Greyfriars Bobby: The True Story of a Dog (1961) Poster

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A well-made film about why dogs are our best friends.
cosmic_quest25 October 2006
The story of Greyfriars Bobby is one familiar to most Scottish schoolchildren and this film is a worthy adaptation of a very endearing tale. 'Greyfriars Bobby: The True Story of a Dog' is set in 1865 where an ageing shepherd from the Highlands and his faithful Skye terrier Bobby visit Edinburgh. But when the shepherd succumbs to pneumonia and is buried in a local cemetery of Greyfriars Kirk, Bobby remains loyal to his master, sleeping on his grave and only leaving to search for food. In those days, dogs had to be licensed but, when the local police try to take him to the pound to be put down, the children of Edinburgh and the city's Lord Provost (who incidentally was director of the Scottish SPCA) rally to save him.

Although the film is not exact on all the details of the story, nevertheless, it is a very warm and touching film about why dogs are possibly the most loyal and devoted creatures on this planet (we humans could probably learn a thing or two from them, in that respect). The Scottish setting is well-depicted and there were few wobbly accents to be heard since most of the cast were actually Scottish.

'Greyfriars Bobby: The True Story of a Dog' remains one of Disney's best films and hasn't dated much despite being more than thirty years old.
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man's best friend
petersj-21 September 2008
Well I admit it... it worked on me and at the end of the movie I was a blubbering mess. It is a cleverly manipulative little gem and you will need a box of tissues. Its a real tear jerker and in this cynical age that's rather lovely. It is a case of anthroprorphism gone mad. It all about a cute(incredibly cute)little dog who has a beautiful friendship with old Jock, a kind hearted shepherd. Poor old Jock gets the boot from his employees and Bobby (the dog) follows the old man to Edinburgh. Its not Lassie comes home its Bobby follows Jock. The message is clear dogs pick their owners. Poor old Jock dies and well you know the rest. I saw the film as a kid and loved the story. There are a few liberties taken but trust Disney to tug at the heart strings, indeed its masterful.It is never creeky though. The film looks wonderful and it really has stood the test of time better than other Disney movies such as Condor man.The setting is beautiful and its one of the best Disney productions of all. Shamelessly sentimental but because of the winning performances by Laurence Naismith and the exceptional Donald Crisp it wins out every time. The whole cast are superb and as for that dog... it should have got an Oscar as best actor.
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One of the best examples of dogs's incredible loyalty
Atreyu_II30 January 2011
This Disney oldie was directed by Don Chaffey, the same who directed "The Three Lives of Thomasina" and "Pete's Dragon" and, like the famous story of Hachiko, is based in a true story, in this case of a Skye Terrier named Greyfriars Bobby that lived in the 19th century (in Edinburgh, Scotland) and became famous for reportedly spending 14 years guarding the grave of his owner until his own death.

In the film (I'm not sure how it was in real life) Greyfrairs Bobby, despite guarding his owner's grave, doesn't spend the whole time there waiting for him to come back. People feed him well and he gets along beautifully with most everyone, especially children.

The film was shot in England and Scotland. Its looks very dated but rich cinematography is one of its virtues, thanks to the enchantment and natural beauty of the Scottish scenario.

I noticed that they often use the expressions "laddie" and "lassie", which are often used by Jock the Scottish Terrier in 'Lady and the Tramp'.

Considering their roles, most actors are alright. But the star is definitely the little great star. Now, who can that be? That's the doggy, of course!

The dog is cute and utterly adorable. His loyalty to his owner in life and even long after death is worthy to be considered and admired. Despite being a dramatic film it has some fun moments. The children of the film are all nice and enjoyable.

Overall, a reasonable film, realistic, poignant. Its only let-down is the courtroom scenes and the rather annoying policeman who looked like a caricature of himself.
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The Greatest Dog Of All Time ( And a good movie)
tpace8 December 2004
I love movies, I also love Dogs so I had a head start with this one. However I have always been a fan of this little dog. Although not exactly a documentary ( Jock was in real life a policeman not a shepeard). But the basic tale is true as far as I know, and is a true adaptation of the book. The acting is superb, the sets are wonderful and have captured Victorian Scotland superbly. If like me you cry at animal tales then get the tissues out, sit back and have your faith restored as to why the Dog is the greatest creature on Earth. And truly Man's best pal. If you feel moved enough you could even visit Scotland and see the gravestone that bobby sheltered from the rain under and his collar is still in one of the museums.
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A Loyal Dog
boblipton10 June 2018
Donald Crisp may get the top billing, but it's the unnamed pooch who's the real star here. Bobby may belong to the farm, but he loves Alex Mackenzie, and when the old man is fired and heads to Edinburgh, the dog follows him. Alas, Mackenzie dies and is buried, but the dog walks with the poor cortege to Greyfriars graveyard and plops down on the grave, where grouchy Crisp doesn't want him, but kindly tavern keeper Laurence Naismith does. However, Kay Walsh, Crisp's wife, admires Bobby's rat-killing, and soon a competition arises between the two men for more than a decade, as the wee dog guards its master's grave.

