Mission Air (2014)
Are you about the Fathers business?
1 September 2023
This movie is for Christian's who are submitted to God. It's not about "acting" (lying) or looking the part. This family put God first and we're about the Fathers business. It encourages us to keep fighting the good fight of faith and to not be fearful. When you're in Gods will, you have nothing to fear. Trials will come but Yeshua has already overcome the world so be at peace.

I wasn't happy with Diane's willingness to break the law. We have been commanded to obey man's law as long as it doesn't require us to disobey God. Daniel disobeyed man's law to obey God and it landed him in the lions den all night long. But God protected His faithful servant and Daniel lived.

Christian's are people too, we make mistakes. We get that we're far from perfect. But we also understand that our Creator loves us and He forgives us when we surrender our lives to Christ and ask Him to forgive us.

I hope you enjoy the movie as I did. God bless you.
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