How to Put Up Scaffolding
31 December 2022
I am sure there is a lot of scaffolding in New York city. Not sure if I have noticed it too much myself when I have visited New York.

Since the early 1980s, local city laws have meant that all building facades have to be regularly inspected after falling debris killed a passer by.

The result, scaffolders have been doing booming business. It is not so good news if you are a resident whose life is blighted with scaffolding blocking your view.

It can be there nor for weeks but months, even years.

John Wilson investigates all you want to know about scaffolding and more. He even examines alternatives to scaffolding, something more aesthetically pleasing.

Not living on New York, I quickly figured this was not for me. It actually felt like a serious investigation to me. Maybe John Wilson has a vested interest.
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