Mad Men: The Arrangements (2009)
Season 3, Episode 4
Ryan Cutrona (Gene Hofstadt) is BRILLIANT
4 April 2024
Just have to take a minute to say that, Ryan Cutrona as Gene Hofstadt is a brilliant actor and a brilliant character... he's not only realistic and scary but he's... realistic and scary... he towers over even Don, who never gets towered-over by anyone...

I watch his acting and think, he must have done some great things going back to the 1950's, but, instead he's one of those kind of old actors that started out old... there are a lot of them, and a few are on this show...

The scenes with Gene and Sally are brilliant... She has great chemistry with the old man (it kind of reminds me of Breaking Bad when Skylar has scenes with Saul Goodman... polar opposites clicking in the strangest but most natural of ways)...

On the b-story (well, Gene is also a b-story), the whole rich kid trying to make his weird sport famous is kind of silly, and seems here for comic relief... His father, however, played by iconic actor David Selby, has a good scene though...

However the greatest scene is when Sal breaks out with his true colors in front of his poor innocent (and extremely naive) wife, who needs tending, and winds up like a deer in headlights after his commercial reading... which eventually leads to Sal's... well...

Let's just say that Season 3 is the final season where we get the original characters all together: it's still great but never quite the same after that.
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