Hot Rod Girl (1956) Poster


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Have A Soft Spot for this one...
Space_Mafune24 August 2003
I have to admit it. Why? Well it features a young Chuck Connors for one thing but even more importantly for me it stars Lori Nelson of REVENGE OF THE CREATURE fame. I have to admit there's just something about Nelson I adore, not sure what it is exactly but she has a certain quality that defies description. The film itself is an interesting piece of 1950s nostalgia, especially for anyone who remembers or actually lived through the hot rodding craze from that era. Now I'll admit this was before my time, yet it holds a certain fascination and appeal for me. The film, while being basically pro-teens (they are just mixed up kids in need of a place to go and have fun but who need the help and guidance of a responsible adult-Connors' Detective Ben Merrill), does send a mixed message with regards to hot-rodding...both positive and negative to the point that in the end we are left scratching our heads.
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Manages to Capture the 1950's Time-Period Pretty Well
Uriah4327 August 2014
Believing that a drag strip will keep kids from racing their hot rods on the street "Detective Ben Merrill" (Chuck Connors) takes an active interest and encourages them to drive responsibly. Unfortunately, when a certain group's leader by the name of "Jeff Northrup" (John Smith) has his younger brother killed in a racing accident he decides to avoid the drag strip altogether. This results in the rest of the group also losing interest in the drag strip and instead doing the exact thing that Detective Bill Merrill feared the most. Soon the residents of the city become extremely upset with the way the kids are driving recklessly through town and the police are forced to begin taking action against those who own hot rods. Matters become even worse when a troublemaker by the name of "Bronc Talbott" (Mark Andrews) arrives in town and decides to make a play for Jeff's girlfriend, "Lisa Vernon" (Lori Nelson). Now, rather than reveal any more of the film I will just say that this was an okay grade-B picture which managed to pass the time more or less. Although it's not a great film by any means I didn't think it was that bad either and so I have given it a rating of about average. If nothing else it manages to capture the 1950's time-period pretty well and that might be of interest to some viewers.
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Hot rods and rock 'n' roll chicks.
michaelRokeefe25 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
HOT ROD GIRL is one of the many American-International teen oriented films that flickered at the drive-in and equally was part of those Saturday triple features in the ice cold theaters during the duck-tail days. A decent flick that has Chuck Connors playing a concerned cop that helps organize a drag strip to keep illegal drag racing to a minimum making the city streets safer. John Smith is a former champ who has quit racing and is happy to keep his friend's rods tuned. But he is forced to race again in order to avenge his little brother's death and win his sweetheart(Lori Nelson)back. The cast also includes: Frank Gorshin, Mark Andrews, Roxanne Arlen and Dabbs Greer.
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I Had A Lot Of Fun With This One!
BillDP30 September 2003
Now here is a little 1950's JD film that I had a lot of fun watching! Kind of an off the wall affair that sends a mixed message but is certainly a hoot to check out. A young Chuck Connors plays a local cop who is trying to end illegal drag racing by getting the kids to participate in a sort of legalized form of racing at a drag strip he put together and supervises with some of the local youth. Things seem to be working fine, though Connors is constantly getting heat from his Captain who wants hot rodding banned altogether, until the local "hero" Jeff loses his brother in an illegal street race. Jeff goes brooding and decides he wants no part of Connors program anymore just as a typical 1950's hood comes driving into town for the first time trying to shake things up. I found the film to be oddly entertaining but I wasn't sure if the message was that kids shouldn't be drag racing or that it's ok, as long as it's done in a certain place. Anyway, a fun movie featuring pretty good performances by Connors, John Smith and a very young Frank Gorshin as "Flat Top". Also in the cast is the extremely attractive Lori Nelson who has the title role. It seems a little odd that the film carries the title HOT ROD GIRL as Nelson is clearly a supporting player and the only time she "hot rods" is very briefly in the beginning during the opening credits. Still, her 1955 T-Bird is a blast to look at as are some of the other cars featured in the film. Catchy 1950's music score also helps capture a nice feel. If you like these kinds of films, as I do, I think you'll find this one rather enjoyable.
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Slow moving
paul-ayres-6078411 October 2018
A slow paced hot rod movie! The story was pretty average and the action was thin on the ground. The characters were weak and the fight sequence at the end is probably the worse I have ever seen. Haha.. other than that it isn't too bad.
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Not terrible...just not all that good.
planktonrules4 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is a preachy film about the evils of hot rod racing up our city streets. I say preachy because the film lacks subtlety and comes off as a film made by oldsters to warn the youngsters of this. In the process it tries to be hip, but the film is tragically un-hip and a bit silly.

