North Sea Connection: Gale Force (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
A big finale.
10 June 2023
Aidan is happy drop Adamma in it with Quinn, but rather than fall apart at the seems, she emerges tough and smarter than her fool of a husband.

What was the most interesting thing that could happen here, would Tuva find what she was looking for, would Quinn get his just deserts, would everyone finally wake up, and realise the kind of person Aidan is, I know what I had hoped for.

The title, Gale Force implies big, bold and dramatic, and let's be honest, that is exactly what we got here, this really did deliver on all counts.

Several bombshells here, Adamma's obvious demand was a shock, Tuva's fate was another. One strong notion that came through strongly, there is nothing a mother will not do for her child.

I've been checking to see if a second series is on the cards, sadly there's still no news, it doesn't seem very likely, but I still have questions.

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