The dreams of a narcissistic salesman who believes he is the greatest businessman alive...
27 September 2022
I watched most of this show shaking my head (thinking - SERIOUSLY!????) waiting for the sheep like followers of this man and his wife to wake up, but it didn't happen (WTF!)

His growth obsession reminded me of some of the women you see who have implants WAaay too big for their frame and you just think FAKE...WHY....what were you thinking! ???????

The scene with the glass in his office tells yo all you need to know...

I won't even comment on his wife's obsession with amounting to something in her own right as I will no doubt offend to many people...

In short, it's an interesting show based on true events (the truth can be stranger than fiction) but like others have already said, it's too long, but finishes way too quickly at the same time.

I can't knock this couple, they're billionares FFS; they're the epitome of daring to dream (which we could all bebefit from in small doses) it's just these guys don't seem to have consciences about who they leave in their wakes achieving said dreams constantly spouting We, we, we when it's really just... "ME"
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