Slowburning, bleak yet gentle portrait of another era in which the buffalos roamed free in the millions
14 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Beware: this is definitely NOT an action packed thrilling Western, but a SLOWburning thoughtful gentle portrait of an era in American history in which killing buffalo was a rewarding business for MERELY 2 decades. Then it all collapsed.

We get to see the DOWNFALL, the demise of this killing industry examplified by one hunter (Nicholas Cage) who is a daredevil and who yearns for hitting the motherload and making a fortune, but who ends up with nothing in the end.

I really liked the slowburning, bleak and sad nature of this story, but those expecting a standard Western or action packed movie better pass this one by.

The good: it's the characterization of this group of men (led by Nicholas Cage) going into the wild, struggling to survive 6 months of harsh winter in the middle of nowhere, which makes this movie a rewarding watch.

The story: a young man (green behind his ears) wants to experience adventure and lists up for the hunt of buffalos with an experienced (out of wack) hunter played excellently by Nicholas Cage. Will they survive the forces of nature and make a fortune killing buffalo?

Gentle, subtle, thoughtful portrait with beautiful photography and solid acting performances all around. With an endearing spirit of wanting to preserve the few remaining thousands of buffalos in America and it's accompanying culture of the Indians. Respect!
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