What a LONG wait to get absolutely Nowhere!
1 April 2023
I am rarely this negative on a movie, but the fact that all those reviews that gave this a great rating got me suckered into wasting my time watching this...? Don't be fooled like I was!

This movie simply is not working h the time it takes to watch. It is one of the SLOWEST moving movies that I have ever seen! And it's not like a "Good" slow, either. You know, the kinda that actually rewards your anticipation with a great scene. Nope. This movie is literally filled with scenes that drag on, and on, and on, and on... and the fact that there is hardly ANY dialogue going on in this movie only makes these scenes MORE brutal! It truly feels like the film maker was just trying to fill in a bunch of "dead time" to make this movie as long as it is. Because honestly, this story could have been told 20-30 minutes.

What an utter waste of time. Don't bother!
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