Stars on Mars (2023)
7 Episodes In... But it's a fun concept.
25 July 2023
Think "Big Brother" but, it's on Mars and comes with everything that entails.

My biggest issue with the show, is the overwhelming number of fundamentally unlikable "Stars"... most of which I'd never heard of before. (Though, I am British..!)

I've always liked the little I've seen of Ariel in the past, but this show has completely changed my opinion.

I cannot stand her! (Or Adam / Porsha for that matter.)

Lance, Ronda and Marshawn seem like they'd been great to be around... though, Marshawn does have an issue with listening when on-mission! Haha!

Tinashe and Andy seem like solid choices to be on the show. (I'd never heard of Tinashe before this.)

If this gets a second season, or a British version, I'd probably watch it again.. But I guess that would also depend on the spread of contestants.
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