setting add pleasure to the complete film. While one does not have to run like a demon to grab a copy of this movie at the store or library, those who love comedic romance stories, whatever the variation, will find this one is easy to love.
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Trivial but entertaining.
gridoon28 June 2001
An entertaining premise, adequately handled, with some amusing (if not always top-of-the-line) special effects. The picture is nothing more than a trivial time-killer, but it has a nice spirit. Initially you may be turned off by the behavior of the leading character, but he grows more appealing as the film goes along. On the other hand, Michelle Little plays one of the nicest persons who ever appeared in an 80s film! (**)
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My Demon Lover
Scarecrow-8831 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Denny(Michelle Little) sure knows how to pick 'em. Her last boyfriend we see taking all her stuff out of the apartment they were sharing to sell off, and the new man in her life is demon possessed! Yep, Kaz(Scott Valentine), seemingly with no employment at the moment, introduces himself by snatching her burger from her plate, eating it, discovering it's a "fruit burger", spewing back out all over her dress. Yes, this is how they first meet. But, Denny herself freely admits that she has a soft heart and is more than a bit vulnerable when it comes to men. Regarding Kaz's dilemma, he was put under a demonic curse after a witch caught him smooching with her granddaughter. You see, when Kaz gets horny, the demon, in various ugly forms, comes out. This coincides with a series of mauler murders which makes him more than a viable suspect.

Bizarre demon comedy with dated special effects(particularly the make-up effects which certainly transform Valentine into various hideous forms)and an energetic cast. Robert Trebor steals his scenes as a clumsy nerd, Charles, who wants to take Denny out. The gorgeous Gina Gallego is Denny's best friend, Sonia..Sonia's sister is a victim of the mauler(who tears apart women on New York City streets)and she wants to find and kill the one responsible. The comedy revolves around Valentine's troubles with the cute Little, who has a warm smile and pleasant personality. Valentine goes over-the-top without restraint, allowed to indulge himself as he sees fit and has the kind of role which gives him a chance to so. His Kaz admits that he's obnoxious and he couldn't be more on the level. Kaz remains, for the most part, in the same wardrobe, essentially a hobo that Denny takes in out of the kindness of her heart. The filmmakers go overboard with all the effects, and Valentine spends a good chunk of the film under heavy make-up, costumed to the hilt. I think the fine cast really helps matters, with Little the glue that holds the film together. With Michael J Fox hitting paydirt with BACK TO THE FUTURE, Justine Bateman starring as a girl rocker in SATISFACTION, it was Valentine's turn out of the FAMILY TIES pack to get a leading role in a film..this, unfortunate for him, was that chance.
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Somehow, it works...
LennyNY19 May 2002
I'm apparently the 2nd person to see this movie. In 2 years. But I'm not sorry. It's obviously very low-budget; silly--well, actually, this is one of those movies I describe as "silly, but it *knows* it's silly"; cliched, intentionally (I hope) improbable characters, but somehow it all hangs together. If, like me, you can excuse, or embrace, the schlockiness & deal w/it on its own terms, "My Demon Lover" is very entertaining. If you're looking for a richly detailed plot, laden w/metaphoric symbolism & carefully crafted layers of meaning, complex, realistic-yet-larger-than-life characters on an eternal quest for ever-deepening layers of moral enlightenment, you've obviously wandered in here accidentally--faulty link or something--and ... what? ... no, no, that's alright ... it happens, no prob ... sure ... you have yourself a nice day, now, y'hear? Some very funny lines just cruise right by, all the more effective for being underplayed. The cinematography is frequently very well done, lighting & colors in scene settings used to maximum advantage. Coming from someone who's lived in or near New York City his whole life: they've definitely captured the aura of NYC street scenes. So, anyway, I liked it.
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It's okay to have fun
mollytinkers30 January 2023
My other taught me when I was a young child that sometimes entertainment is entertainment for its own sake. I was 22 when I saw this in the theater in 1987, and I remember thinking then what I think now that I saw it again today in January of 2023: not every movie has to be Oscar material.

In retrospect, yes, the movie is goofy, but that's okay. It's certainly nothing to be taken seriously. And its foundation is built on that. This is as solid of a B picture as you can get.

