The Crimson Blade (1963) Poster

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Sword & Hammer
richardchatten15 February 2020
When Hammer's production schedule was cleared in 1956 to make way for more horror films, the plug was pulled on the long-in-preparation 'King Charles and the Roundheads'.

Having in the intervening seven years made another Robin Hood adventure and a pirate yarn, Hammer finally made their Cavaliers v. Roundheads picture with a suitably gory title and Lionel Jeffries, of course, as a roundhead (with Oliver Reed as his saturnine young henchman ironically sporting a fake scar on his face in an entirely different place from the real one he acquired on his left cheek in a nightclub brawl a year later). Jack Hedley makes a rather gentle leading man, and although improbably cast as Jeffries' daughter, the late June Thorburn (who gets to wear a magnificent hat) plays a far greater role in the plot than the leading lady usually does in such nonsense.

Plenty of people get killed - and Hedley is flogged at one point - but compared to Tigon's harrowing Civil War subject 'Witchfinder-General' a few years later it's a pretty placid affair, with a jaunty score by Gary Hughes.
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Old-fashioned escapism from Hammer
Leofwine_draca10 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
One of my fondest TV memories from my childhood in the '80s was a spoof adventure serial called THE FLASHING BLADE which they used to show on Saturday morning telly - Going Live, I believe. In it, a rebel hero won the hearts of women around him and valiantly fought off oppressors, and altogether it was a witty and affectionate spoof. Finally, fifteen years on, I catch up with the film which inspired that spoof.

THE SCARLET BLADE is an entertaining Hammer swashbuckler, a colourful and lively romp with direction from the stalwart John Gilling, who can usually be relied upon to deliver a dependable movie. The period setting is as good as ever in a Hammer movie, horror or otherwise, and the various action sequences are very well staged and always exciting. On a technical level, the movie is above average in almost every respect. The plot, on the other hand, is basic stuff which happily focuses more on complex characters than other adventures of the period (a lot of Italian movies, for instance). However, it's the acting which stops this film from being an outright classic.

Taking the lead of the swashbuckling hero is Jack Hedley (who he?), unfortunately not one of Hammer's most charismatic leads. Sure, he's fine with the physical stuff but otherwise he's quickly forgotten. The same with female lead and love interest June Thorburn, and despite being a traitor her performance is quite uninteresting and the romance between her and Hedley slows the pacing of the film down somewhat. Thankfully two British dependables are on hand to raise the interest a little. First up is Lionel Jeffries, putting in another nice pompously villainous turn, although the film has a slight twist at the end to redeem his character somewhat. By far the most interesting actor in the film is Oliver Reed. Although he's only supporting, he takes on the complex part of one of Jeffries' men, also a traitor, who secretly loves Thorburn and is pushed out into the cold when she falls in love with Hedley. Reed gives a quiet turn as the role calls for, but is also very intense and brooding in the part and his performance excellent as usual. Definitely an undervalued actor. Apart from Reed, this is lightweight and simplistic stuff, old-fashioned escapism which is fun to watch on a rainy afternoon.
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Cavaliers and Roundheads
bkoganbing13 July 2008
The English Civil War much like our own in America has been fodder for numerous historical adventure stories. And the stories have been told from both the Cavalier and Roundhead sides with each taking turn at being the hero and villain of same. It was that kind of period in the United Kingdom history, subject to many different interpretations on all sides.

In this one the Royalist cavaliers are the heroes, they've been driven underground pretty much in 1648 and are now concerned with rescuing King Charles I and spiriting him away to safe exile. Charles is now in the custody of Colonel Lionel Jeffries and Captain Oliver Reed of Oliver Cromwell's Ironsides army and is on the way to London for trial and execution.

Jeffries has set up headquarters in the manor of the Beverleys who were Royalists now dispossessed of their property. Jeffries is one real pig as I recall and not living the spartan puritan life that his kind were wont to preach about. He's even got a marriage arranged for his daughter June Thorburn to Oliver Reed. But June's a secret Royalist whose heart is set on Jack Hedley the elder of the two Beverley brothers who is leader of an underground group of Royalists.