Based on Eleanor Atkinson's sentimental 1912 novel (it had already been plundered for 1949's CHALLENGE TO LASSIE, also starring Crisp), it's pure Disney sentimentality placed on a well-decorated lot in Shepperton, as well as fine establishing shots in Edinburgh and the Scottish countryside.

Crisp may not deserve top billing, but he had certainly earned it. His movie career stretched back to 1908, when he became a member of D.W. Griffith stock company at the age of 26. When this movie came out, he was nearly 80. After one more movie, he retired and lived to be over 90.
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A Quiet Classic
dsayne4 September 2007
Watching this for the first time in nearly forty years I was prepared for a nice little animal show the likes of which Disney studios were well known for. I expected a pleasant, well made, but mostly average little movie. Instead I found an artfully rendered film; calm but powerful, subtle and deep. The look of the film is surprisingly gritty and realistic, with the only complaint that anyone could raise being that the children were perhaps a tad too clean. The characterizations are top notch, even the children! There's not a faker in the bunch! They are wholly believable. The pace of the film is steady, never rushed, never slow, and lends a sense of real time passing. Even though most adults will easily predict the ultimate outcome, they will not be bored or disappointed as it unfolds. This is the kind of film that should be required watching in elementary schools instead of some that are. There is much to learn here: of how people in a particular place and time lived, of human nature and interpersonal relationships, of responsibility and initiative. Parents be confident showing this to your children. Adults be amazed at how good a G-rated family film can be. My comment upon viewing the conclusion in my own living room, "Remarkable!"
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pmtelefon19 December 2019
"Greyfriars Bobby" is a well told story. It's a good looking movie with a very strong cast. And, of course, the dog is terrific. This is not one of the movies I usually pick to scratch my Disney itch. It's good but it's not one of their greats. That said, "Greyfriars Bobby" is a nice movie to visit every once in a while. I watched it tonight and I enjoyed it.
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putting away the hanky
oaksong24 June 2006
I was probably 14 when I saw this film, back in the early 60's and I know I cried. I hadn't seen it since, although it was never far out of my memory, 'til I got the DVD recently and took the time to watch it again. It still brought a tear to my eye.

Time can play tricks on your memory, but this case it was as good a film as I recalled. It doesn't have any jump cuts, the camera work is simple and steady. The acting however is superb, bringing a genuine life to this mostly true story of a dog's faithfulness to it's departed master.

My family always had dogs, and I watched plenty of Lassie on TV and read the novels of Albert Payson Terhune, so I have always had a close relationship with dogs, my most recent being a 16 year old miniature dachshund.

If you can get your family to sit through it, I suggest it as a great alternative to what's on TV today.
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Good family film
Wizard-810 June 2018
Like so many of the live action movies made by the Disney studio while Walt Disney was alive, "Greyfriars Bobby" has all but been forgotten in the years since it was released to theaters. While it isn't an unsung classic, it is a perfectly fine family movie that modern day children and adults will enjoy. Compared to most modern day family movies, it's tone is very quiet and subdued, which at first may put off some viewers craving excitement and high drama. But these people will probably be quickly charmed by the thoughtful pacing and calm drama. I will admit that in the middle third of the movie, the story pretty much stops and there isn't really anything done to advance the plot or characters. But even when this happens, the movie is never boring, and has plenty of charm and colorful attributes. As I said before, this movie isn't a masterpiece, but it's all the same a feel good exercise that will make you happy you watched it.
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film for ALL ages
fcasnette28 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Let's get this out of the way... I hate Hollywood movies by number, Disney schmaltz, stereotyped screenplays, and endings and plot devices you can see a mile off... so why do I like this film? Basically the story is a true and affecting one of loyalty beyond death, and the kind of love a dog gives a loving master which could easily have me reaching for the sick bucket in the wrong hands. Well directed by Don Chaffey who went on to much work on TV series like Danger Man, The Prisoner, The Avengers, Mission Impossible etc in a simple unassuming manner which perfectly fits the low key style required to get just the right emotional punch and uplift at the end.

