Love Under the Olive Tree (2020 TV Movie)
29 April 2023
6.0 stars.

Both lead characters have an overt hatred for each other. There is absolutely no way in this universe that these two people would ever fall in love, or ever were in love in the past. This story is a half-baked attempt at a love-hate relationship, but a logical audience will not be further insulted by this senseless infantile behavior. Let's be real, if a man comes back to town after 15 years, and her immediate gut reaction is we witness endless banter, but not healthy banter. A short while later this man effectively wrecks her future plans to expand the family's olive oil business. Adding insult to injury, you are reminded that he is the heir to a rival olive oil business. In spite of there being a literal threat to her family's financial future, she chooses to be civil and nonchalantly flirtatious mingled with moments of seething hatred?

This woman and this man pursue a prolonged competitive relationship and pretend it's a friendly one, but in reality there would be inevitable foul play.

At the end, Hallmark wraps it up in a cute little bow, but it's too late to fix it. Sure they make nice and eventually kiss, but for how long would this couple last? I'm running out of ways to describe such an irksome story. She is annoying, he is infuriating; this does not make for an enjoyable film. Don't waste your time.
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