The intrigue in trying to rescue the King is tangled up with the romantic intrigue of this triangle and it leads to a lot of tragedy all around. History tells us what happened to Charles I, if he ruled rather badly, he certainly died nobly for his cause. As for the personal intrigues, you have to see the film for that.

The Scarlet Blade was playing as the second half of a double bill as I recall, probably with some Hammer horror feature. I remember at the time thinking how much more interesting Oliver Reed was as the shrewd, but villainous Roundhead than Jack Hedley was as the dashing, but rather wooden cavalier. Maybe Thorburn ought to rethink what she's doing. Of course this was before Oliver Reed became an international star, but his appeal was dead-on.

If you get a chance to see The Scarlet Blade, you'll see an average, but entertaining swashbuckler that might have been better with Reed as the hero.
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Poor man's Robin Hood
heedarmy15 January 2002
This Hammer swashbuckler is one of the few films to be set during the English Civil War. Unfortunately, its treatment of the conflict is fairly simplistic ; the Roundheads are the baddies, intent on killing the king, and the Cavaliers are the romantic good guys, led by Jack Hedley, looking slightly too old to play the Robin Hood like hero.

The film suffers from the fact that the "villains" (Lionel Jeffries, Oliver Reed) are much more charismatic than the "heroes" (Hedley and an insipid June Laverick). The downbeat ending is also a surprise. Nevertheless, like most Hammer films, it is well-mounted and richly-photographed by Jack Asher. Watch out for the sequence in which the outlaws, disguised as bushes (!), creep ever-closer to the Roundhead guards. It looks like a scene from Monty Python!
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JohnHowardReid12 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Despite its big reputation, not all Hammer Films are worth watching. In fact, "The Scarlet/Crimson Blade" fully deserves its reputation as a movie swashbuckler with lots of buckle but little swash. There is not a great deal of action, but plenty of plot machinations and lots of dialog. It was obviously filmed on a limited budget. The sets are attractive, but the costumes look too new to be real. Not much use is made of the wide screen. The emphasis is firmly on the players. Fortunately, they are made to look attractive by skillful photography. Lionel Jeffries' screen persona is usually that of a comedian, and he is hard to accept as a straight villain. The direction is capable but unimaginative and lacks the dash and pace a swashbuckler really needs for complete success. Director John Gilling can usually do much better than this. Maybe he was constrained by the producer's demand for speed.
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Not a bad way to spend an hour and a half.
ldeangelis-757084 June 2022
This was a good action/adventure film, with a historical background of 17thc England, in the last days of the reign of Charles I. Colonel Judd, (Lionel Jeffries) a former loyalist, has joined the Roundheads, and he and his men are responsible for the imprisonment of the king, much to the chagrin of his daughter, Claire (June Thorburn), a staunch Loyalist. She joins a group planning to free the king, whose leader (Edward Beverly, played by Jack Hedley) is known by the logo "The Crimson Blade". The group includes Edward's brother, Philip and sister, Constance (Clifford Elkin and Suzan Farmer) seeking vengeance for the murder of their father by Colonel Judd's officers.

There's romance in the story too, as well as a rivalry, when Claire and Edward fall in love, and face the anger of Captain Tom Sylvester (Oliver Reed), who wants Claire, and pledges to support her cause, despite being her father's right-hand man, to try and win her over. But his loyalty, like his love, is self-serving.

It's a movie that'll hold your interest, quick paced, not long and drawn out. I recommend checking it out.
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Jack Hedley is a rather bland swashbuckling hero but Oliver Reed makes up for it
Colbridge11 June 2021
Set during the English Civil War director John Gilling delivers standard historical fare for Hammer Films as we see the Roundheads kidnap King Charles I, led by unscrupulous Lionel Jeffries and side kick Oliver Reed, only to be scuppered by his own daughter, beautifully played by June Thorburn.