The film begins with some young folks having a lovely time at the race track. This is good, clean, safe and wholesome--and heartily endorsed by the cool and with-it cop (Cuck Connors). However, some teens don't want to get their kicks at the track and still challenge each other to impromptu street races--a sure recipe for DEATH!! In fact, shortly after this good, clean and non-communist fun time, one dumb-butt DOES choose to race on the public streets...and DIES!!! Well, his older brother blames himself (why, I dunno) and spends much of the film racked with angst.

A bit later, a major jerk comes to town and does everything he can to make the other young folks hate him. So what do they do? Yep, they have a road race and almost get killed. But the major jerk isn't scared off by this and later does worse...and a little boy dies!!! But, and this made no sense at all, despite ample proof this happened, the angsty boy (who did nothing wrong) is blamed for this death. Only at the end does the truth come out--and Connors and the angsty boy beat the snot out of this no-good trouble-maker (and I bet he was a communist, too!).

The acting was generally pretty lame as was the dialog. While it was not terrible, it wasn't good and the film came off as bit too preachy and obvious. Clearly a sub-par film--and actually about average for American-International Pictures. And by the way, there is no 'hot rod girl' despite the title!!
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rmax30482310 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It's the mid-1950s in the San Fernando Valley and all the kids are into hot rods of one sort or another. It's generally peaceable. The community has built a drag strip where the kids may race in relative safety after their cars have been inspected to make certain there isn't a loose pfoofnik pin somewhere. (You don't really learn anything about hot rods or their engines; you just see them zoom around.) All of this friendly competition takes place under the avuncular guidance of the gentle policeman, Chuck Connors.

John Smith, the young auto mechanic, is the titular hero on parole for an accident that wasn't his fault. He's blandly handsome (I guess) and is, overall, a dull goody-goody. His girl friend is cute and innocent Lori Nelson, also dull, but who once had the decency to parade around in her underwear for a few seconds in "Revenge of the Creature," the second Gill Man movie. Frank Gorshin is "Flat Top," who is there mainly to provide laughs, though his wisecracks are no longer funny, if they ever were.

The bad guy, Mark Andrews, rolls into town in his modified Olds and exudes contempt for everyone he meets, as a brightly colored tree frog in the Amazon rain forest exudes poison. I suppose he's darkly handsome too, and he has the smoothest line for the girls. "Hey, Baby, you're some high-powered chick. Whaddaya say we step on the gas tonight." I don't think I'll bother with the plot. It's not worth it. A couple of other reviewers seemed to truly enjoy this, which makes me feel more marginalized than Big Top Pee Wee. I thought it was immeasurably bad. It plumbed depths of imagination and skill that I never knew existed. I needed a bathyscaphe while searching for the least evidence of any redeeming quality but the benthic deep was sterile.

It's hard to imagine that even someone who grew up in that milieu could enjoy this. However, these days, there is simply no telling.
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Speed Kills
sol-kay30 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** It's when Jeff Northrup, John Smith, let his kid brother Steve, Del Erickson, take the wheel of his hot-rod that he was suddenly goaded into racing a fellow hot-rodder that ended in him crashing into a parked car and killing himself. Jeff barley survives with his life ending up not only getting his drivers license suspended but feeling guilty in his brothers death.

Working around the clock at Henry's Garage as a car mechanic Jeff thought that it would make him forget what he had to do with Steve's death and at the same time get his very guilt ridden head back together. This greatly upset Jeff's girlfriend Lisa Vernon, Lori Nelson, who felt that Jeff was taking his brothers death far too seriously then it really was; In him taking all the responsibility for it!

