Review of Episode 7

Unbelievable: Episode 7 (2019)
Season 1, Episode 7
Episódio Sete
2 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Inacreditável (2019)


1st Season

Episode Seven - Episódio Sete

When the script is very well written, even a simple dialogue about the film Zombieland becomes deep and philosophical.

Finally someone REALLY wanted to listen to Marie, that was what those incompetents had to do and not at first distrust, give up the case.

The cases that Duvall and Collette's character took on had the same amount of clues as Marie's case (that is, nothing), the most they had was a birthmark.

Just taking the last case they took, of that woman who is afraid of everything, is practically the same as Marie's case, there was no evidence, the woman had a difficult past and at no point did the investigators suspect that it was a lie.

I really want to see the bald investigator's face when he finds out he made a mistake.

And to think that if the criminal hadn't taken the photos, Marie would still be criminalized today.

When the Truth is Inconvenient, When the Truth does not please, they do not believe.

Episode seven of the first season of the Inacreditável Miniseries watched on May 2, 2024.

Rating: 10/10.
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