A personal 90's movie made in 2022
27 May 2023
One of my favorite Director ever is Richard Linklater. And watching this movie gave me vibes of the old Linklater movies. Though, this film is much more concise with an arc.

The movie is split into 3 part with 3 different moods. Begins as a coming of age story. Has the digital noise with a 4:3 aspect ratio. Colors are muted. And i thought at first it was just an artistic choice(being that it takes place in the 90's). However, it plays into the storytelling.

The things we talk about from our childhood after a certain age gets fuzzy. With every emotion turned up. The happy moments seem like the happiest one has ever been. While the sad moments are the worst.

The 2nd third, The colors and contrast changes. The cinematography is cleaner and warmer. But, still the aspect ratio is the same and still feels like 90s film with a slightly bigger budget. And it shows how the age of adolesence is quite a life turning experience. And the risks of escapism.

The final 3rd is much more modern. With a full screen ratio. And beautiful sweeping shots.

All in all. An amazing movie. Very well acted. The emotion is real and each moment with the characters is empathetic. Even some of the side characters are very endearing. A wonderful experience. And i recommend this to any fan of movies.

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