United Shades of America (2016–2022)
Another privileged man lecturing about his perceived shortcomings
20 December 2022
Aside from a few witty jokes, this is merely a continuation of a lecture of perceived grievances. It's a one sided rant about how bad some have it, while ignoring the fact that the same people he supposedly champions are themselves the root cause of their own issues. This is the TV equivalent of an ostrich sticking it's head in the ground and ignoring the real issues, it's not visionary, it's a giant puff piece put out by corporate mainstream media to garner sympathy. It seems the end goal of this disaster is to get people to feel sorry for criminals and thugs, it does live up to the name of his other show, Totally Biased, as he only has one point of view, and that is of his own posterior, if it weren't for CNN, this guy would be telling jokes in a subway.
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