The Paedophile Hunter (2014 TV Movie)
To the point, on the nose, and honest
19 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Paedophile Hunter is a little weird as documentaries go. Coming in at just over an hour. It cuts straight to the chase and explains who the hunters are and how they go about their work. Interspersed between footage of "nonces" being apprehended and questioned, are segments of Jim Gamble and DC Jonathan Taylor explaining that no laws are being broken but that this kind of approach is dangerous to the perpetrators and their families. One particular case that ended in suicide is then raised, and then it's all over.

This is one documentary that doesn't attempt to sway the argument in any particular direction, which is how all documentaries should be. It just presents the facts through snippets of interviews and actual footage, provides some opposing opinions, and then leaves the viewer to decide.

Short and sweet.
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