Nothing happens and then it ends
19 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see this movie because I like Julia Garner from Ozark and it said it was a thriller. Unfortunately, it was not a thriller in any sense of the word and Julia Garner's performance, along with everyone else's was not good. I don't blame them, I blame the writer because they weren't given anything to work with. There are a couple of times during the movie where you are like ok this is where it's going to turn into a thriller and then......nothing happens. Nothing happens for the entire 90 minutes this movie was on the screen and then it ended.

Oh and when it ends with the two main characters lighting the bar on fire. They apparently had enough time to go upstairs and pack all their things and get out before being caught in the blaze. Smh.

I clicked yes on spoilers because I told the end of the movie but it's really not a spoiler because again, nothing happens.

Do not go see this movie!!!! You won't be able to get the 90 minutes back.
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