A well constructed screenplay gets us off to a favourable start but the acting all round hits exactly the correct note. Donald Crisp is really excellent as the crusty Scotsman, and lifts Laurence Naismith (Moore and Curtis' boss in the Persuaders) to the same level in their long running feud scenes and affecting melting to friendship through common love of the little dog at the end. Andrew Cruickshank (in the original Dr Finlay) is wonderful as the Lord Provost in the crucial highpoint turnaround scene. The comedy turns like the officious policeman and the court reporter who lets the kids into court are spot on. Even the kids are fine.

The actors stick close to a style suitable for a Disney movie but the clever understatement (helped by the character motivation not wanting to appear too weak in loving a stray dog) make the unfolding story and ending carry a real emotional punch. Yes, it's corny but based on a TRUE corniness, and that's what makes it stand out among Disney (and other!) films. Beautiful colour throughout and if you've ever been to Edinburgh you will like the recreation of the old city. The music is also excellent, the strings perfectly complimenting the Scottish theme with bagpipe like harmonies.

Recommended for children of all ages up to 110.

Get a box of tissues out for the last quarter of an hour and enjoy!
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It's all hearty
r96sk3 July 2020
Cute film.

'Greyfriars Bobby: The True Story of a Dog' makes for a good little watch. The eponymous Skye Terrier is impossible not to adore, it's actually a very well trained dog too; I felt its supposed feelings more than a few times. The run time is just 87 minutes, which is paced suitably.

I wouldn't note any of the cast members as incredible, but all of the key people give appropriate performances that I appreciate. Laurence Naismith is the standout, as he portrays Mr. Traill. Donald Crisp is also solid as James Brown.

It does feel repetitive in the middle parts, as the film repeats a few scenes and behaviours of the dog. The characters are also a little one-dimensional, not to the point of becoming an annoyance but certainly noticeable - at least to me.

No doubt it's all hearty, even though the vibe is more adult-ish than what is usual for a Disney dog story - which is a positive, don't get me wrong. Worth watching!
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A gem of a story
gringo25809 January 2012
I saw this in my local cinema when I was 6 years old and had tears running down my face at the end. I saw it again when I was in my 40's...and had tears running down my face!!!!! The cast is great, the locations beautifully shot and the storyline is easy to follow for even the youngest of kids. The fact that it is a true story only adds to the effect. As a Scot it has special significance for me as this little dog symbolizes our two main characteristics..loyalty and stubbornness. Definitely a wee treasure of a movie and it hasn't aged, since it relies not on special effects or sensationalism, just on a simple beautiful story, simply and beautifully told. Definitely a good one for the kids (of all ages9, unforgettable and timeless.
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Nobody's dog, no matter who claims him.
mark.waltz30 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The titled pooch is an adorable terrier, desperately missing his deceased owner (Alex Mackenzie, seen early in the film), becomes the subject of a canine custody quest between crotchety graveyard caretaker Donald Crisp and the loveable pal (Laurence Naismithl) of the late MacKenzie. At first, Crisp was desperate to keep Bobby out of the cemetery and away from the grave where MacKenzie now lies. The children of the town also desperately become regulat attendees in court, and it appears that there's only one answer to this bizarre case.

Colorful and frequently sentimental (but fortunately lacking in sappiness), this Disney film is more adult oriented in its story, and thus not really interesting as a film for kids. This is where the mistake in the film's theme lies, because as well made as it is (and certainly providing a good lesson to be learned), it is never really exciting or very emotional because there's no real tension, and the audience doesn't really get to see the importance of the presence of Bobby in MacKenzie life, and vice versa. Good photography and a sweet nature overshadowed by the lack of humor, although the hypocrisy of certain characters (Crisp's in particular) does provide some irony. So not the classic that Disney may have intended, and at times, not even seeming like a Disney film at all. Still, Bobby is adorable, one of the greatest movie canines ever.
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Faithful Bobby
Prismark1017 January 2015
This is a sentimental Disney story recounting the true fact tale of Greyfriars Bobby, a small terrier who was the faithful companion of Old Jock, the highland shepherd who died of pneumonia in Edinburgh. The dog spent sixteen years spending time at his master's grave and now a statue of the dog has been erected in Edinburgh. The film has been remade several times even with an altered story such as Hachi: A Dog's Tale with Richard Gere.

