Review of Serial Lover

Serial Lover (2022)
a 4 for the 4 women a 0 for the writing
8 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How can 2 women write such a superficial drivel based on internalized misogyny, 4 women that fall in love with we are supposed to believe is an irresistible man, lol he just has to smile at them and they are smitten, of course a woman secretly longs for a man to take care of her, lol and one even commits suicide over him, the man is a genius, in minutes he finds out what he needs to know about all of them, knows exactly where they are at any time, has knowledge about prescription drugs, he uses on a nurse, lol knows everything about IT and social media, lol lol lol knows how to have everybody talk to him about their inner most secrets even his father in law, and he knows how to get the man arrested or close, lol lol lol he finds out who's the women's attorney and knows exactly what taxi at what time and where she is going to take it, how convenient she doesn't have her own car, drivel drivel on the wall who am i fooling most of all? The women are so deeply in love with him even after he ruined their lives lol lol lol but hey he got convicted yay le sigh there is no context, no perspective, women even successful ones fall for a sort of gigolo after one smile, no just no STOP just STOP.

But the worst part is why the 'poor lad' turned out this way : an 18y old girl was pregnant with him and didn't keep him, of course it is a woman's fault, who could have guessed : i mean it STOP.
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