Sex sells books, and murder sells newspapers.
21 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
No sympathy for the victim, Geraldo Rivera, in this Perry Mason TV movie where the real life TV talk show host playing a fictional one is murdered for his very detailed book on his many sexual exploits and infuriates someone enough to kill. Actually, there are several angry enough to kill, and when Amy Steel is singled out as the main suspect, Perry Mason pulls out a card he learned from "A Tale of Two Cities", having others wearing the same outfit in court.

This definitely is the scandal rag sheet of Perry Mason TV movies, lacking the subtlety of earlier ones and yet presenting it in a sanitary manner in spite of insinuations of what the various suspects and Rivera reveals. This is perhaps one of the most clear cut of the Mason TV movies, lacking subplots that seemingly stretch out the defense and confuse the viewer. Priscilla Barnes is among the other suspects, quite ruthless in her hatred for her ex-lover. Good material for Barbara Hale and William R. Moses adds to the effectiveness of this entry.
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