The film here has been fictionalised as two local residents fight for the affection of the dog and the city magistrates taking the dog to court as he does not have a license and no one seems to own him. The children in the area rally to his rescue before the Lord Provost.

Its a touching tale shot on location is Scotland however to expand the story as you cannot have the dog just visiting the grave of Old Jock, it just felt overlong as the caretaker of the graveyard spars with the local tavern owner for the affection of the dog and yet when it comes to the magistrate court he refuses to pay for the dog license which for the 19th century costs a princely sum.

It might have worked better as a shorter film but I feel now stripped of nostalgia, kids watching this would get easily bored of the slight storyline.
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Wonderful, sentimental story of a faithful dog.
Marta28 December 1998
I'm sure everyone who grew up in the 60's remembers watching the wonderful world of Disney, where this film originally appeared. I remember watching it then and crying during the movie. It is a sentimental, heartwarming but very true to life story of Greyfriar's Bobby, a small dog who refused to leave his master, even after the master's death. Bobby sleeps on the master's grave at night, and is looked after by the residents of the Edinburgh, Scotland, neighborhood. When the question of paying for his license comes into the picture, the entire neighborhood, one of the poorest in Scotland, buys his license. Laurence Naismith and Donald Crisp are two of the neighborhood residents, and they are both great. Might be too slow for some kids, but don't let that stop you. It's a marvelous, well-told story and touched by just the right amount of realism and atmosphere. The residents of Edinburgh erected a statue in Bobby's honor after his death, and it's still there for everyone to enjoy, in remembrance of a Skye Terrier with a loyal heart.
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Greyfriars Bobby: The True Story of a Dog
CinemaSerf20 May 2024
There's a statue of this wee Skye terrier in Edinburgh as testament to the loyalty and tenaciousness of this dog that couldn't care less about the civic rules that banned him from the graveyards of the city. It's the shepherd "Old Jock" (Alex Mackenzie) who has passed away and it's his grave that "Bobby" sleeps on each evening, doing a bit of useful ratting at the same time! Quickly he befriends the local tea-room owning "Traill" (Laurence Naismith) who knew his late master, but he has a harder task convincing the caretaker of the cemetery. "Brown" (Donald Crisp) is a bit of a stickler for (his own) rules, but the intervention of the police (Duncan Macrae) over who owns the dog soon sees a court hearing in front of none other than the Lord Provost (Andrew Cruickshank). It is he who must decide the fate of "Bobby" in the face of these two bickering old men whose initial stubbornness about not owning the dog has completely reversed itself! It does take a little while to get going; there are a few too many scenes of the dog running about the place, but once we get into gear this is a charmingly scored and depicted story that puts together a solid cast of familiar faces to support the on form Crisp, Naismith and the young Jameson Clark who's "Tammy" was a little like Dickens' "Tiny Tim" only not quite so earnest! It's a simple family story of loyalty, devotion and curmudgeonliness that's held up well.
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A tearjerking feel good movie
newhopes20 October 2009
As a USA transplant to Scotland, I loved the way this movie portrayed 19th century Scots. It actually managed to present a genuine Scottish feeling without horrible stereotyping and corny dialog. My local friends own the movie and love it— a real statement for what a good job was done.

The scenes of Edinburgh are great (with the Edinburgh Castle backdrop). The story-line is so lovely and engaging that, even though at times I knew that I was being manipulated, I cried, laughed and loved every minute of it! The movie was obviously made in a different time in the history of film making; while at the same time the story is about a different time in humanity. I felt that the datedness of the filming techniques made the story even more beautiful and evocative.

The dog is a show stealer, the kids are adorable and the adults are absolutely believable...

Although I pretty much cried from beginning to end, I felt hopeful and more compassionate towards my fellow human beings after watching 'Greyfriars Bobby' than I felt beforehand.