Surprisingly, the make-up effects are formidable. The actors obviously make the most of a campy script. The music soundtrack is somewhat obscure.

I think what I like about this movie is its throwback to an antiquated notion that men are monsters and only women can tame them because...well...they're women.
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What a nightmare
harryplinkett146 May 2016
Oh dear... I just want to know how it was possible to make this mess. Who greenlighted it? Who made it? Why? I happen to be a child of the 80s. I dig the 80s. I could spend the rest of my life watching movies from the 80s. However, that decade gave us not only a huge number of great films, but also a lot of really bad, cheesy, and utterly misguided ones. 'My Demon Lover' is one of these films.

It's supposed to be a romantic comedy mixed with horror. Now that alone is an ambitious goal, and very few films have successfully pulled it off. Ultimately the film fails as a comedy and a horror and a romantic movie. It is boring and pointless. The romance is the most superficial one I have ever seen, the attempts at humour are pathetic and the horror is just awkward, not scary, and outright dull. For all that silly stuff going on, the film ends up being tedious. It doesn't make you care about the characters or the plot. It doesn't scare you, it doesn't make you laugh... After about ten minutes I was already bored and I knew the film would not get better. I was right. It's a total failure in every scene from beginning to end.

Avoid this. It's not even one of those 'so bad it's good' films. It's just boring, boring, boring.
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picking away the moments that make up a dull day-fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way
jessegehrig13 February 2014
Great footage of NYC back before the gentrification and MTV @ Times Square. Heaps of garbage, bag atop of bag on every street corner, entire city blocks just lost to crack, just f*cking lost, what a beautiful city then. No, movie sucks, like it was supposed to be a vehicle for Scott Valentine to advance beyond his Family Ties work, movie did not pay out for the dude. I mean I guess this is an entertaining movie in that with a group of friends its good to watch together and make fun of. But to watch on your own, like on your own time, nope, no way. My Demon Lover, is a creepy ill-conceived romantic comedy to be avoided.
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This movie enraged me
rogue910216 July 2020
Not only were the 2 lead characters completely dreadful but the acting was worse! What were the writers thinking? They made the leading man a creepy homeless goof that rudely grabs at women and makes over the top comments and the leading lady is a pathetic unlikable moron that will date anyone...even someone who has no likable qualities and hasn't taken a shower or brushed his teeth in who knows how long. I just realized I've wasted too much time talking about this. Dreadful.
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Crap movie
casablancavic8 July 2020
This story is just garbage.

Horrid script and a story that is just stupid on levels unbelievable.

They 80's had great movies and some bad ones...this is among the worst put out in cinemas from that time period.
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Enjoyable late 1980s cheese...
paul_haakonsen26 February 2024
When I stumbled upon the 1987 horror comedy "My Demon Lover" here in 2024, I had never actually heard about it. And of course I opted to sit down and watch it, as it was a late 1980s movie after all.

Writer Leslie Ray put together an enjoyable script for director Charlie Loventhal to bring to the screen. The story was entertaining, and it definitely had that particular late 1980s cheese to it, for better or worse. I was in my young teenage years in the late 1980s, so I enjoyed this aspect of the movie.

"My Demon Lover" has it all; love romance, demonic entities, high speed car chase, a serial killer, comedy, action, a creepy castle, and lots more.

I didn't realize that it was Scott Valentine whom was in the movie before his very familiar face from "Family Ties", where he played Nick, showed up on the screen. So that was quite a nice surprise. I don't think I've actually seen him on the screen after "Family Ties" ended. Of the entire cast ensemble in the movie, I was only familiar with Scott Valentine and Lin Shaye. It should be noted, however, that the acting performances in the movie were good, and they had a good cast ensemble to portray the various roles and characters.

The effects in the movie were actually fair. They had that particular late 1980s cheese-feel to them as well, adding some charm to the movie.

If you enjoy late 1980s cheese, then you should definitely sit down to watch the horror comedy "My Demon Lover". I was genuinely entertained by what director Charlie Loventhal delivered here.