These 3 actors are the best thing about the piece, the Scarlet Blade himself played by Jack Hedley is a rather bland swashbuckling hero who comes to save the day but has none of the charisma of a Robin Hood.

Like most Hammer productions it is handsomely photographed with nice sets and costumes to evoke the period whilst making the most of the English countryside but a lot of it is obviously done in a studio on a very low budget which limits it's scope. The pacing is slow and methodical and it requires patience to sit through but for Hammer purists it's well worth a visit to 1648.
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The Arrival Of Oliver Reed.
TheCapsuleCritic23 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Oliver Reed once said that "Hammer gave me my start, (Michael) Winner gave me my craft, and (Ken) Russell gave me my art." Well in 1963's THE SCARLET / CRIMSON BLADE you can see the arrival of the Oliver Reed we all know 5 years before his international success in OLIVER!. Here he crystallizes his screen trademarks. The quiet voice that can suddenly erupt, the smoldering look of rage and/or pain, and his sheer physical presence that can dominate the screen. This was Reed's penultimate film with Hammer (out of 6) and he owns the movie.

Although the nominal stars are Lionel Jeffries (usually known for comic roles in movies like CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG but quite good here) ,Jack Hedley and June Thornburn, Reed's portrayal of the adventurer Captain Tom Sylvester is clearly the focus of the film. Writer-director John Gilling, who made a number of films for Hammer including the celebrated "Cornish Double Feature" THE PLAGUE OF THE ZOMBIES and THE REPTILE, had worked with Reed before on THE PIRATES OF BLOOD RIVER showing that he could handle the actor as well as make a well mounted period action-adventure movie.

The story is set in 1648. Colonel Judd (Jeffries), once a royalist but now a follower of Cromwell, is trying to capture King Charles I to further his own career. Sylvester (Reed) is his second in command and has eyes for Judd's daughter Claire (Thornburn) who is secretly helping the local Royalists led by Edward Beverly (Hedley) aka The Scarlet Blade (the movie's original title). Claire exploits Sylvester's feelings for her while really loving Beverly. When Sylvester realizes this he is none too pleased but, rather than flying into a typical rage, Reed internalizes his anger and makes us feel his character's pain and sadness at what has happened.

The rest of the film is a solid period adventure yarn with swordfights and ambushes and an authentic look to the film despite the low budget. In fact parts of this film reminded me of Michael Reeves' WITCHFINDER GENERAL with Vincent Price made 5 years later only less brutal. This release of the American version (hence the title change) is its first appearance ever and the transfer is first rate. Not a great film by any means but a surprisingly engaging one thanks to Oliver Reed...For more reviews visit The Capsule Critic.
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Brisk and lively – but forgettable - Hammer swashbuckler.
barnabyrudge4 January 2007
Hammer studios are most fondly remembered for their horror output, but they occasionally dipped their beak into other genres. The Scarlet Blade (US title: The Crimson Blade) is an example of their non-horror releases. Made in 1963 and directed by Hammer veteran John Gilling, this English Civil War swashbuckler cracks along at a brisk pace and, at a mere 83 minutes, never taxes the patience. It also features an early appearance from the brooding Oliver Reed, here perfectly cast as a tough but charming villain. Reed would go on to die 36 years later during one of his countless drinking binges, and his death marked a sad but inevitable loss to the acting profession. It's always pleasant to look back at his early works and remind ourselves what a fine actor he was, especially before years of alcohol abuse took its toll on his features and figure. In fact, roguish Reed's villain is much more interesting in this film than the "good guys" portrayed by June Thorburn and Jack Hedley…. that, coupled with the fact that the other main villain played by Lionel Jeffries is also far more charismatic than the dreary heroes, is probably the film's principal drawback!

