Review of Baby Blue

Baby Blue (I) (2023)
4 July 2023
I am not sure what movie everyone else in the reviews watched, but it was not this one. I am willing to bet that the reviews praising it are either friends of if not the actual people who worked on the film, because besides cinematography, it was terrible. This movie is a amalgamation of several tropes that make other movies good, essentially trying to be 3 separate movies...and fails on all fronts.

The film references way better movies like "The Ring" and "The Shinning", the director stating something along the lines of this being a love letter to the genre... nope. As a mess of a film that can not seem to figure out what it wants to be, and can not seem to keep it's own plotlines coherent or consistent. Referencing or nodding to better films does not make yours any better. Even as a student film it would be subpar. The film attempts so many potentially great things, yet somehow can not deliver.

If "edging" was a movie, this is it. Go watch a classic horror, or a gritty crime drama. Would have rather put toothpicks under my toenails and kicked a wall than watch this again. Trash movie, garbage story, sad credit for all involved. Unfortunately, it isn't even a "The Room" kind of movie that is "so bad its it's good" and will becomes a cult classic. It's just plain bad in all aspects, besides the cinematography.

If it seems like I am ranting or hating on the movie, I am. I have no skin in the game, but the fact that this is my first review in my entire life, and the only film I walked away feeling like I wasted my time...that should say something.

The final scene was seemingly thrown in last second in hope's of a sequel, although fitting as it was a terrible ending.
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