I wasn't until much later when this grease ball Bronc Talbott, Mark Andrews, from out of town showed up at Yo-Yo's malt shop where Jeff's girlfriend and friends hang out that things in the movie really started to speed up. Talbott a really oily and greasy looking guy took it upon himself to make himself top banana in the hot-rod circuit in town. Changeling Flat-Top, Frank Gorshin, into a chicken run Talbott almost had him killed when Flat-Top nearly crashed into his car with Talbott, looking to get killed himself, never really trying to avoid him.

Jeff now getting his drivers license back and taking to the road in his hot rod with Lisa at his side is immediately confronted by Talbott who tries to run him off th road. Talbott had it in for Jeff in wanting to take Lisa away from him as well as Jeff not taking any of his BS like everyone else in town did.

**SPOILERS** The deadly game of chicken lead to a 12 year old boy getting run over and killed when Jeff lost control of his hot-rod as Talbott tried to intimidate him by forcing his car out of it's proper lane. Now Jeff not only again had his drivers license suspended but is charged with vehicular homicide and a possible jail sentence. It's when Jeff's good friend and friend of the local hot-rod boys and girls ,in sponsoring a driver friendly drag strip for them, Det. Ben Merrill, Chuck Connors, checked out the evidence in the death of the young boy that he discovered, from paint scraping, that it was Talbott's not Jeff's car that ran the boy down and killed him!

Confronting Talbott at Yo-Yo's malt shop with the evidence of his crime Det.Merrill gets his head smashed in by him with an empty beer bottle and knocked out cold! But it's Jeff who came to Det.Merrill's rescue and beat the living you know what out of a fleeing Talbott who, besides getting worked over, got all that was coming to him! Two to five years in the clink for the fatal hit & run accident that he tried to blame on the totally innocent Jeff Northrup!
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"Hot Rod Girl" never drives a hot rod
scsu197524 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Predictable teen flick, perhaps worth a look for the cast.

Cute Lori Nelson plays the title chick. Her boyfriend is played by the hunky John Smith, who achieved fame on the TV western "Laramie" in the 60s. It takes Nelson and Smith 55 minutes before they finally make out, so be patient. Meanwhile, you ladies can ogle at Smith's upper torso.

Smith and his kid brother are motoring down the street in a hot rod, when some clown decides to show off in another hot rod. Smith's brother takes the bait, and ends up dead. Detective Chuck Connors, looking very uncomfortable in a suit and hat, tries to help Smith, but to no avail. Smith has his license suspended (I'm still not sure why), and as a result, withdraws from his buddies Frank Gorshin and Eddie Ryder.

Connors encourages the kids to use a track away from town for their racing, hoping they won't use the streets for their antics. Right. This is like universities building dorms to discourage kids from sleeping in class. I haven't seen driving like this since the last Lindsay Lohan video.

A new "kid" named Bronc shows up in town. Bronc is played by Mark Andrews (never heard of him). Surprise, surprise, Bronc tries to put the moves on Nelson, but gets nowhere fast. Smith wants to deck the creep, but Bronc wants to settle the issue by racing. Of course, Smith has to decline since he has no license. So Bronc challenges Frank Gorshin to the obligatory game of chicken. Later on, Bronc tries to run Smith and Nelson off the road, and a bicyclist ends up buying the farm. Smith is blamed, but Detective Connors manages to clear him by obtaining evidence illegally (well, maybe it was legal in 1956). In the climactic fight scene, Smith kicks the snot out of Andrews, while Connors is out cold on the floor. (Memo to you cop wannabes - if you're going to accuse someone of manslaughter and then hold up evidence in front of him, don't turn your back on the guy.)

