I want my money back.....
24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As a someone who is absolutely fascinated by the Missing 411 phenomena, who lives in the middle of the woods and lives hiking, AND who lives horror, I was truly waiting for something like this to come along. I've been following these stories for over a decade, wondering if anyone would take the generalized meat of the basic scenarios surrounding these unfortunate situations and make a compelling story/argument from what is happening to the people that go missing in the woods near water and boulder fields. But this? This was literally just a steaming heap of anxiety and confusion, that occasionally lays out some of the facts from these events and instead of ANY reason why, simply says....... Iunno.....

That's it.

They put ZERO creativity behind what it could be. None.

She literally just runs in the woods, and once she's in the other side-- which wasn't abundantly clear, unless you're familiar with the lore of people lost in the woods-- briefly, she has hallucinations that vaguely go into the backstory of what possibly happened with her parents she won't talk about. The only real slight gore is there, where I'm assuming her dad (he's never clear previously) stand himself in the chest. So, don't go into this looking for the horror elements to be gore since they aren't supernatural, either.

They state many of the facts, casually, from one character or flashback or another, and just, never explored who, what, where, whey-- NOTHING.

It was AWFUL. For ANYONE who knows ANYTHING about ANY of this, it was an absolute JOKE. And for anyone who loves mystery horror, and maybe doesn't know this story, it's STILL awful. They had more buildup and terror in the scenes that they showed in the preview-- HALF of which weren't even in the movie! Which is another thing I despise.

UGH..... I am so disappointed. I haven't been this dissatisfied in so long.
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