Dark Matter (2024– )
Another sloooow paced apple TV show
8 May 2024
It's not that the show is terrible - well, I have no clue, as only two episodes were released. But my problem with these Apple TV shows is that they are extremely slow-paced and only have one episode per week. It feels similar to Constellation and the invasion show they made. It just ends up losing my interest and is one of the reasons I don't pay for Apple TV.

These types of shows, which follow the typical streaming model ending with a cliffhanger at the end of each and every episode and never reveal too much per episode, are just annoying to get invested in.

Make something that has an actual story moving along in each episode instead of just character building and then in the very last five minutes "something happens" or is "revealed" or just release all episodes on your streaming platform - and buy some content to make Apple TV worth the subscription. You get 10 stars for sci-fi effort and I will subtract 7 for running the show with the typical slow-drip season to keep subscriptions.
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