Warframe (2013 Video Game)
Excellent world, game, story and characters but a lot of grindwork required to get there
12 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My expectations adjusted rapidly with warframe, I had only started playing it because it was free and some friends had played it, the game works well as both single player and multiplayer, early on in the game was a lot of grindwork and repetitive mission structures and although the setting was kind of intriguing and the gameplay was fun and there were a few memorable performances (usually a lot of the antagonists, Vay Hek, Alad V, Tyl Regor, etc. All had wonderful chaotic performances) there was a lot of repetition and grindwork and I kind of aimlessly continued while my interest faded

Until I started The Second Dream, that was the point where the game and the story began to feel a lot more polished and fulfilling, the main character, the tenno, had merely been a vessel for completing objectives up until that point where we form an emotional bond with them and see them at their most vulnerable, and the second dream left a large impact on me as a person if I'm honest, despite the frustrating grind to get there it was well worth it and I'm glad that the moment had not been spoiled for me

All subsequent quests such as the war within, the new war, etc. Had followed this trend of being more cinematic, more emotional and more character-driven, but again they required a lot of grindwork and repetitive missions to get there.

There's almost no limit to this game, it's always being updated and expanded to add new features, and while the graphics may be dated in some aspects and not up to current AAA standards, they hold up extraordinarily well for a game released in 2013 and the art style is very strong, the developers are clearly still very passionate about Warframe as a project and intend to tell meaningful, important stories with it, and I'm glad they've stayed so dedicated to it.

Also probably some of the most customisation I've seen in a game.
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