The best episode so far.
18 September 2022
This reboot couldn't capture the magic of the original series. And they failed at making the kids stuff as good as the grown ups. Which is why this episode is so good. It focuses more on the parents and professors, and that was a real treat. The way they are portrayed, has a soft parody feel to the OG series, which prevents this 2.0 version to completely fall flat. Had the « heroes » bickering and sleeping around, been the only juicy stuffs happening. The Julien and Zoya feud is so typical of sisters, it's bland and annoying. And can't capture Serena and Blair's frenemy aura. But the fathers baggage they share, make up for it. The rest is ok, and free of woke cringe, in this episode at least. Yet this new version seems to be suffering the same thing as other reboots. When it's biting off more than it can chew.
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