Into the Deep (2020)
Compelling case but could be condensed into a much shorter show
11 October 2022
I didn't know the case beforehand and haven't looked further in to it subsequently so i cannot comment on the accuracy of the documentary and whether key information has been missed or excluded but overall it's an okay documentary, that does cover the accused in detail and ticks all the boxes in terms of explaining how he had means, motive and opportunity that said it feels very dragged out to cover a 90 minute time frame.

The case instantly grabs your attention in building up a mystery. A fairly well known inventor and a journalist are onboard a submarine, which disappears (found wrecked, sort of) and the journalist is reported missing but it becomes very clear that there is only one person of interest in this case and although he doesn't outright say it, the fact he changes his story so often based on the evidence he is confronted with, almost certainly confirms his actions.

Very little is told about the victim, other than she was a journalist who was moving the following week. The documentary spends most of its time covering the accused through the use of interviews and talking about his background developing submarines and rockets.

It's only really revealed late on what his motivations for committing the crime were and how psychologically messed up he was (could have revealed this stuff earlier, as you spend most of the documentary wondering why? Why did he do this? Was it planned? Etc. But i guess there would be no reason to continue watching i guess).
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