Spontaneous (II) (2020)
Explosive teen comedy
8 March 2023
I liked it. A welcome tongue in cheek high school comedy-ish (a black comedy, moreso) about seniors Mara and Dylan, who finally begin to date after their classmates randomly begin to explode. It sounds like a horror feature, but it's really not. It's more like a nod to the old hippie song "Live for Today," because the kids aren't promised a tomorrow, so why not do what you want today? I say kids, but the rest of the senior class is mere window dressing; our story is firmly about our featured couple, luckily played with great fervor by Katherine Langford and Charlie Plummer. We're not looking at great depth, but it's a sweet romance, mildly thought provoking, and nakedly honest look at young adult awakening, and life is general. We could all remember to enjoy more of today, and worry less about tomorrow. Recommended.
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