A Million Little Things: Unleashed (2019)
Season 2, Episode 6
Gary's abusive behavior crosses a line - again
5 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great show but - ugh - Gary is such a jerk and so abusive to Maggie in this episode that I am appalled. Maggie is supposed to be a therapist yet she is constantly being his doormat. And NO ONE notices???? Or, it's just ok? I don't even care that he's a cancer survivor - so is she. I actually thought she was going to finally walk out on him, but no. Colin, the dog, goes missing - everyone Hoovers around Gary while he acts like an entitled a-hole. They find the dog and now he's happy. Everyone is happy. Well, except Eddie, who withholds the secret of knowing that Colin's real owner is looking for him because it will upset f'en Gary. He then tells Maggie everything's fine now - barely apologizes for his abuse and she just bobble-heads ok. No backbone (but I guess maybe at some point the writers will create a storyline that shows why she is such a victim). And then she tells Gary the dog's owners are looking for him. What happens? Gary gets mad and storms away from her. At least he's consistently a narcissistic jerk. I literally hate this guy so much I am on the verge of dropping this show completely.
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