Good show, could be better, but still fun!
16 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show is definitely a new and potentially interesting take on transformers. It's interesting how they incorporate a current plot based in a world where transformers are already a phenomenon and have their own fame.

Pros: Fun cameos, some REALLY good one-liners, and I loved Megatron & his development. You really get to see the dynamic between two leaders who have banded together under a promise of equality, but only one is truly being treated as an equal.

I thought there were definitely some really good concepts that could potentially be explored in the future.

Cons: It was a little bit too cheesy sometimes for me, and I definitely cringed a couple times.

I felt like most of the middle episodes were just fluff, you honestly could skip them after the first two and then resume on ep 7 or 8 and be perfectly okay.

Overall, it definitely has some re-watch value, though not a lot. I really hope they dig more into the Decepticon side in the future.
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