Review of The Spy

The Spy (2019)
The Spy - Very Good
13 July 2023
Just finished watching "The Spy" on World Movies Channel. The review gave it 4 Stars but when I consulted IMDB its rating was only 6.1, about average. Was in two minds whether to watch or not. In the end, my wife and I decided to watch it and yes a few mis-spellings in the subtitles if you are observant, but overall, we thought it a very good and riveting movie. The lead, Ingrid Bolso Berdal was very good and was able to enunciate the feelings of being caught or trapped in the middle very well - to be portrayed as a traitor, watching friends being killed but trying all the while to be a patriot and elicit information from the Germans to pass to Swedish authorities. All the cast did well in their parts and the film deserves a much higher rating than it actually got on average. We were almost in tears at the end that her due story was not made available until much later; how she would have suffered throughout her later life due to public ignorance of her true situation. We gave it a strong 8/10 and would thoroughly recommend it, if you get a chance to see it.
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