Homemade Love Story (2020–2021)
Good but has some really irritating characters
22 October 2022
All in all this is a nice easy to watch (if not excessively long) drama with some interesting and funny stories, however there are some of the most irritating characters ever invented in this, such as the most selfish, self centred, entitled, egotistic, narcissistic character called Seo-a. She does really bad things and never gets punished or learns from them, just giving her more excuse to do more dirty, self-serving deeds. She's seriously unhinged and needs therapy - it's stated so often by everyone you have to wonder why they don't drag her away or even punish her, ever. It's really at the point you just want to fast forward through her unhinged scenes (which is all of them).

Some cute actors, some good actors, a set that really looks like a sound stage most of the time and a fairly interesting storyline somehow works and I'll keep watching. Just not... her.
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