Fake Review Central
29 August 2023
I'm not surprised at the fake reviews. At this point, with these movies, it's expected. I lose so much respect for the movie when that happens. I was going to give this a 2 but now, it gets a 1.

This movie is low budget, so like I've been saying in my reviews lately, don't expect stellar acting. I will say it wasn't terrible but those fight scenes were hilarious. You won't be on the edge of your seat due to a thrill but more so a laugh. Darn close to falling out of your seat. You could clearly tell they were over rehearsed and over acted. You could also see there was absolutely no real strength to at least make them believable.

What also threw me off about this movie, was it seemed like every scene was literally shot once. This movie just had very little effort put into it.

It was an ok watch and I recommend it if you have nothing else, but please with these phony reviews. They are just as laughable as those fight scenes.
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