Review of Ruritania

The Crown: Ruritania (2023)
Season 6, Episode 6
The monarchy trying to open up
2 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this episode! Imelda Staunton playing the queen really shines here. We see in the beginning of the episode, how incredibly knowledgeable and quick witted she was. There's experience here shown that cannot be taught. There's an incredibly strong woman with history that goes far beyond Toni Blair however, that being said this episode shows a queen in her older years showing a little bit of vulnerability to a Prime Minister, that was more popular than she. I love this actress as a relates to the micro facial expressions. My very most favorite is when Tony Blair says "do you mean if I were king." Anyone watching this episode should rewind the look that she gives after he says that there's so much going on there, but I love the micro-expression which clearly shows distain regarding his question. Like how dare he say that to her in plain words. And then again, her vulnerability and replying a simple "yes," which is clearly difficult for her. It was so poignant as a relates to just about everything going on in the world at that time.
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