Cromwellian soldiers Colonel Judd (Lionel Jeffries) and Captain Sylvester (Oliver Reed) capture King Charles of England (Robert Rietty). Colonel Judd has a beautiful young daughter named Claire (June Thorburn). Little does the Colonel suspect that his daughter is actually a Royalist supporter, totally opposed to her father's political sympathies. While Claire is seemingly intended for an eventual marriage to the handsome but ruthless Captain Sylvester, the reality of the matter is that she is very much in love with Cavalier adventurer Edward Beverly (Jack Hedley). Edward and Claire realise that they must gather the sparse Royalist supporters together in their struggle to rescue the king.

The Scarlet Blade is pleasing enough whilst on, but soon forgotten afterwards. It paints a typically romanticised view of history, portraying the Cavaliers as whiter-than-white heroes with justice on their side, and the Roundheads as tyrannical baddies with few - if any - likable qualities. The film ends on a rather sour note, much more downbeat than expected, and the decision to do this should be applauded. Happy and convenient endings can sometimes be a bit too conventional, so it's nice to come across a film from time to time which reminds us that things don't always work themselves out perfectly. On a less positive note, the performances are generally wooden and unconvincing (only Jeffries and Reed escape this criticism). Much of the dialogue is unconvincing too, but this is more to do with the film's innocent, old-fashioned charm than anything and provides some unintended pleasures. I'm not going to stand here and claim that The Scarlet Blade is a lost classic, nor am I going to slate it as a lesser-quality time waster. This film is brisk, lively and perfectly forgettable, a period adventure flick that fills a little time harmlessly enough if you're in the mood. If you're lucky enough to find it, give it a go.
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Pimpernel or Blade, it's all the same.
mark.waltz10 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There haven't been many movies on the story of the British civil war which took place during the reign of King Charles I and leas to a decade of the Cromwell republic. He's not seen here, just mentioned, but King Charles is, seen briefly when brought before the evil Lionel Jeffries, Cromwell's right hand, father of June Thorburn who is secretly aiding Jack Hedley who is the royalist title character determined to rescue the king which sadly didn't happen. This film has a pro-Charles, anti-Cromwell bias, even though historians are divided on whether or not Charles was a good king.

The handsome Oliver Reed is a far more interesting character than Hedley's, presented in varying shades, on the side of the Cromwells, but obviously not in favor of Jeffries' methods. He's also pretty brutal to Thornton, suspecting her of being a royalist, and she doesn't really hide her resentment for her father's methods. Colorful and enjoyable, mercifully quick at under 90 minutes, yet historically questionable. A decent time filler that had me researching the facts while watching. For a film made in the 1960's, it seems to have a mid 1940's feel to it.
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Doesn't work
no-skyline6 March 2007
Swashbuckler from the renowned Hammer studio who are more famous for their classic horror movies. This movie suffers from some poor casting decisions and a general lack of dynamic action to set the pace in a genre that demands excitement. Jack Hedley just doesn't suit as the hero and Oliver Read is much more interesting as the bad guy I think Reed could have done a better job in the lead role (he did go on to play Athos in Richard Lesters production of the Three Musketeers).

The script is generally poor and no one comes out to well in the acting stakes but this could have been excused had there been some great set pieces but action is another element somewhat lacking in what is a fairly disappointing movie by any standards 4/10
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An Exciting Version of Children of the New Forest
andyrobert26 December 2020
I first saw this film at the cinema not long after it first came out and remember it being a very exciting film, with some stirring music by Gary Hughes, who seemed to specialise in composing music for period action films. Jack Hedley gave as good as the great Errol Flynn would have been able to give.

It seemed to be one of those rare films where the baddies actually won, giving a contrast to the quotation: "History is always written by the winners". This time it was written by the losers.

As children, myself and my friends who came to the cinema with me, were confused by the ending. However, having seen the film many times as an adult, I can only say that the ending would have been misunderstood by younger cinema goers. There was probably a short message or a moral in there somewhere - the producers did not want to rewrite the history books. Unfortunately for the Cavaliers and those loyal to King Charles the First, the Roundheads were a very well organised, fierce, and strong army.

Although, reading about the aftermath of the English Civil War, Oliver Cromwell's Navy struggled to recapture the Colonies.