My rating of "My Demon Lover" lands on a six out of ten stars.
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Kill me...quick
udar553 November 2009
Homeless musician Kaz (Scott Valentine of FAMILY TIES "Ayyyyyyeee" fame) is unfortunate enough to have a curse that causes him to turn into a demon any time he gets aroused. This obviously hurts his budding relationship with equally odd named Denny (Michelle Little) and makes him the no. 1 suspect in some NYC slashing deaths. So this is how you spend your ELM STREET profits, Mr. Shaye? I thought this was a dog back in '87 and guess what? It still is. Neither funny or scary, about the only thing going for this film is a supporting role by Robert Trebor as a goofy guy. Director Charlie Loventhal was one of the co-writers on De Palma's HOME MOVIES (1980) and I'm gathering he never made it onto the set to observe how to make a flick. To the film's credit, it has some great FX work going on here and the catchy theme "Let Go" by Intimate Strangers (which also appeared in the previous year's NIGHT OF THE CREEPS).
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The forgotten gem. Brilliant, bizarre, hilarious and full of heart.
alexhgaler7 January 2018
There is no film more deserving of the "cult movie" status. This film is wholly original and bizarre, yet charming as can be and flawlessly executed. It's Buffy the Vampire Slayer as an '80s rom-com with a dash of Dr. Horrible campiness. It's Benny & June as a supernatural absurdist B-Movie.

While most reviews spend time telling you what the movie is about, I think it might be more effective to tell you why it's worth your time.

The narrative defies convention at every turn and plays the audience's expectations against them. That said, it is important to note that this is all in service of the story and characters. The twists are as clever as they are unusual.

Genre-wise, this movie isn't any one thing. It's horror, comedy, fantasy, romance, and absurdism all in one. It adheres to its own rules, but does so competently. It shouldn't work on any level, but it ends up working on every level.

Every single character in this movie is well established and has a complete arc. The chemistry between the two leads is electric and their romance is adorable beyond words. Kaz and Denny are some of the more unique leads you will ever encounter, but I challenge you not to fall in love with them.

If you take a look through some of the negative reviews, you will begin to question what I have written. This movie stars no one you probably know and is made by people you for sure have never heard of. You've probably never met someone who has seen this movie, so how can it be that good?

Let me then go onto say, this movie isn't for everyone.

You have to be the type of person that enjoys both Gremlins and Gremlins 2: The New Batch. Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure and Bill & Ted's Bonus Journey. If you only like the first movie for these, but not the second, My Demon Lover is probably not your cup of tea.

I use these examples because a lot of people love the original Gremlins and Bill & Ted, but hate the sequels. The sequels take an already strange concept and make it ten times stranger. They embrace the weird and explode with imagination. My Demon Lover does the same (though it leans into character and story much more than those two examples).

This movie hasn't yet had the resurgence it deserves, but you can help change that. It took decades before Monster Squad gained notoriety, now it's My Demon Lover's turn.

After years of showing this movie to friends, I can tell you that the reaction is 50/50, and goes one of two ways: love or confusion. At the very worst, you will find yourself watching a movie unlike any you have ever seen. At best, you will have stumbled into a lost gem from the '80s that will stick with you for years to come. It's weird, original, charming as all hell and deserving of your time.
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Goofy fun.
BA_Harrison7 September 2018
Thanks to a Romanian curse placed on him when he was a teen, homeless saxophone player Kaz (Scott Valentine) turns into a demon whenever he gets horny (don't we all?); this causes him much concern when he falls in love with pretty New Yorker Denny (Michele Little). Will Denny accept Kaz's strange affliction? Will Kaz be able to control himself when in demon form? And do his demonic blackouts have anything to do with a series of brutal attacks on women in the area?

Goofy horror/comedy/romance My Demon Lover is very silly stuff, but thanks to a likeable cast, and some impressive special make-up effects courtesy of John Caglione and Doug Drexler, the whole thing is hard not to enjoy. Valentine manages to be one of those quirky oddball characters so prevalent in the '80s without being too annoying, Little is cute and endearing, and her best friend Sonia has got big hooters. Putting in strong supporting performances are Arnold Johnson as psychic street-person Fixer and Robert Trebor as lovelorn loser Charles, and producer Bob Shaye's sister Lin has a bit part as well (surprise, surprise). Caglione and Drexler's contributions include cool demonic makeup, a fun transformation (with bulging spinal ridges), a couple of great 'gags' (my favourite moment: the woman having her head smashed), and a pair of extending leathery bat wings for Kaz.

