18 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If this movie has been made purely on fact,then this act of literally snatching away small children from their mother for the flimiest of reasons,is a disgracefully disgraceful one by the Norwegian Government,and one that they should be totally ashamed of,as they have nothing sensible/acceptable/logical/rational on which they could explain their heinous capture of two little children from their loving and devoted mother in the film.

Once again,if Rani Mukherjee patterned her acting on the actual behaviour by the mother in real life then her acting was absolutely brilliant. If not then her acting was extremely loud and very much over the top! Once again I must reiterate that if this film is factually correct(as it has been based on a true story)and the facts have not been contorted in any way,then it's an outstanding movie with matching acting,direction,editing and screenplay!

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