Gorshin does his Cagney impression. Andrews looks something like Rock Hudson, John Gavin, and Rory Calhoun all rolled into one - except much shorter. Character actors Russell Thorson and Dabbs Greer have supporting roles. Connors towers over everyone (except Smith, who looks like Val Kilmer on steroids), making Chuck look like Gandalf to everyone else's hobbits. Ryder spouts 50s vernacular which requires subtitles for modern audiences. In one exchange with his girlfriend, whose name is L. P., he moans "Long Play, that's enough surface noise. Take it off the turntable, doll."
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Hot Rod Girl
StevenKeys12 March 2023
Good, greasy fun that capitalized on the post-War craze in cars n' such, from the good folks at American International, makers of all those sci-fi and troubled-teen flicks that helped turn the tense Eisenhower years just a bit more bearable for the young at heart.

Stars Chuck Connors as a caring cop who puts his trust in the #1 couple of Lori Nelson and John Smith, their circle of hot-rodders put on notice by disapproving elders, then must contend with the new kid in town, a gearhead goof who monkey-wrenches the works (Andrews). Smith is a compilation of weepy Jim Stark (Rebel), cool John Milner (American Graffiti) and Smitty's own straight talkin' Slim of his Laramie TV. Watch for familiar faces Frank Gorshin, aka, the Riddler (Batman) and Dabs Greer in a story with continuity issues (McGreevy) but engaging, nonetheless on direction of Leslie Martinson (Mannix PT-109) and a jazzy Alexander Courage score (Star-Trek). The title misleads as "Lisa" drags only once, but sit back and enjoy the ride (2.5/4).
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Meet Flat Top and Two Tanks.
mark.waltz5 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When you've got characters by that name, you know what kind of movie you're getting into, and this B drive-in movie from the 50's is exactly what you expected to be. It's not bad, it's not good, just 90 minutes of drag strip races, appreciate characters, some campy dialogue and a well meaning police officer (Chuck Conners) who decides to create a road meant specifically for drag strips races so they will get off the main thoroughfares.

Of the main cast, only Lori Nelson (the oldest daughter from the "Kettle Family" series) and Frank Gorshin are recognizable, and while Nelson plays the title character, she is not the main character. The story focuses on the surviving brother who was present when his younger brother was killed in a drag strip race, and cop Connors who is trying to keep order among these rebellious teens with little guidance and discipline.

The other cops complain about being on the beat and having to deal with this lawlessness, and that leads Connors to push for the private drag strip even more. There are several chicken races which tries to show how dangerous they are, and fortunately there is no sequence of some bombshell dramatically setting the race in motion like in "Rebel Without a Cause" and "Grease".

Good Southern California locations are utilized although some of the shots are obviously matted. There's enough action to keep this moving, as well as back in the '50s to have gotten the teens in their cars to stop necking while these things happened. The jazzy music score at times seems really inappropriate, and just confirms the B status that this film will never live down.
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Rent it, Buy it or Steal it !! MUST SEE!
elvis-3031 July 1999
Filmed entirely in the San Fernando Valley, CA ... If you want to see what the Valley and early Hot Rodding was like, THIS is the movie for you!! The film opens at the old San Fernando Dragstrip and moves all around the Valley from Northridge to Sherman Oaks, North Hollywood, Van Nuys Blvd ... If you want a history of what the "Nifty Fifties" was like this is it! ... a forerunner to American Graffitti and Hollywood Knights ... You couldn't re-make this film today if you had 50 million dollars ... A TRUE CLASSIC !!
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If you've got to watch it, watch it for Chuck
Leofwine_draca26 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
HOT ROD GIRL is, perhaps, the FAST AND FURIOUS of its day. It's a story about teenage racing drivers illegally burning through the Californian streets, while romancing girls and getting into fights along the way. Sadly, this is a murky and somewhat dated affair, lacking in any real excitement in terms of the street racing sequences, and with a script that simply goes through the motions throughout. An early turn from Chuck Connors is the most interesting thing about this.
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Excellent 1950's B-movie!
unclerussie18 February 2003
This film will take you back to the days of rock and roll, jukeboxes and of course, hot rods. Well acted (especially by John Smith) and Lori Nelson is real easy to look at (although you might prefer her cool '55 T-bird). It's also fun to watch a pre-Riddler Frank Gorshin in one of his early roles. Get ready to to roll up your sleeves and grease your hair back while you watch "Hot Rod Girl".
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Disappointing Miss-Leading Con-Job...Lori Nelson's "Hot Rod Girl" is a Bland Blank Non-Enity
LeonLouisRicci12 August 2021
This Attempted Cash-In on the Headlines Like "Juvenile Delinquency" and "Hot Rods",

Commits 2 of the No-No Sins...

