If you are hoping the show redeems itself, you can abandon hope here
19 February 2023
No spoilers: The show is just poorly written. Tired jokes. I think this episode makes it the most obvious that they didn't need to tie this to the Scooby Doo IP at all.

All the humor here is supposed to be 'biting' and 'adult' but it's like the Zima of adult drinks. It's what a child thinks adult humor would be.

The joke pool here is extremely shallow and they go to the same stock over and over again.

The best part of this episode (and maybe the show in general) are some of the visual gags. Some of those are pretty amusing, but again, it would have been about the same if it was using the Scooby IP or not. This show should have just done its own thing and not tried to tie anything to an existing IP.
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