This is truly a classic and I loved it!
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A great story for kids of all ages and all the better for being true.
mail-29781 February 2008
This is a great story well told and all the better for being true. I took a girlfriend to see it way back in 1962 and I remember she spent the last ten minutes of the film sobbing her heart out. I sat and watched it again on the television only last week along with my two grandsons, who have been brought up on a diet of movies dedicated to mindless violence and ever more extreme special effects, and they thoroughly enjoyed it too. They even shed the odd tear towards the end although they would never admit it. There was one slight error - the cost of a dog licence in the United Kingdom was 7/6 ( seven and sixpence or 37.5 new pence after we went decimal in 1971 ) and not seven shillings as in the film. Disney have always excelled in the making of feel good movies, movies that show the best in people and I for one wish they made more of them today.
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The true story of a lovely film
Spondonman2 June 2012
Thanks to The Wonderful World Of Disney TV programmes that ran seemingly endlessly in the 60's I've always been fond of their auld live action family melodramas, this supposedly true tale being one of the best. In less than 90 minutes it plays with you, effortlessly running through the full range of your emotions from heart breaking to heart warming. And yet clever people wouldn't call this Art!

Shaggy Skye terrier Bobby is faithful to his master Auld Jock even after his death, sleeping on Jock's grave in Greyfriars kirkyard, eating at the local café owned by Laurence Naismith, playing with the local urchins and catching rats for the kirkyard keeper Donald Crisp. Uniting everyone in respect for his respect for a dead pauper. I wonder if Gordon Jackson was happy with his totally unsympathetic portrayal of Jock's former employer, hard heartedly kicking him out of work to die in the first place which set off the train of events. Helping get you into a Scottish mood there's the usual warm grainy Disney colour of the period complemented with some generally bright music and believable acting, even by the dog. Favourite bits: Bobby continually dodging round Crisp to get to the grave; fine background sets full of uneven wooden furniture and uneven paving; the key scenes with the Lord Provost.

It's recently been suggested that the whole story was made up for tourism purposes, apparently (hem) grave doubts were being cast on Bobby's authenticity even while he - or his look-alike successor - was still alive. Well, what a surprise! But if so it doesn't bother me, it's still an incontrovertible fact that with this Disney had made a wonderful film.
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Very warm and touching
TheLittleSongbird8 June 2011
I have seen my fair share of wonderful dogs' movies, my favourites being Old Yeller and Lassie Come Home. Greyfriar's Bobby is another one of my favourites. It could have been perhaps a tad longer, but it is such a warm and touching film that moves at a generous pace that you don't mind. The scenery, costumes and sets are absolutely beautiful and very evocative, and I did like its somewhat old-fashioned albeit suitably cosy style of filming. The dialogue is well written, as is the engaging story and heart-rending ending, while all the characters are characters I care for. The acting is great, the dog of the title is the definite scene-stealer and it is a wonderful and adorable scene-stealing performances, but there are also superb performances from Donald Crisp and Laurence Naismith and the kids are also surprisingly effective. Overall, a film that never fails to warm my heart and move me too. 9/10 Bethany Cox
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A very sentimental tale of a wee doggy.
planktonrules7 June 2018
"Greyfriars Bobby" is a Disney live action film that is based on the real life dog, Bobby...who was a very odd dog to say the least! Like the beloved Japanese dog, Hachiko, Bobby's owner died and the dog refused to get on with its life...choosing instead to spend it's days at his master's grave. In fact, following the mans' death, the dog continued this routine for 14 years!! Talk about tenacious...and maladjusted! Regardless, it makes a dandy and very sentimental film, one which is best watched with a box of tissues nearby!

So what did I like about the film? Well, most everything. The cinematography was unusually good for a Disney movie--really gorgeous and artistic. Also, having two distinguished British actors in the lead, Donald Crisp and Laurence Naismith, sure helped.

