The Wasp Woman (1995 TV Movie)
Shoestring Laughs
4 April 2024
A 1950's Roger Corman original 'Wasp Woman' gets the 90's tv remake treatment courtesy of b-movie director Jim Wynorski. You might be interested in where this sci-fi / horror pic is going initially - kill thrills, T&A - but trust me when I say it goes off the rails in cheap fashion. It's never a good thing when special effects are meant to scare, but instead make you wanna laugh.

Janice Starlin (Jennifer Rubin) is a model who runs her own successful cosmetics company, but she's getting up there in age which has both her and investors worried. They go about looking for younger talent to represent the brand when Janice learns of a new experimental youth serum being invented by Dr. Zinthorp (Daniel J. Travanti) with the use of wasp hormones. She's told it has potentially dangerous side effects, but is desperate enough to be the first human test subject. At first, everything seems great and it does the job making her 10-15 years younger and then the side effects kicks in.

Rubin - a 90's b-movie regular - is joined by a stable of low budget actors particularly Maria Ford, Julie K. Smith, Antonia Dorian. These ladies are used to supplying nudity, but surprisingly only Ford get naked though Rubin has a sex scene with an obvious body double. Where things fall apart is when it comes time for - surprise, surprise - the main lady or a cat to actually transform into a wasp. In either case the results look ridiculous and not at all scary. Plus because they're working with a low budget, the death scenes only supply bad acting & stage blood in equal dose.

You never buy that Rubin is a woman in her 40's neither. The makeup isn't well done and kinda obvious, but telling you that is just beating a dead horse. 'Wasp Woman' is a flick you watch but aren't shocked when you find out the inevitable. I hoped it's silly premise would lead to a good time, but it didn't. Wynorski with another stinker on his resume that sports a typical bad ending.
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