Brothel (2008)
The film makes as much sense as my last tax return.
12 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Let's see now... you have a woman who loses her husband during a heavy love making session, so naturally she decides to resurrect his dream project of renovating a brothel (as you do).

While there, she finds the old building is haunted by the ghosts of the prostitutes who used to work there. She engages them in a LOT of mystical mumbo-jumbo conversation about lust that means nothing, then some incredibly bland bloke enter the picture and... oh my God, someone give me strength.

I'll tell you what would be 10000x better than the movie we've got here... if a normal, everyday woman woke up in an 18th century brothel and was forced to deal with the situation as best as she could whilst trying to find a way home.

THAT would be something worth watching far more than... whatever the heck THIS is. Movie moguls, get your chequebooks ready. I'm open to any and all offers. 1/10.
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