Deliver On What You are Selling...Never be Boring.

This Lackluster, Lame, Message-Movie is Wrought with Wrong-Head Writing, Presentation and Remains an Embarrassing Entry in Mid-50's "Teen" Exploitation.

The "Rebels Without a Cause" had Good Causes Indeed.

Explore Life, Have Fun, and Express Yourself.

Following on Their Jitterbugging Foot-Steps were the "Establishment"...It saw and Opportunity...To Make Money Selling Books, Records, Movies, and More.

Juveniles, as a Generation, also had for the First-Time Ever... Disposable Money to Burn.

Their were Plenty of Cons in the Products that were Designed to Attract Audiences in the Newly Exploitable Generation.

This was One of Them.

Making a Movie that, through Advertising, would put Denim in the Seats in Droves. Then Gave Them a Sermon on the Evils of "Hot-Rods", "Drag Racing" and"Leather Jackets".

Yea, that's why They went to the Drive-Ins and Theatres...Not.

The Film Shows a Couple of Street Races in the most Luke-Warm Fashion.

The Drag Races at the Showcased Track are Mysteriously Absent.

That's Enough Examples. But there are Many More.

Hopefully more Fans of this Type will Speak-Out about its Ineptitude.

Skip this one to Avoid Suffering and Find Some other JD Movies that are...

Worth a Watch.... This One is NOT.
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This is a great little movie! A Gem!
lespaulstandar28 August 2005
I just watched this with a buddy of mine and can't believe how thoroughly enjoyable it was. I paid a buck for it !!!!! And the DVD even had another hot rod flick which I haven't even seen yet (T-Bird Gang).

I think you'll enjoy this and find yourself longing for the good-old days of the 1950s All the old cars, nostalgia, hamburg joints, great scenery which includes the mountains of the San Fernando Valley and a great- looking Lori Nelson.

This is truly a good little movie, a gem ... if you can find this, buy it (it shouldn't cost hardly anything if you are a lucky enough to find it). Truly a gem. Enjoy !!
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Best damn hot-rod movie ever
elvis-3010 January 1999
Filmed in the San Fernando Valley at the time hot-rods and cruisin' Van Nuys Blvd was really happening!

Shots of the San Fernando Drag Strip are priceless to anyone who was there.

Why isn't this availble on VHS?????
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The ORIGINAL Hot Rod Movie !
elvis-3024 December 2003
Filmed in the San Fernando Valley in the 50's, this A-typical Hot Rod movie visits old Hot Rodder haunts and even starts out at the San Fernando Drag Strip...a MUST SEE FILM~
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Entertaining 50's drive-in opus
Woodyanders22 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Champion drag racer Jeff Northrup (amiable Jeff Smith) quits racing after his younger brother gets killed in a street race. However, Jeff receives pressure to get back into racing by cocky newcomer "Bronc" Talbott (essayed with spot-on arrogant swagger by Mark Andrews), who also makes a play for Jeff's girlfriend Lisa (an appealing portrayal by the fetching Lori Nelson). Director Leslie H. Martinson, working from a compact script by John McGreevey, relates the simple and straightforward story at a snappy pace while offering a nice slice of the 50's era complete with clean cut kids, shoddy obvious back screen projection, an engaging harmless tone, the inevitable chicken race, and a lively climactic brawl between Jeff and Bronc. The sincere acting by the solid cast helps a lot: Chuck Connors as the earnest Detective Ben Merrill, Frank Gorshin as flaky hipster Flat Top, Roxanne Arlen as the sweetly ditsy L.P., and Fred Essler as friendly diner owner Yo-Yo. Sam Leavitt's crisp black and white cinematography makes neat use of fades and dissolves. Alexander Courage's swinging jazzy score hits the groovy spot. A pleasant drive-in diversion.
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more than i expected
andrew-56727 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
*possible spoiler info below*