A few things to note: First, if you visit Edinburgh you can see the sites in the movie. In fact, you can not only visit the pub and cemetery but you can also see the monument marking the grave of Bobby...just outside the church (kirk) gate. Second, the adorable dog which plays Bobby is said to be a Skye Terrier but looks nothing like a modern Skye Terrier. This is because nutty dog breeders have done a lot to change the look of MOST breeds in recent years. If you went to a dog show in the mid-1800s, you'd have a hard time recognizing most of the breeds. There has been that much manipulation of the genes in recent years that you'd barely recognize them.
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Very passionate...
RosanaBotafogo4 May 2021
Based on the life of Greyfriars Bobby, a Skye Terrier, who created the film Challenge for Lassie, who became a Collie... A beautiful and moving film, of the love and fidelity of the puppy for its owner, what a cute, sensitive and delicate ending, very passionate...
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A Town and Its Dog
NoDakTatum3 November 2023
Made in the early 1960's on location in Scotland, this Disney film tells the true story of one loyal dog. Old Jock (Alex Mackenzie) is a shepherd from the country who is taken to Edinburgh when his boss (Gordon Jackson) can no longer afford to keep him on. Jock leaves his terrier Bobby with the family but the dog follows Jock all the way to the city- a distance of twenty miles. Jock always ate at Traill's (Laurence Naismith) dining rooms at one o'clock, and Bobby shows up there to keep the meal time. Traill tries to get Jock to see a doctor, but Jock later dies in a rundown boarding house. Thanks to his last wages, Jock is buried in a noble cemetery run by caretaker Brown (Donald Crisp). Bobby then develops a routine, meals at Traill's, and then sleeps on Jock's grave at night. Brown tries his best to keep the dog out, but Bobby keeps the rat population down. The dog is adopted by the many poor children in the neighborhood, including disabled Tommy (Vincent Winter) and Ailie (Joan Juliet Buck). The constable (Jameson Clark) eventually charges the dog with no license, and Traill must appear in court to argue for the dog.

This is a very Scottish film, and many of the accents are difficult to understand. While Disney did release this, children may be bored by the fact that the heroes are two old Scots who mostly argue. The terrier is adorable, and the children are all very cute. The musical score is Disneyesque, bombarding you with adorable music when the dog does something adorable, and menacing music when the dog faces menace. As an adult, I enjoyed the back and forth between Traill and Brown, although there are a few slow spots that probably could not have been trimmed from an already short ninety one minute film. Brown and Traill are not angels, Traill's dismissal of the children at first is surprising. The film makers are saying that Bobby brought love and kindness to his rundown neighborhood, and I went along with it. Chaffey's direction is also surprising- surprisingly dark. Jock's experiences in the city are dank and depressing, especially the boarding house scenes. The script bores here and there, it is a little predictable, but this is still a good story. The cast is flawless- adults, kids and dog- as no one crosses to far into overly sentimental territory. "Greyfriars Bobby" is a lesser known Disney film, but still a good family film. If the kids like literal films instead of shootouts and special effects, this would be perfect for them. Not a perfect film, but I do recommend it.
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The truly friend of a man
Lukazmakina27 May 2024
Just amazing ,the really star of the movie is the dog, and you can see the elanor's books in this movie ,I actually think that it was one of the most faithful movie that was based in on book ,of course Disney wound like to show the final of the book because the movie was made to children watching ,and then it is accepted,one kind of movie that drove down some good tears of joy ,we need more films like that.

They could to shown a old Scotland and even in that time with no especial effects bring us back a long time ago , the caracters were perfect for each one , and the acting bring us from one time where was more important to show a good movie .
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True tale that touches your heart
adrianovasconcelos25 December 2023
Walt Disney and his studio cranked out wonderful tales that went far beyond pleasing a wee young audience only. He also had the wisdom to look beyond his country to find worthy tales, in this case in the grand city of Edinburgh, capital of bonnie Scotland where a dog named Bobby showed endless loyalty and love to his master, both alive and deceased - so much so that he earned the keys of the city and was free to roam in it wherever he pleased to the sound of the cannon fired every hour on the hour!

Such is the heartrending tale that Director Don Chaffey serves to the spectator. I know nothing about Chaffey, but he extracts the best from a fantastic British cast entirely proficient in Scottish brogue - even the great Kay Walsh, who was born in London of Irish parentage!

Excellent acting from all, down to the wee children, with Donald Crisp as the graveyard keeper and Laurence Naismith as the restaurant owner shining the way for the rest. And last, but not least, the uncredited, non-descript mongrel mutt that plays so endearingly the part of Bobby, recipient of the Freedom of Greyfriars, a ward of Edinburgh.

The reason I dock two stars from the deserved rating is that I had the terrible luck of watching a very poor VHS copy of this film. I had seen it as a child, the shaggy grey dog had stayed in my mind and heart, and I felt like the child I was about 60 years ago all over again - to the point of wishing that I could own that mutt and have him sleep at the foot of my bed!

Thanks Mr. Walt Disney for this return to happy, irresponsible years in a world that seemed more innocent, one in which films carried no illusions cranked out of CGI.

Definite must-see. 8/10.
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