I suppose the idea of this film was to create a more updated and exciting version of Children of the New Forest, as the characters of Edward Beverley, Gypsy Pablo and the servant, Jacob, also appear in Captain Frederick Marryat's Classic novel.
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Bland swashbuckler, notable for starring Oliver Reed
Hayden-8605510 November 2020
Set during the civil war with the Roundheads portrayed as the baddies and the Royalists the dashing heroes. Some of the scenes are quite well shot and it's in Technicolor as well which is a plus.

Unfortunately, the heroes aren't very interesting and are overshadowed by the much better Oliver Reed and Lionel Jeffries, the heroes aren't even that likeable and June Thorburn's character is just downright nasty and annoying, she doesn't deserve anyone. Reed's character is by far the most well done and complex, he does a fine acting job too. Additionally, for an action film there's a notable lack of action and the fighting that is in is not very well choreographed or entertaining.

3/10: Worth a watch for Oliver Reed but as a swashbuckler is terrible
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Terrific swashbuckler
filmbuff-514 September 1999
This was the first Oliver Reed film I ever saw and it's still one of my favourites. He gives an impressive early performance in this good Hammer production. The downslide of it is the main character, played by Jack Hedley, who is a bad actor. One to watch for any Oliver Reed fan.
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Spoilt by miscating
malcolmgsw19 October 2020
Lionel Jeffries is just not villain enough,unlike Oliver Reed who is just right.Matronly June Thorburn is only 6 years younger than her"father"Jeffries.Hedley is a lackluster swasbuckler.Michael Ripper has a bigger part than usual. Poor fight staging and uninspiring dialoge further hamper this uninspired Hammer film.
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A Woman of Mettle
chakotay-7077023 April 2020
When was the last time You stuck your neck out for something you passionately believe in? If you never have, this movie will enlighten you - by example - on just what it takes to achieve this. If you have, then you will identify with the main characters, and appreciate the men and women who do.

June Thorburn plays the part of Clare Judd, the daughter of a colonel in Oliver Cromwell's army. Miss Judd's beauty is not merely skin deep, for she has a keen sense of right and wrong. If you yearn to gaze upon a lovely Woman of Mettle, then focus on Miss Judd as the story unfolds....
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'The Scarlet Blade' is arguably one of Hammer Films most thrillingly roustabout historical adventures! HUZZAH!!
Weirdling_Wolf22 April 2021
No earnest appraisal of, John Gilling's glistering, finely honed feature 'The Scarlet Blade' will be replete without avid descriptions of 'Rousing action!!!'....'Blood-Stirring swordplay!!!'...and 'Courageous acts of Derring-do!!!! One of Hammer Films more neglected mini-masterpieces, this exceptionally rigorous Civil war era is sure to arouse the viewer to emitting a Stentorian, spirit-galvanizing cry of HUZZAH!!! It's not often that a lusty period adventure so boisterously buckles its Technicolor swash with quite the same majestically muscular rigour and gimlet-eyed efficacy of pulse-pounding Hammer Films classic 'The Scarlet Blade'.

The estimable, Lionel Jeffries is on wickedly barnstorming form as the terrible tyrant Roundhead Colonel Judd, and ubiquitous Hammer legend, Michael Ripper enjoys one of his more substantial roles as hot-blooded knife-wielding gypsy, Pablo. Prepare to swoon at the devastating sight of a smoulderingly handsome, Oliver Reed as the ambivalently cocksure captain, Tom Sylvester! This beautifully shot, tremendously exciting boy's own yarn is an entertaining, memorably uproarious feature. The Roundhead rapscallions are frequently thwarted by rebellious, Edward Beverly (Jack Hedley),the loyal, unerringly deadly sword arm of King Charles I. The full-blooded action is relentless as our infamous outlaw hero undertakes his tireless crusade against Cromwell's murderous hegemony. With nary a dull moment, 'The Scarlet Blade' is arguably one of Hammer Films most thrillingly roustabout historical adventures! HUZZAH!!
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