The House of Ho (2020–2022)
How embarrassing. Their only hope is Reagan.
18 January 2024
How embarrassing. Their only hope is Reagan.

Reagan should take over the family legacy. He may be the younger son, but he is much much more mature than his pompous, embarrassing, failure brother. Without his father's money, Washington Ho would be a total zero. He is a junkie with daddy's money. He was a Gambling addict. He was an alcoholic. He should be ashamed. His father came here with nothing and he is blowing that hard earned money 25K-50K a pop gambling with his buddies??? I wonder how much he has blown of his father's money vs how much he has actually earned. I don't mean meetings that his father set up.

His father needs to cut him completely off. Put all his money in Reagan's hands.

His wife should run and not look back.

He went to rehab and it did nothing to make him grown up. He's a man child. I feel awful for his wife.

The way he talks about his wife is disgusting. She deserves more.
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