interesting movie, some strange twists & turns, but for me it turned out to be much more than just another 'crazy-teen' movie. the characters are a bit more fully developed. it was a morality-tale of sorts, but you have to wonder though why jeff never really got his act together... good movie overall-- loved seeing those empty california hills from 40 years ago! also the 'riddler' from later tv series batman was fun with his antics-- you get the feeling that frank g. was a big cut-up in school as well!
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Found it boring
miniature129 August 2001
I bought this movie on DVD.I am a Baby Boomer and a hot rod enthusiast.Although I liked the vintage drag strip shots I wanted to see more of the cars,especially under the hoods.I found the dialog campy even by 1956 standards.The "Hot Rod Girl" character contributed almost nothing to the movie,and I found myself asking why the movie even had her as part of the title.I also noticed they didn't even actually wreck a real car any where in the movie.One of the race scenes was "up hill" in the mountains and the cars looked as if they were doing about 20 m.p.h. I was disappointed but seeing the old cars was one redeeming quality of this movie.
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The COOLEST hot rod film with a soul.
oscar-3518 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoiler/plot- Hot Rod Girl 1956. A small community and it's police work together to establish a drag strip to eliminate and reduce major teen- age hot rod car accidents. An outside malicious driver comes into town to cause trouble for all.

*Special Stars- Lori Nelsen, Chuck Connors, Frank Gorshin.

*Theme- Concerned and responsible townspeople want to have good & safe cars.

*Trivia/location/goofs- B & W, The San Fernando Drag strip (now gone, is a swap meet area) is the main location. Watch for the multi talented 'impressionist' and comedian, Frank Gorshin doing an early first good screen role as 'FlatTop'. He uses some of his movie star impressions with good effect as FlatTop. The National Hot Rod Asssociation worked on this film.

*Emotion- An extremely charming, true and watchable film that is well casted and acted. Knowing the San Fernando city community, I found this film very fun to watch and informative about the many worthy people and organizations trying to stop teen-age car wreck deaths. The dramatic scenes were believable and brought a good lesson to younger viewers and drivers alike.

*Based On- 1950's wild teen ager hot rod car accident craze.
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50's Artifact
dougdoepke10 September 2015
A humane cop works at converting troublesome teens from street racing onto supervised dragstrips. But then a new guy, a street outlaw, comes to town and stirs the pot.

The movie's title is something of a misnomer. Actually, our hot rod girl operates a clipboard rather than a road racer. But that's okay, since Lori Nelson is—surprise, surprise—very pretty, and even a good actress, to boot. Focus shifts about half-way through from the teens to cop Chuck Connors as he tries to shift street racing to the less dangerous drag strip. At 6'6", he's clearly an imposing presence that commands audience attention. There's also a good look at young Frank Gorshin (Flat-top), who comes through with some badly needed snap. He's also a very distinctive presence and clearly on his way up the show-biz ladder; he even does a couple brief Cagney bits. Too bad he wasn't cast as the outlaw where he could have shown his talents as a sneering villain (e.g. The Riddler).

No doubt much of the theme is familiar to teens of the time when a guy's status could depend on how close he was to a fast car, preferably a 'hot rod'. The movie itself is fairly routine, longer than needed, and without much drag strip footage. Overall, the results lack needed drama, as when the two collisions are only implied and not shown. Maybe the staging was just too expensive for a budget outfit like Nacirema. Then too, actor Smith comes off as too bland to inject his nice boy Jeff with much personality. All in all, the movie's a drive-in programmer with a provocative title minus anything more.
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Plot summary is incorrect.
leon-411 August 2001
I own this movie and after reading your comments etc. I felt the plot summary and some comments were incorrect. I just finished watching it again and it has absolutely nothing to do with kids stealing cars or a motorcycle cop being killed. It is however, a great piece of nostalgia.
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