I wore black for........
7 February 2024
Like many Cash admirers,today I chiefly listen to his final masterpieces ,produced by Rubin (the "American " series, eight works , all deeply moving and poignant.)

This doc is absorbing ,because, before the famous concert in the White House, it shows both sides of a country torn apart between the conservatives and the angry youth who took to the streets and was mistreated (some were killed) by the police .It's difficult to pinpoint Cash's attitude in these days : a patriot to the core , who supported any president's politics but who had a rebellious mind too : his concerts in jail and his fight for the Indians leave not doubt about it (as his "Apache tears "album testifies) . And to this list of honors, one can add another one: he refused to sing the mediocre reactionary " Okie from Muskogee" -which Phil Ochs ironically performed in his last concert in Carnegie Hall -and wrote a song I had never heard before ("What is truth?" ) : it took a lot of nerve and bravery to sing such words which was not really those people in their Sunday's best 's cup of tea. This song should be considered a Cash classic.

Cash ,like of most of the great artists ,was a man of contradictions ; aren't we a bit like him?
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