An energetic final act features a high speed car chase (with Kaz and Sonia clinging to the outside of their vehicle) and a confrontation with the real killer (you didn't really think it was Kaz, did you?) on top of Belvedere Castle in Central Park, rounding off the film in style.
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Revenge of the 80's films! Rubbish, absolute rubbish.
Captain_Couth4 March 2004
My Demon Lover (1987) is an exercise in futility. A film like this should be tossed into a dustbin and never see the light of day. Sadly folks many of these films saw their hey day during this time period. People want to complain about the films that are being made today need to take a look back during the 80's and see what was being made.

Well, My Demon Lover stars that loser from Family Ties and that actress from the equally bad 80's flick Sweet Revenge. Inane acting and a junkie plot doom this film from the get go. They should have had more demons and less love. After this came out I was wondering 'what's next, the Art of Being Nick on the silver screen?"

Avoid like the plague...
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Classic 80's
CharlieMJ17 March 2009
The film's song "Let Go" is by the band Intimate Strangers. The song also appears on their album "Charm".

Looking back on it, the film is rather cheesy and the special effects and makeup are pretty cheap, but in its day, it wasn't that bad. I'm not sure if that means I've grown up or the movies made back then were pretty bad...I guess a little of both. Nevertheless, I really liked the song "Let Go" from the film, wondered who the band was that play it, and how I could get the full version of the song. Finally after researching online I found more information about the song and wanted to post it here for other fans of it. I hope this helps someone.
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lackluster comedy
SnoopyStyle30 January 2023
In New York City, Denny (Michele Little) gets dumped by yet another loser boyfriend. She seems to attack all the losers. She's at the bar with her best friend Sonia when bumbling geek Charles (Robert Trebor) approaches her. Then she meets Kaz (Scott Valentine) who turns into a demon whenever he's turned on sexually.

I loved Family Ties back in the day. Nick was fine although not my favorite character on the show. I do remember this as a bad movie with the second tier TV star. That's what this is. It tries to be a satire, but the writing is nowhere near funny enough. Larry Bud Melman makes a cameo in a scene with Lin Shaye. This is a lackluster comedy, but at least, they filmed it in New York.
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Good Idea, Good Leads, Bad Movie
boblipton6 January 2023
Scott Valentine was cursed by his first girlfriend's mother. He turns into a hideous, anthropophagous demon when he tries to make love to a woman. Best friend Michele Little is willing to take the risk. Meanwhile, a serial killer called 'The Mangler' is killing women.

There are two ways a movie like this can work: by a liberal application of good jokes, sight gags, or similar distractions, like TEEN WOLF, or by leaning into the obvious symbolic underpinnings of the fantasy, like DRACULA or FRANKENSTEIN. Despite two attractive, able leads, this movie does neither. Neither is the prosthetic design particularly good.
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I love this movie
bigmommaofbrats14 December 2020
I love this movie it's a shame it's never on please put it on tv n free on prime
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Campy but cool.
ProMovieBuff21 May 2002
This is your basic, 80's, campy horror movie -- so be warned. If you watch this movie, prepare to face EXTREME campy-ness. Complete with somewhat impressive special effects, entertaining scenes, a little comedy, and bad acting -- "My Demon Lover" delivers a top-knotch performance in the field of 80's, horror movie campy-ness! I'd check it out. But serious horror movie-goers beware...
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Cheezy, but funny!
maginarygirl23 July 2000
Well, I am the only person in the world who has seen this movie apparently. *L* It is exceptionally cheezy, I know, I know. BUT, I think it is pretty funny. I mean, the plot is stupid, but what 80's movie isn't? It is just good humor and laughs. It rocks!
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mack317523 May 2002
This movie was very entertaining. It was funny has well as weird. I found it more entertaining then The Monster Squad, at least this movie did'nt have campy dialog. It was nice to see Scott Valentine break away from Family Ties for a little while. The story is about Denny(played with a lot of sweetness by Michelle Little) who seems to have bad luck with romance, that all changes when she meets Kaz(played comicaly well by Scott Valentine) they start out has friends, but little does Denny know that when Kaz gets turned on by women, he becomes monster, Valentine and Little are charming. This is one of my favorite 80's movie.
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