Birth/Rebirth (2023)
Re-animating a corpse over & over & over doesnt not make it a good horror movie
31 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Its SLOOOOOWW as heck & nothing was happening in terms of horror. The only thing horrifying was the actress who plays the Doctor. She looks like a rotting corpse with googly eyes. I dont meant to be rude to her but thats all i was able to notice in terms of horror.

I will now tell you the story (which there barely was & was super slow) Theres a story here that goes nowhere in the end. Its basically frankenstein who couldnt even get up off the bed. Thats it. The main leads both characters try hard & hard & hard to revive a dead girl & nothing. The movie is very slow trying to show this whole process of them trying to revive a corpse very slowly. One of the two main leads goes out of her way to kill some pregnant woman in the end so that she can revive her daughter again & she revives her but we saw her get revived many times before in the movie so its nothing new. Thats the stupid ending with zero conclusion & it has an overused message like "look how far a mother can go to save her child" nonsense. Its NOTHING & its a waste of time.

Save yourself the time & watch "When Evil Lurks 2023". Best Horror Movie of 2023. Hands down. Thats how you do horror. Nowadays these filmmakers seem to think showing a horrible experience of a character throughout the whole movie in slow pace makes for a good horror movie. Same goes to Infinity Pool, another movie that does the "experience gone wrong" nonsense. Which is just uninspiring & disgusting. That movie was horrible just like this one. SLOW & POINTLESS too.

0/10 Waste of time. It will make you feel horrible in the end. Thats all it has. PATHETIC.
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